Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

To the Chrií'ian Reader. fo the trie wifdome of godly men is no privi- ledge again the Soveraigne power ofGod in of Hiring them. And thereforeJob , though truely wife in heart, muff not looke for any fuch re- fpe5l fromGodas to be itntoucht by or priviledg'd from a f li5iion. For the clofe of all,wemay fumme up the whole fcope of Elihu's under-taking with Job , yea of the whole Booke of yob in thefe fix poynts or propofitions. Firit , No man can Hand before God in his owne perfonall righteoufnefs. Secondly , How righteous foever any perfon is , yet the Lord. may af li6i. and breake' him in what way and in what degree bimfelfe thinkes fit. Thirdly , God bath moll wife and gracious aymes in a f iüing his r,ighteousfervants. Fourthly, His mol righteous fervants may not take the liberty, to complaine as if they. were wrong'd , or as ifGod were either rigorous or un. righteous in the leafl, how much or how long fo. ever they are ali6led. Fifthly; There is, nothing gotten by complain. ing orflriving underthe afiliCiing hand of God; and therefore Sixthly , ''i'is be for us or our wifes`Z way when