Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

1 2 0 drenastakeupche evil examples, or tread in the bad fteps of their fore-Fathers, lhall fuflfer for it. The Prophet at once up* braided the impudent Jews, and threatned them in this Language, ( Jer, 6. i 5.) Were they afhamedwhen they had committed abominations ? nay, they were hot afhamed, neither could they blufh ;therefore theyfhali fall amongthemthat fall at the timeyhat I vifit them,they j.halt beeafl down, faith the Lord.h.gzm)(lpi.2,6. 14.) Therefore hafi.thouvffited and deftroyed theni.The.TQ is a vifi*. tation for deftrudtion, that’s a fadvifitarioa. Inthis fenfe we read ofa time of vifitation(Jer,#. 12. 15.) Wereadofdays ofvifitation, (Hefeag. 7.) The dayes ofvifitation are come, the dayes ofrecompense are Come. We readalfo of a year of vifitation, (Jer. 23.12.) For Twill bring eviluponthem, even the year oftheir vifitation, faith theLori. As alfo (Chap. 11 .23 .) / will 'bringevil uponthe menofjinatboth, even theyear oftheir, vifitat1-- on. This is the vifitation here fpoken of;, it is atime, a day, a yearbffore vifitation with thee,Qjob. Became it is notfo,he hath vifited in his anger. Hence Note, Firft, CjodcxpeHs the work. ofFaith andPatience, when his affixing handis uponits. Faith hathmuch work to'do at all time?, but moft in times of alflidtion. There is alfoa ufe of two forts of patience in our beft dayes; the patience of labouringinGods work, and the-patience of waiting for the rewardof our work, after all our labours : But in faddayes the Lordexpects we fhould exercife bothpatience in fuffering, and in waiting for deliverance out of all our fuffer- ings ; then ’tis that bothFaith andPatience,trufting andwaiting mutthave their perfedt work. SecondlyNote; When the Lorddoth notfind orfee, as he exfeEls, the workjif Faith andPatienceina time ofaff. {lion, he will affiU more andmoreuntilhefinds orworkj it. This is it whichRlihufaith inthe Text, Becaufe it is notfi>, he hath vifittedinhis anger. Jobwas forely afflicted before, but now he is vifited in anger, becaufe he did not manifeftfuch truft in God ashe expedted in that condition. As when the wicked repent Chap. 35. t/4* Exptfitiouuponthe BoolPof J 0 *. Verf. 15.