Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 a . An Expofation upon the Bookof o s. Verf. z. 2 'I Good man found no refs ; his three friends had their Saboth, they ceafed or retied from the difpute, but Pbwas at week- day labour flill , attending the words of this angry moderator. M. Broughton renders, The anger of Elihuwas in choler. Anger is hot, but his anger was heate, or at leali his anger was Neared, yea it was not only heated as at the fire , but kindled like a fire. Then was kindled the wrath of Eliten. Anger is a fire ; and ( as Solomon faith) can a man take fire in philofopht ¡iä his bofome, andnor beburned ? fo I may fly , can aman carry anger /pa- in his bofom, and not burne himfelfe, if not others with it ? And To> fa iunt,0i- as fire is blowne up by bellOwes , fo is anger by provocation, virus affe£ìüum The anger of God is exprefied in a heat ( Deut. 29. 24.) what ut res phcanta- meaneth the heat ofthis great anger ( ver. 20. ) 7heanger of the fie imprimirur, Lordand his jealoufie(hall frnoke againfl thatman. And ( Pfal. 2. itaJlürituscom- sz.) Ifhis wrath bekindled but a little, &c. The Lail fparklings me damvetde. of it are terrible. The anger ofGod is a moli dreadful! fire ; and peYendam. the anger of man hath much dreadin it. We have need to look Coc: to our pailions. Fire isgood, but it mull: be kept in its due place ; fire on the hearth,fire in the chimney is good, but fire in the roof, or among the houfbold fluff confumeth all. There is (as I may fay) an hearth for anger where it will doe nohurt. Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu the fon ofBarachel. Thereare manyqueflions about this perfon among the learned; It would be too great a diverfion, and poffblyan unprofitable one to flay upon them. We have him here defcribed, Firfr, by his name. The Hebrew Etymologif+s fay, This proper name Elihu fignifieth, He is myGod, or my God ss he. And as he is defcribed by his name, fo by his nativity or parentage Elihu the fon of Earache' the Buzite of the kindred of Ram. His Fathers naine Barachel, lignifies in the Hebrew, one whom Gig bath bleffed, or, the bleffîng ofGod. The fons name was, my God is the Lord. And the fathers name was, the bleffîng ofGod, or, one whom God hath bleffed. Wemaÿnote apiece of holy de- votion in the old fathers in giving fignificant names to their children. And furely it Maybeof much nfe to give our children C a good