Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

n 6 Chap. 3 S. an Ea'pofrtioro sapox the B00%, of J Verf.t g. darker with us ; God can make a night fo dark, that the former darknefs may be called light ; God canadd fo much bitternefs to that which is very bitter, ín muchweight to that burden of af- fcition, hich is already very heavy,. that the former bitter may be called fwe"er, and that former weight of alfliaion, light: Are any too , rick, or pained, God can make them p;orer,ftcker, and 1 - fo encreafe chair paine, that former poverty, ficknefs, paine, may go for richer, health, and cafe. And as prefent fufferings of one kind or ocher, are but little to what they may be, fo they are but tie to what we have deferved they fhould be : The leafs mercy is tatwe than we deferve, and the.greateft afiliaion is lets than we ]Er r..."_ . u :a deferve. He bath vifited thee little or nothing, (fo the word is ) rant eft good faith Elrhee, according to this reading of the Text. The Lord hash 2:fitatit ira b TO. Dru. not only not vifited thee too much,0 74, , but he may be faid ,not tohave vifited thee at all, or the All of thy vifto ion is nothing to that which the Lord could have brought upon thee. David gives a general atferrion near this concerning the dealings of the Lord, in his angry difpenfations, (Tfal. ro 3. r o.) He hatb not dealt with to after ourfins, nor rewarded tsa according to our iniquities that is, our fins and our iniquities might have born out the Juflice of God in layingheavier evils and troubles uponus, than yet he bath done. Sinners never have their full punihm_nt till they come to hell. As the fweeteft joyes and ftrongefi confolations tthich the godly find and feel onearth, are only tails and firfi- fruits of that they (hall have in heaven ; fo all the forrows an lutferings of the nicked in this world, arebut talcs, light touches andbeginnings of forrow, compared wi h thepains and forrows of the next world, where tanners shall be_ payd their wages in full. Vtromq;vifi- Secondly , From the latterpart of the verfe thus tranflared, tandi drrecen- Neither bath he made aiaygreat ixgxiftion; that is, he harh.not, fendi vel cog- taken firm} knowledge of thy fins, though a multitude, though nofcendi vet- even pall number ; though there be abundance of them, and they bum inhoe loco- judics velria- abounding in finfulnefs, yet he bath not made any great inquifiti- grfiratii inpec- on after them; tatoresanimad- i erfionem in- Hence Note ; guifitionem pu. The Lord doh not leveret, mark thefnsof his people, no not ritionn conjun- the multitude nor rkaagnitude._oftheirftns,topitnii% them. £lug importat. (Plat.