Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

!titap. 3 5. an E,í p,frticn up®a the Bockof J on) Verf. L ç. t repent not of their fins uitider the punifhing hand o` God, he will punifh them more and nfore, even feven titres more for their fins, (Levi:. 26. 41.) só when good men ael not their Grace, believe not, trua not under the iqffaing hand of God, he,uFual- ly afflieis them more and more, gives.t,hem roarer flripes,and lay- ette yet heavier, burdens on them. Wh.n God mi(feth what he lock'dfor, we may quickly feel whar we looked not for. Mr. Braughtons Tranflation (peaks the Poinc fully, Bat nowfor miffi ,r, his anger drth viJit, Mm feldome miffed.) from God , when God milfeth duty fromman ; and 'cis a Me cy that he dotia not: 'tis mans mercy when God minds°hien o' his deficiencies in duty, though by a finartvifiting rod. Thus the Lord fu,ke of Davids Seed, (and 'Lis to be urderllood of all the Seed ofChri f}, whom David typed, Pfal. 89.) Ifhis children forfare my Law, (v.3oi 31.) Then(verf. ;z.) willI vi fit their tranj ref, tes with the R9d, &c. How true this charge of Elihu was , as e9 70 s o- rri;fon of duy, I fhall not (lay to-empire ; only this we know, j'eb hadprofeffed ctull in God, yet becaufe it was mingL d with fo much complaint , with fo many_unbelieving expo(tularioni, Elihre might fay the Lord miffed the patience, trua and confi- dence, which he expected from 3 y. , Doubtleffe,, more of all there fhould have appeared in him, and thèy fhould haveappear- ed more in that timeof afflielion. There are two things which God looketh for, and aims at in the time of our rfThetion ; firfl, the mortifyingof corruptions, that they, work no more , at lealt no more fo flrongly as they have done ; fecondly, The furring up, and s ling of our Graces, that they may be mo-e working, and work More flrongly thanever they have done. Where the Lord feesnor thefe effect &s of affliaion, that our fins grow leffe, and our graces more; that we complain leffe, and tru(l or be- lievemore, we are' like tobe afilietedmore, and he will discover his angerMote. 'Becan/e it is nett, hebath vifitedin his anger., And thence Note, Thirdly ; Diflrufl er impatience under the fl EFirghandcfGod, er our net trufiingGad in our ieorJll cond.tienpatient y, is avery provo- k ngfsn. i We provoke the Lord to tß in his anger, when Lve R