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AN EXPOSITION WITH Pra&ical Obiervations CONTINUED UPON The Thirty -eighth , Thirty ninth, Fortieth, Forty-firt , andForty -fecond (being the five lait) Chapters of the Book JOB: Being the Subftance of Fifty-.two Lectures or Meditations. By 7o S E P H CA RYL, Minií'rer oftheGofpel. JA M E S 5.11. re have beard of the patience of Job, and have feen the end of the Lord, that the Lord ispitiful, andoftender mercy. LONDON, Printed by M. and s. Simmons, and are tobe fold by Robert Boulier at the Turks-beadnearthe Rayai Exchage. 1666.

*VW!#4r ,:;: r.!_!#0rNlillcli,löl#ll 5.MMVO 04044á;P*0 TO THE Chriaian Reader: T Thofe efpecially of the City of London, who have been T H E PROMOTERS Ofthis WORK. SIRS, H E end of a thing ( faith Solomon, Eccl, 7, 8.) is better than the beginning thereof. Not that all things end better than they begin:fame per- fons begin well, andforne things are begun well, which end, and areendednot fowell, that Ifay not very ill. A 2 Through

To the ChriftianReader. Through the All-difpofngprovidenceofGod, and the importunate call of not a fewworthy friends, I began this Work; and now, after twenty-four years travel, making twelveRa- ges (in fomany parts, the whole is comeforth) I am come to the end of it ; And truly, Imight juflly be reproved, at leaft, fordulnefs and indi- ligence, or counted a veryflow-pacedTraveller, hadIfilent that twenty-four years (the befi of my time and ftrength) ,-in meafuringfo fbort a journey. But, as Ihave this to fay towards an Apologyfor my over-longflay in thiswork,that Ihave hadfrequent diverfions, for a confìdera- ble part of that time, quite from it ; fo the whole time which I have [pent in it, bath been but a diverfion, or time (I hope,honeftly)ftoln, eitherfrommy reff, or from that which was my moreproper wer dnd, now that I have, at lafi, endedwhat I began, all that Ifhall fayof it, is, that I have endedit. Whether I began it well, or have ended it well, andwhether orno the end be better than thebeginning, is notfor me tofay. Should I fay, that I began it well, andhave ended it well, or that the end is better than thebeginning, it were a piece of »toff immodeft pride; andfhould I fay the contrary of both, or of either, it might de-

To the Chriftian Reader. defervedly be calledmore than apiece ofproud. eft modefly. Such as it is, from the beginning to the end, 'tis what my weaknefs, with the ftrengthof Chrift given in ; what my fmall in- duflrioufners, with the bleffing given down from above, couldattain unto. And I humbly give thanks to the Father of lights, fromwhom every good gift, andevery perfect gift cometh, for any light receivedor held out towards the underftandingofthis Book; in which (whofees not ? ) there are many things (as the Apoftle Peterfaith of Saint Pauls Epiftles) hard to be under-flood , fo hard to be underflood , that, though I am confident(through thegrace ofGod withme) I have not wrefted them to my own hurt, or the hurt (much lefr deftruclion) of' o. thers, (as'tis therefaid, the ignorant and un- flable do the other Scriptures, to their own deflruftion) yet I am no' t afiamed to aclçnow- ledge, that I fear I have not attained fo clear an underftanding about fomeof them, as to clear them (which bath been my defre) with fatis- faction to the underflanding of others. How- ever, ifwhat I have attained to, maybe in any meafure ferviceable to the Church of God, or helpful to any poor foul in an a f lieied condition ( filchwas Jobs) Ihave reached one great end aimed

