Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap, 38. An ,Expoftion upon the Bool,.of J o B. Verf. 7. firth verfe ( chap. 6. ) They receive net thegraceof god in vain. All MiniRers fhould be workers together :As 411 the Angeli were f: gers together , and !hooters together ; fo the Mmiliers of Ghnth fhould be workers together. That which is the work of one, is the work of themall , and they fhould all joyn in ir. And hors fad is ir, to fee thofe who call themfelves , and would be ac- counted the Sons of God , divided in their work andwayl when one rejoyceth in that which to another is caufe of mourning ; when one mans meat is (as we fpeak proverbially. ) another mane poyfon ; or one mans comfort , another mans grief ? Howma ny are there whocannot joyn in rejoycing and thanksgiving for works of God ( I mean Providential Works) as eminent in their kind, as the Creation Work , or the laying of the founda- tions of the Ea th ? That will be a bleffed day , when we (hall fee the full eft& of that prophefie (Zeph. 3. 9.) Then will I (faith the Lord) tarn to the people a pure (Lp or) Language,that they may all call upon the Name of the Lord, with one content or ¡boulder. Here's a ptomife of all as one, and of all with one confenr, (boulder, inward, outward man , affociated in prayer, or calling upon the Name of the Lord ; which by a Synechdoche, includes all the parts , and takes in the whole compafs of the wor- (hip of God. The accomplifhment of this prophetic, was the fcope of Apo(îolical Prayer ('gym. t 5. 5,6.)Now the God ofpati- enceand confolation,grant you to be like mended one towards another; according to, or (as the Marginhat it) after the exampleofChrifi< f e fit ; that yemay with one mind ,'and with one mouth , glorifie God , even the Father of oar Lord ye*Chrifi. All the Sons of God in the Text were of one mind, and had (as it were) but one mouth , the joy of one was the joy of them all. All the Sons of God onEarth have this principle in them , to re Joyce in God, and to magnifie God for his mercy; onely all have not the fame light : They that have not an habitual principle in them, topraife God in and for his works, are not of his family ; they are not worthy to be reckoned Sons of God,who have nor a readinefs, or prefent difpotition in them, to joyn with all, or with anyof his true Sons , in (baiting for joy at his gracious appearances in his mighty works of mercy; as alto in humbling themfelves toge- ther with them, at the terrible appearances of his dreadful works of Judgement, or at the ufwal prognoflicks or fore -runners of them. train,