Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

38 Chop., 3z. An Exla`tion sspon the Book,of j o B. Vetf. 4. world,- bear at lafi a 1hadavy Of the eternity of God'who isTGe asciant ¡ifdadcr, who lives' and abides forever. There is a two- fold flarnpe of (god upon oldmen, More then upon other men, Fitfl their very age bath a (tamp of God upon. it, for thoughall a- gec yut rogether,are not a moment to eteruity,.yet,as to our coU- putati in and reckoning, old age beares the faire(: imageof eter- nity,: Secondly, old men bear a refemblance ofGod in their wif- donee, ('ris to be fiippàfed that the olden are wilefl, as £1.4{.ass iioaks V, 7.) 5'o thenold menare tobe reverenced not only for eris tie,rit Ir their precedence in time,bur for, theitexperience,wifdome;knot fug abannis. ledge and prudence, all which reprefent themmore like to-God then younger then. Secondly, Look to the fpedall way wherein Elihu (hewed reverence to his Elders, even by his long-filence ; he did not . rudely nor rashly breake into difcourfe, butwaited till they had done. This modefly of Ehhu is both-commendable. and imitable, who would fay nothing as longe as obor any of his :friends had h1ìì.: in hoc a any thing to fay, becaufe they were -elder then he. As the light lruetiíaipubuuo- of nature teacheth reverence to the aged in all cafes,fo morepar- concertationi- titularly, in this. There Chines ( as to this poynt an admirable ósNgravitas et comlineffe' in the difpntes Ofthe Ancients, and a mofl eminent flupendum in- example of order inviolably kept both inpropoing and anfweriitg., viodabilirerfey- Their rule or maxime was, Let theSeniors fpeab`e, let the yuniers i 9ndendo hiar, Let Old men teach, let oovo men learne. It, is the no-e ofá ac refpondendo young ordina exem- learned Commentator upon this place from what himfelfe had plum. Bold. obferved. Lïving ( faith he) once at Paris inFrance, where, in a .niajores tutu Ivlonaflery, three Indians were- brought up and in(lrti ledin the loguannniunic- Chrifiian Religion, I could not but admire to behold how 'íludt- resaudiant oufly,and Ilri¿%ly they kept to the Lawes of (peaking, theyounger s esdoce:rnt, a nor otl:ering a Word ìill the Elder had done ; The praeice.ofthefe vane; his dolefeentes eV s`rdrans brought with them out of Heathetiìfine 'may reprove the her- rimadifciplinae imprudence ofrnniy, yeathe impudence of young men a- fententia.Drug mong us, wlio will be firli in talk,- when their betters and elders are in place ; The Prophet threatned this as -a great judgment (fra. 3. 5. ) 7 ó e rl ild (hall behave himíél fprosidly alaisfi the eient. The child is not ,ro he takenbere ílri sly, but forany inferi dur inage,though poflibly hirofelfbe arrived to the flare Of man- hood. As ifthe Prophet hadPaid, there fhall be a general] confu- iionamong aí1 degrees of men, without refpeCT had to agé or place