Tè the Chriftian 'Reader. aimedat ; and ifGod have any glory by it, have reached the greateft endwhich canbe aim- edat. And though the world,fhouldbefound to havemany defe5ls, po f bly nri flakes, in it, yet the ingenuous Reader will candidly interpret them, or charitably cover them, knowing that failings are common to humane frailty, in the belt of men, how much more in the meanift of them"! And I(hall account it agreat kindnefs, if I may be friendly minded of thefe defeas; that fo, if ever any of thefe Pieces (hallbe ad- mitted to come out again, an amendment may bemade, and the Workgrow up to more perfe- 1ion. This le Part, now coming forth, contains the whole tranfallion ( from firfi to !aft) be- tween God and Job , none fpeaking but they two, and Job but very little. Elihu havingfi- ni t hisfpeech in the clofe of the thirtyfeventb Chapter, the Lord ',Unfelt appeared at the en- trance of the thirty eighth, in a Majeftick and tremendous manner, befpeaking Job out of a vehement and tempefluouswhirlwind ; and tak- ingup thefame argument which Elihu bad fo much infiftedupon before, for the conviEliouof Job, carrieth him in difcourfe, quite through the univerfe thereby farther to convince him , by the

To the Chriífian Reader. the view and confideration of his mighty and admirable worlds of creation and providence, how ignorant andwear,, hewas inhitnfelf, ho altogethersunable and incompetent to contend with God, and therefore how ra fT, and incori ide- rate he hadbeen, in notfubmi-tting (howgreat foever hisfufferings were) more quietly to him'. And, as Elihu f aid (Chap. 35. I . ) That God teacheth us more than the beans of the earth, and maketh us wifer than the fowls of Heaven : fo doubtlefs, one great fcope which the Lord bad in his eye throughout that dif courfe, was to teachJob, andwithhim ¡es, that . bis care was muchmore over him, and is over , than over the beáfis of the earth,, or the fowls of heaven. And hereupon having fhewed Bois own infinite power and wifdonn, as alfo his goodnefs and tender compaJans, inproviding for allforts of irrational living creatxres, .he left Job, and leaves us to make the Inference, how watchful he k over, bow, refpeciful to man, a rational as well as a living creature, Our blefedSaviourpreaching, upon the fame,fub4ei to his Disciples, expreffeth she Inference (Mat d. 26.) Behold the fowls of the air, for they fownot, neither do they reap, nor gather into barnN. yet your heavenly father feedçth them:

TotheChriftian Reader. them : are yenot muchbetter than they ? And again (verf. 3 o.) Wherefore if God focloath the grafs of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cart into the oven: (hall h4not much more cloathyou, O ye of little faith ? 7efiuus Chriff faw it neceffary a to make theft .exprefs ap. plications to his Difciples, who, at that time were both of littlefaith, and of little under- fianding. But here -the Lord left Job (awife andknowing man) to pickorfpell out his wean- ing, andmake application to himfelf, while he toldhimfo particularly, how his providence at onceaver - ruled&maintained,The roaringLion, thewild Goat, thewilde Afs,the ftubborn corn, the firongHorfe, themighty Behemoth among thebeafis of the earth the devouring Raven, the proud Peacock, the fooliíh Oftrich, the fwift wingedHawk, and the high-foaring Eagle, among thefowls of the air; as alfo, the formidable Leviathan, among, or rather repre- fenting all thefifhes of the Sea. Jobhaving withf#eddy, yet trembling atten- tion, heard all thefewords fpoken tohim, with irrefragable authority, by the Lord himfelf out of the whirlwind, fate down convinced , that Purely thegreat God, the Creator of the ends of the earth,who- hadfo exa5i an eye upon all thofe creatures,

To theChrif'danReader. creatures, both for the continuanceof theirfpe_ tiesor kinds, and the prefervation of their in dividuals or particulars, couldnot poffibly caft of the careof man-kind, nor of him in particu- lar, no nor put any man to anyhardfhip orfufer- ing, but for.fosnegreat end or ends, glorious al- ways to himfelf, and in the Omgood for the wife and patient fuf ferer. He vas al fo convin- ced, that himfelfnot well underftanding the nay- fteries ofprovidence (nor indeed could any more fully underftand them, than he did the spyfteries ofcreation,or the manner howGod laidthefoun- dationsof the earth, andPhut up the fea with doors ; he, Ifay, not well underftanding themy- ,cries of providence, was convinced that he) haddonevery ill, to make fuch long and loud complaints about it, that is, about the feverity ofGods dealings with him; as if like an enemy he intendedbina nothing but pain andforrow,by thepains andforrows whichhe endured. Thus, at laft, Job began to fee, that as being himfelfGods creature ; Godmight do with him what he pleated ; and, that God, being his abfoluteSave raign,conld not wronghim, what- everhe was pleated to do with him : fo that, forafmuch as God was fo carefulof, andkind to thole inferior,, reafonlefr creatures, there was b no

