Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

u To the Chriflian Reader. The fcope of Elihu in that long and learned Phi_ lotrphicall LeUure was to teach and a_ fore job, that, God who caufeth and difpofth thofe vari- ous alterations and terrible impreffions in theayre, both for the humbling andbenefiting ofman, doth muchmorebothfend and over-rule all thofe chan- ges - aßliaioni which befall thefont ofmen,here oncaith,to humble them do themgood.Andfur- ther to affure o him, that ifman be not able togivea reafo.n of thofe workes of God in na- ture, but isoftengravel'd andforced to fit downe in a f lent admiration ; then furely man is much lefeable tofathome the depth ofGodspurpofes in all the workes ofhisprovidence,but mutt inmany ofthem onlyfit downe quietly andfubmit;For (as Elihu concluded) fromthefepremifes (Chap: 37. 2 ,3)24. )Touching theAlmightywe cannot find him out, he is Excellent in power and in judge- ment, and in plenty of Juflice he will not af- fl;er, (either caufelefly or more then needs, though we feldome fee the caufes or acknowledge the need ofhis a li5iions) men doe (that is, they ought therefore feare him ; and if any are fo proud andhigh in their owne thoughts that they doe not, at theirperill be it , for he refpeaeth not any that are wife in heart ; that is , as the carnal wifdome ofworldly men cannot be a barre, fo