Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3 ç. an Expofition upon the Bookof JO a. Verf. 15. (Pfa1.130. 3.) If thou Lord fhouldefmark,ìntgaity, implying that the Lord cloth net mark (in the fenfe here intended) tf those fhouldef mark iniquity) OLord, who 'hallHand? Theword in that Pfalm rendred tomark, notes, firft,towatch, or toobferve with exadeft diligence, and is therefore in the Noun rendred a watch Tower, upon which a man is placed to take obfervation of all things that are done, and of all perfons that pafle by, or ap- proach and come reer. A Watch-man placed upon a high -Tow- er, is bound induftrioufly and critically toebferve all Pafiengers, and paffages, all that his eye can reach : So faith the Text, If thou thouldeR mark as aWatch-man, and eye with rigour every thing that paffeth from us, Who cotald f and ? That is, make good his Caufe in the day of his judgement and tryal before thee ? Secondly, The word fignifieth to keep in mind,to layup,tohave, as it were, aflore and Rock, amemorial or record, of fach and fuch things by us. In that notion it is faid (Gen. 37.1 1.)fofepht Brethren envied biro, but his Father obferved theraying; he mark- ed what Tofeph ipake about his Dreams, he laid it up, and did not let it paffe away as a D eam, or as vifion of the night : Thus in the 'pfalm, If the Lord fhould mark iniquity, if he fhould trea- fure upour fins in his memory, and keep themby him, who were able tofandwhen accounted with ; The Lord in a way of grace, feethas if he fawnor, and winks at us oftentimes whenwe do amifs, as he is faid tohave doneat chofe times, the timesof ig- norance, whennot only many things, but even every thingwas done amifs, and out of order, in the darkGentile world, before the approach of Gofpel light, (Ans 17. 3o.) And the rimes of this ignoranceGod winkedat, but new commandeth all men every where to repent. That is, the Lord took little notice of chofe un- taught times, in comparifon of that Rrid notice which he will take ofthefe times concerning which, he gave command to his ApoRfes, go and teach all Nations ; and yet the flridefl notice which he takes of our fins in thefe times, is but little to what he might. So much from that Tranflatiolaof the Text ; our own runs thus.. Verf. 15. But now becaufeit le notAbebath vifited in histcng,- er ; yet heknench it Net togreat extremity. We 117