To theChriflian Reader. no fadow of a reafon, why he fbouldhave the leafl jealoufe of Gods kindnefs to him and re- gardo f him,much lefsmake ('itch an out-cry,that Godwas unkind to, and regardlefs of H int,whom he hadnot only ennobled, as the reft ofmankind, with reafon,but renewedbygrace,andfilled with theholy fear ofhis great and glorious name. Thefe imprejons being made upon Job, by the mightÿ power of God fpeaking to him out ofthewhirlwind, he prefently cryed out as fafl againft i himfel f, and againfi his own ignorance and ralhnefs , as he baddone before concerning the harlhnefs ofhis fufferings under the handof God ; confefng (chap. 4o. 4.) Behold, I ani vile, what (hall I anfwer thee ? And ( chap. 42. 3, 6.) I have uttered that I underflood not, things too wonderful for me, which I knew not ; wherefore, I abhor my felt and re- pent in duft and aches. Job being thug humbled and melted down, Job who was lately in thedull of di(honour and almo1 in the dull of death, being thus brought to the duft of repentance ; the Gardfufferedhim not to lye long there, but quickly railed him up out ofall hisfufferings ; and, paffing by all his mifPeakings, while fufferings lay heavy upon him, he (The Lord) paged fentence upon, or gave

To the Chriftian Reader. gave judgment againft Eliphaz and his two friends, as not having fpokenof him the thing that was right, as his fervant yob : and not only fo, but commanded themto do him right, by ac- knowledging that they hadwronged him ; why elfe were they orderedby the Lord to go unto him as a mediator for their peace ? why el f e were they ordered by the Lord to bring their facrifice unto him, that he offering it up, andprayingfor them, the wrath of God which was kindled a- gaina them, might be quenched, and they recei- ved into favour ? All thefe offices of loveJob freely did for them ; and no fooner had he done them, but God heapedfavours upon him, dou- bling his former fubfiance , and caufing all his former friends, who had carried it un- friendly, unhandfonsely towards him, andwould not own him in the dayof his difbrefs, to haften their addreffes,to bringhimhonourableprefents, and redintegrate their broken friendfhip with him. In all thefe things God bleffed the latter end of yob more than his beginning, and he found by comfortableexperience(which wasmen- tioned at the beginning of thisprefatory Epiftle out of Solomon's Ecclefiaítes)that theend ofa thing is better than the beginning of it ; the latter endof bis life being fullerofpeace,riches, B 2 and

To theChri[}ian Reader. andbottom., than the former; andhe not ending his life in this world, till he wasfull ofdays, fuller of grace, and fully fitted for an endlefs life inglory. Thiss, as in the foregoing partsof this book, . we have heard of the patience of rob, fo in this we may fee (as the Apoflle James faith, chap, 5. it r .) the endof the Lord. But what was that endof the Lord? Any man of ordina- rycapacity; reading the holy fiory, may refolve it in the common way, that, The Lord gave yob twice as much as he had before, that (be- ing refiored) his feven thoufand (beep were multiplyed to fourteen thoufand , his three thoufand camels tofix thoufand, his fivehun- dredyoke ofoxen to a thoufand, andhis five hundred fhe.affes to as many. This end ofthe Lordwith Job is obvious, and runs in fight to every Reader ; nor can it be denied, but that this was a very good and an honourableend yet, behold, the Lord made a much better, and morehonorable end for Job than this. This was the endofJobs crofs ; that,wasnot only fo, but .alto of his controverfie. Satan charged Jobas anHypocrite, bis friends joynedwith Sataai in that, yetflayednot there, they chargedhimliL.e- wife as Hetorodox, as a man not only unfin- cere

