Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 a. Aís..Expofttion stpon the Book,of J o c. Verf. 22. flatteries as well as any falfities and errors of do rive, Whether refpe&ing faith or worihip, are that untempered marten, of and againft which the Prophet fpeakes in the fame Chapter (v. t o. - 15. ) wherewith fome daubed that wall of vaine confidence. which others built, while the treduced the people, . faying, peace, avid ti;ere was no peace. Howoften doe the truePro2heçs warne the people againft thefe flatteries of the f llfeProphets. And how fadly loth the ProphetJeremy bewaiie them (Lam: a. 14: ) Thy Prophets haveBeene vaineand foolifh thingsfor thee, and theyhave not dtfcovered thine iniquity,to turneaway thy captivity ; but have Beenefor theefal fe hardens, and canfes of banifitment ; that is, the vifions Which they have feene, they pretend, at leaft, to have had froñiIsod, but they are their ovine dreames and brain-tick phan- lies, and fo the carafe ofthy banifhment ; they have undone thee with thefe deceits, foothing thee up in thofe thy tins, which pro cured thy banit1 nienr, and caufed the Lord to thrutt thee our, and fend thee farre away from thine ovine Land. They have fed, yea,filled thee with false hopes, till thy' condition was hope- leiTe.f-lowmany thoufands have been deftrcyed by flatteries both for her and for ever. And ifflattery be fo dangerous to the re- ceiver , then Secondly , Ít mull needs be much more dangerous to the gi- ver. it is no final' fin to palliate or cover the fins of others ; But Tt,n'leve P- it isa farre greater fin to commend the fins of o}here, or to corn- he' e.// veri- Mend othersin their fin. And we may take the meafure of this tmateriliare. fin by the punitl-ment of it. When we heàre the Lord threat- ning flatterers-with fuddainedeftruc}ion, doth knot ,proclairne to all the world, that their fin is, full of provocation ? The Lord bearer long with many forts of iìnners , but not. with (inners'of this fort. My maker wè rid foone take me away. acs 137 Whence note, Secondly. God can crake gssic4e di(patch with fmfrs, As the, grace of God towards finders, fo wrath needenoNefcit tarde long time inpreparations. When we defigne great adtions, We moiixzina fpi- mull rake time to ft our felves. Princes muït have time to let Titus fan£ii out an Army or a Navy, when they would eitherdefend them- grater, --fives againit, or revenge themfelves upon their enemies; But God canprefentlÿ proceed to action , yea to execution. He that T made