Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

;. 168 Chap. 330.1 .An Expofation upon the Boob_ of o B. Verf.4. againft Tome Law of God. And if to be finned againfi in flriót fence, be proper to God only ; then the argument (lands good, that the Holy Spirit is God, becaufe he is finned againfl ; efpeci- ally, if .we-confider, that there is 4'uch an Emphasis pût upon fin- ning agiinil the holy Ghat in the holy Scripture ( more if potli- ble then upen finning againft theFather, or the Son) (Math: t a. 3 t . ) wherefore, 'fay unto you (faith Chrifl) All manner offin and;blafpherny fhall-be forgiven unto men, but the blafphemy againfi theholy Ghofi (hall not beforgivenunto men ; As if he had laid, Though you fin againfl the Father, and the Son, it shall be forgi- ven you,°but if you fin againft the holy Ghofhit (hall not be for- given either in this world or in the world to come ; that is, it shall never be forgiven. Seeing then there is more in finning a- gainft the holy Ghoft then againft the Father, or theSon, who are God, the holy Gho1 mull needs be God. For though there is nodegree or graduali difference in the deity, each perfon being coet'ernàli, coequall, and confubflantiall ; yet the Scriptureattri- butes more in that cafe, as to the poynt offinning agawfl the ho- ly Ghofi, then to finning agàinfl the Father, or the Son.; there- fore certainly theholy Ghofl is God. Laflly , The holy Ghofl is the objeaofdivine worflaip ; are not we baptized in the Name of theFather, Son, and holyGhos`f Is the Father, and the Son God, and the holy Ghofi not God, who is joyned with them in the fame honour ? Shall a creature come in competition wish God.? And Both not the Scripture or wordof God,dire& us topra for grace from the Spirit aswell as from the Father or the Son ? (a Cor: t 3.13. Rev: t. 4.) Thus we fee how full the Scripture is in giving the glory of the fame workes upon us, and of the fame worflüp from us to the Spirit, as to the Father and the Son : And therefore from all thefe pre- mifes we may conclude, That the Holy-Ghoft with the Father and the Son, is God hleffed and to be glorified for evermore. The Spirit ofGod bathmade me, . Spiritur ex ore The wordscarry an allufion ( as Interpreters generally agree ) ,fgreg enr, that of Moles defcribing the creation of man ( Gen: ) forflatus ani- and the LordGod formed man out ofthe duff of the earth , and lma iistoihis neftrills the breath -of life and man became a !i- ncat fialitem, Jar_mefonymi- vtng and the breath of the Almighty ha:h givenmelife.