To the Chriffian Reader, cere in his profefion of religion, but unfound in the principles of it. The Lordmade an endfor Job in this matter alfo, abetting his opinion in that great and difficult probleme of providence rather than theirs, giving him theday, andput- ting the crown of vi lory uponhis head in that difpute, while be fail to Eliphaz and his two friends, Ye have not fpokenof me the thing that is right, as my fervant lob. This, this was The end of the Lord. To hear this gracious determination from the mouth of the fupream and infalliblemoderator ofall controyerfies, was (without convoyer fe) a thoufand times more pleatngand fat isfa5iory to Jobs fpirit, not only than the doublecattle,which the Lordgavehim, but, thanif the Lordhad given hint all the cat- tle upon a thoufand hills; or than if all the fowls of the air, and faes.o of the fea, had been given to him. In this end ofthe Lordfor Job, we may fee not only that the Lord is infinitely wife and Juif, but (as it followed) in that place of the Apojile James) very pitiful and of tend er mercy. The LordThews hinafelf very pitiful andof tender mercy, when be puts an end to the croffesof his fervants, by doubling their outward comforts ; be dothfo too,when he puts an end to the contro- pverf es

To the Chriflian Reader. verfies of his fervants , by vindicating their credit, and making it appear, that they have fpoken of him, and of his ways, the thing that is right, or more rightly than their oppofers and reproachers. This example of the Lords pity and tender mercy in doing bothfor Job, may ftrengthen our faith in believing that he will, and lengthen out our patience in waiting, till he doth make both thefe defirable ends for all thofe, who like Jobhave lay'n long under the preffing burdens' of hard afliUions, and harfb conyructions. Now, that the Lord wouldfinifb this work of mercy, andcut it fbort in righteoufnefs,wip ing tears from off all faces , aud taking away the rebuke of his people from offthe earth,bya timelyre f itution ofthem to their lefl and blafted credits (whichyet will not be fully done, until the times of the reflitution of all things, whichGodhath fpoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets lince the world began ; that the Lord (I fay) would finilh this work) fhouldbe our unceffant cry to God in prayer,for all his forrowing jobs, even for all thofe, who are any where companions in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of jefus Griff. To his blefling, and theof e5lual working of his holy

To the Chriftian Reader. holy Spirit , I commend you in the perufal of this enfuing commentary, that, reading ye may underjiand, believe, andprofit to fan iification, confolation, and falvation,according to thewill of God, and the hearts de f re of, .li1ay loth x666. Your affec`ionate friend and fervant, 74SEPH CARTE'. Reader,

Reader, 1 reafon of the a4nthors abfence while the great ft Pairs of the Book was doing,thefollowing faults t havepalf, which thouart defired to correa, Errata, Page Line Error 3 259 2.67 289 350 351 352 354 354 369 23 each to 22 thole 2L Lightning 13 . he 3 India 35 Bengata 12 2d to have 13 not fo 14,15 As was Phew- ed before 394 26 448 38 the 455 9 our 468 r forbids 477 14 probably 620 14 his horns 620 15 his claws 645 2 they 650 20 underhand 659 a6 and to be 696 7 a no 714 32 have hath 728 , 20 with blot it out 746 12 them him 746 17 with any ay with 750 4 refuge refufe 770 34 Obfervation information 997 13 will willed 8o6 36 fervency Mot it out 822 27 taken taking 831 36 followeth followed 842 37 this the 843 23 means meant 846 4 extraçrdina extraordi ry narily 'á 33 repenteth repented Correllion, to each thefe Hightning blot it out Judea Bengala 22d bath fo not blot it out he their forbad blot it out probable blot out, his blot out,hie blot it out underflood blot it out .Page Line Error Correlion 876 13 fheweth (hewed 876 13 diredeth direfted 88o a6 his blotit out 88r I as was 932 24 and fo 942 ao faite one in- blot it out fiancefor all 944 13 are is 944 25 hehath they have 969 19 or and 98o 4 do loth 1009 26 firfl blot it out. Omitaons.' Page Line 202 28 after mater, adde, FirO, of the waters in the cloud, from thofe upon the earth. S'econdly,of thofe upon the earth into the fovea' parts of tr. 455 24 aftercome; adde,jhe had not been reproved. - 714 7 after to, adde, do 764 16 after exereife, adde, sit. 777 13 after fear, adde, not. 786 6 afteromnipotency, adde, f ftnow, 809 19 after hence, adde, forne. 8t7 8 alter ear, adde, hath often. 372 9 afterhim, adde, when he asked himwhetherhe would do it? a after ir, adde,even Reathenifh, 6 after and, adde, as. 20 after accepted adde, them, 20 after and, adde, that P, 9 afterye; adde, then. 14 afters, adde, fold . to after fex, addeyer. 876 885 923 939 964 972 997 AN

