Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap.,; S. vim expofition upon the Boos;, of J o s. Verf. 3. z7 of found exprefly in the HebrewText; And the word in our Tranflarion rendred fin, fignihìeth allo punifhment or fofferi7, which is the fruit or effect of fin. So that according to t his read- ing, Eats in chele words prevents an objeótion,which jobmight take occafion to make from what he had laid, or wifhed rather, at the 36th verfe of the former Chapter. My de!ire is that job may de tryed nrto the end ; That is, further afflieled, ora1Hí6ted to the utmofì. Againil this defire of Elihu, job is by him fuppofed ma- kinghis exception, or objeCîion, in this verfe ; As if hehad laid, Why doefl thou, or what realm haft thou to defire that I should be yet again tryed by afiliétion? What, I pray, would that profit me, if I wereaided yet moreand tiro:e ? Cati the rutfering of evil do me good, or make me better ? To this objection, Elihu gives anfwer in the next verfe, and chofe which follow to the ninth ; and he doth it (asthe Alferter of this Interpret; eon judg- eth ) by this Dilemma. Thy afiCltions would profit either God or thy felf (feeingGod doth nothing in vaine ); but neither thy fufferings, howgrievous foever,nor thydoing, how righteous fo- ever, canprofit God, no more than thy fins or evil doings can damageGod ; therefore it remains, that ifGodafiii& thee fur- ther, it will be (if thou haft aheart to improve it) for thy profit. This reading,and the fenfe anfing from it, is much infilted on; but as the former is very harsh, fo I conceive , this latter is very dark and intricate, and grounded upon the fuppofition of an ob jeetion very remote,or not eafily to be fuggeíled in t his di courfe. And therefore to avoyd both my own and the readers unneceffary trouble, I (hall take the Text, asit Bands in our Tranfation, and offer fomewhat for infirudtion from it. How great finfulnefs there is in Paying , There is no profit in the ways of Clod, I have (hewed at the a c th Chap. verf. , tth, and Chap. 34th verf. g. So that referring the Reader thither, I {hall here giveonly this Note. It is veryfir,ful tofay, we fiallget no advantage by leavingfin. We may well put thenkpoflles queftion ( Rom. 6. z i .) toour felves, what frupt have we in thole things whereof we are now a- fttmed? What benefit have we got by pollutingour felves with fin ? .,But how vaine a queflion is it to fay,u'hat profit lhave, D irf e