T fituiM?,Yalolti4Aitotl64,0,-ít&*115aN aa4rAAA, a.°AaFraEAatAnin.tt1.,í;,afs Z9-0. 69.0r 4KNO. .0Ù419.0,00,65.6. .iÚ8*. gito .k^^4,rF* anrá'onTli4iiíPriPátéPioi'riV.tCei"5<11,iTRi`Vf`IRrfi 9r51î"ie AN EXPOSITION WITH Pray ical ©bfervarions UPON The Thirty -eighth, Thirty-ninth, Fortyeth, Forty-firft and Forty -fecond ( being theLait) Chapters of the Book of JOB. JOB, Chap. 38. Vert 1, 2, 3. 1. Then the Lord anfwered Job out of the whirlwind, andfail, 2. Who is this that darAeneth connfel by words without knowledge ? 3. Gird np now thy loines like a man for Twill demand of thee, andanfwer thou me. His Chapter begins the lafl Aec, or Conclut - on of that great Difputation between fob and his three Friends, held forth in this Book. We have heard Jobr three Friends flrong ly charging him : We have heard fob íliffely defending himfelf : We have heard Elihrs,though moderating the matter between them, yet fharply reproving him. Eliha was indeed a quick, B but

Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book of J o s,. Verf. a. but a neceffary reprover, provided and Pent by God Firfi, To calm and coole foh fpirit, difquieted by enduring tharp aflli6tions from the hand ofGod,and heated by hearingthole fharper accufations from the tongues of men. Secondly, To reclaim him from thofe over-eager defences of his own integrity, and likewife from thofe over- paflionatecom- plaints about the dealings of God, to a better and more fubmit- five temper of spirit towards him, as alto to lower thoughts of himfelf. Elihu fell upon the ufefull point andhit ( as I may fay) the Nail on the head, he (}ruckthe right Vein,and met with the pec- cant Humour a yet being young, and wantinggravity`to fet all home ,: and make it work ; or , to make the impretlion deepenough upon fob, it was but need that God himfelf fhould fecond him, and hedid it to purpofe; or with full etfe& ; pref- fing the farne Arguments, for the main, which Elihit had begun ;. yet fo, that we may manifetly difcerna wide difference, whe- therwe refpe& words or things,tnatter ormanner,between men, howmuch foever ofiified by the fpirit of God, and God himfelf in fpeaking. Here the Eternal GodJehovah, having feen hisfaithful fervant, and flout Champion fob, contending andwaffling long with Sa- his profeffed enemy, and with his har(h and cenforious,, though both profeffed and real Friends, forefeeing alfo that if Job and his Friends ( who had alto been provoked. by 81411 ) thould have proceeded to anfwer him , a new broil muti needs begin; God (I fay) who never fails, nor for- fakes his in their extreamity, or in time of their grcateff need,., Peeing and fore-feeing álí this,. ftept inmot feafonably, and moll gracioufly to undertake the decifion of this great Controverfie betweenfob and his Friends, in perfon, railinga (iormy Wind, as a wimefs of his mighty pretence, or to tettifie who was there, as alto (though with a Fatherly love and affe&ion;yet) impar- tially and plainly to convince fob of his errour , (hewing him, wherein he had offended, and bringing him at lati upon his knees, in aPelf-abhorrence and repentance in duf} and afhes. Thus God the chief Judge, the great Arbitrator, and Deter- miner of all doubts and queflions, and of all matters and things ; the great God (I fay) declared himfelf, to whom fob hadmade fo

Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Vert. "I. to manyappeals, whom he le earneflly defired to take further and fuller cognifance of his Caule, He, even He comes forth as a jufl and righteous Judge , and lets him and his Friends know his mind and judgement in the cafe. So then, The Queifion ventilated in this Book, is not Hated according to the judgement of a man, who is fubje& CO errour, but accord- ing to the infinite wifdom and underrlanding of the great God, who fearcheth the heart, and knoweth all fecrets, who is light, and in whom there is no darknefs at all. And indeed, in the latter part of this Book, we may well con- ceive God himfelf fpeaking, he fpeaks fo like himfeif : For here the underflandingReader may perceive a wonderful copioufnefs of fpeech, and largnefs of difcourfe, flrengthened with the ex- a6eil andweightieti reafons,fet forthwith loch variety of matter; with fuch gravityof expreffions, with fuch prefiìng queries and and interrogations, that it very much excells all that had been fpokeneither by the Difputants or the Moderator. And fuch was the condefcention of God, that hefeems to take the words out of Elihn's mouth, and urge over his Arguments a- new, before he would give the final fentence in this cafe; from which,as there could beno appeal, fo,inwhich,there could be no mitlake. All this the Lord contras into twoOrations,or Speech- es each toof which job.Anfwers, and fubfcribes by an humble fubmiffion. The firfl of thefe Speeches, is contained in this thirty-eighth Chapter, and to the end of the thirty -ninth : To which God calls for an Anfwer in the two fitfl'Verfes,of the fortieth Chap- ter; and yob gives his Anfwer in the third, fourth,;and fifth ver- fes of that Chapter. The fecond Speech or Difcourfe of Gód with lob begins at the fixth verle of the fortieth Chapter, and is continued to the end of the one and fortieth Chapter ; towhich we have Jobs An- fwer at the beginning of the forty fecond Chapter, to the end of the fixth verle ; and then the Chapter clofeth with Gods fpecial and irrefragable Judgementupon, or determination of the Qe- flion between job and his Friends, as all() with a defcription of Jobs bleffed reflauratioo after his fall, to a higher condition of outward grofperity and tranquility than ever he 'enjoyed before. Thus you have the fumme ofwhat sbehind of thewhole Book. B 2 This 3

Chap: 3 g. idfn F'xpófition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. r, This Chapter with the next hold out the Lords firfl Araimen-' rationor difcourfe with job, and in it we may confider three things. Firft, The Preface or Introdu&ion, in the firft, fecond, and third Verfes of this Chapter. Secondly, The, Speech it fell, to the end of the thirty - ninth Chapter. Thirdly, Godsdemand of anAnfwer, or that job fhould give him an account of himfelf, or of what he had faid at the beginning of the fortieth Chapter. The words under prefent confideration are a Preface or Intro- du&ion, leading to the whole bufinefs, and in themwe may con- fider three things. Firl}, The Hiflorians tranfition, or, an Hif}orical tranfition, ( verf. r.) Then the Lord anfwered job out of the Whirl-wind, . andfaid. This the Hiflorian or penman of this Book inferts to conne& the matter of this Chaprer with that which went before; he conne&s the difcourfe of Elibu, which ended at the thirty- feventh Chapter, with the difcourfe of God at the beginningof this : Then the Lord anfwercd job out of the Whirle-windyand faid. Secondly, Wehave here what the Lord laid, in formof Pre- face, leading in the intended matter; and that, Firft, By wayofreprehenßon, or by a chiding . ueflion about what jobhad faid (verf. 2. ) Who is this that -darkeneth sounfel bywords without knowledge ? This is it;which the Lord faid, when he began with job ; Who is this that darkeneth counfe!, by words without knowledge ? As if he had faid, let me fee the man,or,who is the man that fpeaketh thus ? I know there is a Que (lion (and I (hall fpeak fomewhat to it afterwards) Whether there words were dire&ed to job or Elihu ; yea, forne Qeflion, whether this whole Chapter be not intended to Elihn rather than to job, (I (hall anfwer that Qleflion altoafterwards) butI give it now in the analyfis ofthe context, as I pu-pofe,God willing,ro flare it when I come to the Anfwer of that Qeflion : And therefore I fay the reproof falls upon job, whomGod thus befpake, begin. Wing with a chiding, Who is this that darkneth comfit, bywords without knowledge ? Secondly, by way of provocation to anfwer ; or,weJhave here the

Chap. Verf. a. the Lords command given Job to prepare himfelf for an Anfwer, as well as he could,to what himfelf fhould fay (verf. 3. ) Gird tip now thy loynes like a man, for Iwill demand of thee, and anfiver thou rate. As the Lord reproved and chid him for what he had Paid, fo the Lord exhorted and encouraged him to fet and lit himfelf the beet he was able, to anfwer what himfelf had to fay unto Thus we have the intendment of there three Verles ; and if him. you would have in one word, a Profpea of the whole following Difccurfe, of God with job, the Sum of it may be given and ta- ken thus : That as Elihu before, fo now theLord would have Job know and confers, that no manmuet prefume to be fcbald with him as to queuion his doings that s the great mark at which God aimed in all he laid to Job. And the confirmation or proof of k is taken up from this unqueuionnble ground Noman rasuft Rue- ¡lion any thing which God doth to him or with him, for this very reafon, Becaufe God doth it ; or, kecattfe God often alone, alwayes in chief, bath done and dothall things. God is the alone Creator of all things, he hath given all things their Being, he bath put all things into the Order in which they Band, and he preferves than in their landing; and if any evil befal man, the hand of God hash done it muchmore than the hand of any man -what then bath any man to do to queftion his doings ?' Now that God alone bathcreated and cloth order all things, he himfelf proves, by calling Job to Phew where he was When the peundatianof the Earthwas laid,andBounds were fet to the Sea, &c. and fo proceeds CO affert and hold forth his foie Power in furnifhing the Earth with Beaus, the Air with Fowls, and the Sea with FiCh. The Lord having thus given Job to understand, that the whole World is his Work, and that he gave Beingto all the Creatures in the World for the help of man,without the help of man,would have him thereby alto underfland and be convinced, that he and all men workings , ought or the produdtsgofehis fProvidence allrthedworld That's (as was faid)the generalPoint carried through this whole over. Difcourfe of God with Job, theparticulars whereof yceldnmucc

6 Chap. 38. yin Expoftion upon the Bookof ] a s, Verf. r. matter both of Meditation and Admiration. I begin with thel Preface Verf. I. i hei the Lord anf,yered yob out ofthe whir!.. wind, andPaid. in this Verfe we have three things. Firfl, The Perlon anfwering. Secondly, The Perfon anfwered. Thirdly, The manner of his Anfwere The Perfon anfwering is, the Lord ; the Perfon anfwered, is 7o6; the manner of the Anfwer is, out ofa yyhirle-wind ; Then the Lord anfwered fob out of the whirle-wind. In the firft word of the Texr, we have (that which our Tran- flationmakes empharical) an intimation of the time or feafon of this Divine interpofition ; then the Lord anfwered, &c. The hebrew Text doth not expreife this Adverb of time , there 'tis onely , the Lord .anfwered ,but we well fupply it, rendering, then the Lord.anfwered ; as if the Penman had laid, at that verynick, inflant or .juncture of time, the Lord camein ; thewords were no fooner out of the mouth of Elihu, he had no fooner concluded his fpeech with job, but the Lord began, and anfwered job ; and if theLord had not jüll then interpofed, poflibly job might have replyed, and a new heat might have rifen, to the encreafing of his troubles, and the inflaming of all their Spirits (aswas hinted before) therefore the Lord to flop all further proceedings, or fpeechbetween them two, began pre- fently to fpeak himfelf. Then the Lord anfwered. Take thisOb- fervation from it; The Lord void appear in the fitteji feáfono. It was timefor the Lord to'appear, left this poor man fhould havebeen utterly fwallowedup withborrows, and over whelmed withhis affliction, or left he tlrould have been drawn out too long and too far in his bitter complainings and impatiency: 7be Lord it aGod o f judgement ; bleffed are they that wait for bins Ufa. 30. a8.) isle isa wife God, and knows how to time every action ; he knowes when to appear,when to Phew himfelf. As he himfelf will not contendfor ever (ifa. 57. 16. ) fo neither will he let others contend overlong, kart the Spirit ihould fail before him, and

Chap. 3á. an Expofition upon the Boo/(of J o B. ' Vert. a /and the foules which he bath made. This is a comfortable truth / with refpe& both toNations, and Perfons,both to the cafe of the Church of God in general, and of every believer in particular. The Apoille Peter havingcounfelled the aff3.ióed to humble them- [elves under the mighty handofGod (IPet. ç. 6.) addes this en- couragement (in the next words) to do fo, that be may exalt you in due time : though not in your time,nor at your day,theday when you would havehim do it ; yet he will do it in time,and in due time,that is,when it (hall be moil fit andberl for you. Thus he appeared to and for Job in the Text, when the forrowes of his heart were enlarged, and when he had moil need of fuch an ap- pearance. The Lord knows how at any time, and when 'Lis the moil proper time,to relieve his fervants. Then The Lord anfwcred Job. The word here ufed is Jehovah ; and feveral of the Learned take notice, that it is here ufed with a fpecial fignìficancy for in the difcourfes of lob and hisfriends throughout this Book, other namesof God are, if not univerfally, yet mo(ily ufed, as E lfhad- dai, Eloah, &c. In the firfl Chapter indeed, where God is fpo- ken of by the divine Hiflorianor facred Penman of this Hiflory, . he is named Jehovah, as alto infome other fuch like places ; but in thebody of the difpute not fo : And two reafonsmay be given of it.. Firll, The name Jehovah imports the Being of God and therefore God himfelf, being about to fpeak of his giving a Be- ing to the whole Creation, and to feveral forts of creatures, he is moll properly reprefented by his name Jehovah, which, as it im- plyeth that he is the Fir(i Being, the Fountain of his own Being, or that he is of himfelf, fo,that he gives a Being to all things, and that inhim (as the ApoRle told the great Philofophers of A- thens , _AEts r 7.) we live, andmove, and have our being. Secondly, Lord (though he came in a Whirle-wind, 'yet) manifefled himfelf in a clearer light to Job, than ever he had done before. Nowr,as in the third of Exodus, when the Lord fens (Moles to the people of Ifrad to bring them up out. of Egypt, to Canaan,( which was a great work, one of the greatefl that was ever done in the world, and inwhich the Lord made the moll glorious difcovery of his Power,Juflice, and Mercy ; whenGod I,fay,..

Chap. 33. eAn Expo66tron upon the Book of jr o s. Vere. I fay, Pent (.22ofes upon this fervice ) he raidunto him (Exod. 6. 2,3.):1 am the Lord,Iam Jehovah,ard I appeared unto Abraham, onto Ifaac, andunto Jacob by the NameofGod Almighty ; boot by my"narn: Jehovah was l not known to them. God being about to make himfelf more known in the world, than he had been to that day,byhis dreadful plagues uponPharaoh,and the miraculous de ï.verance of his people out ofEgypt (as he faid(chap.9. i 6.)And in very deed, for this caufehave I raifed thee up, for toPhew in thee mypower,and that my name may be declared inall the earth. The Lord,I fay,being about todoe theregreat things for the manifefta- Lion of his own grearnels) gave this charge to t_fofesat the fixth verle of the fixth chapter before mentioned whereforefay unto thechildrenof!Traci, lain Jehovah, and 1 will bring you out from under the burdens ofthe Egyptians, &c. Thus in this latter part of the book ofJob, the Lord being about to loolen the bonds of jobsafflaion, and to cafe him of his burden, as allo to declare and manife[I him;-elf more clearly to, him than formerly (as he confeffed ( chap. 42. 5.) 7haveheard of thee 67 the hearing of the care; but now mine eyes havefeen thee) he therefore affumed hits great name Jehovah. Then the Lord Anfweredjob, &c. But fome may fay , Job had not fpoken lately , much Ietï'e ;{lihu fpakeout fix wholeChapters fince Job fpake a word ; and though .Elihu gave him the liberty , yea Anal provoked him to fpeak, yet he laid his hand upon his mouth, he fpake not a avord How then can it be Paid , TheLord anfwered Job ? To avoid this difficulty, Some render, Then the Lord anfwered concerning , or about Job ; And thefe turn the whole difcourfe of God in this and the next Chapter uponElihu,in favour of Job. I fhall touch upon that opinion and interpretation (as was Paid) afterwards: but at prefent affirm, that Jobwas the perfon to whom the Lord here dire6fed his Anfwer ; and to takeoff this doubt, how the Lord could be laid to anfwer Job , when Job had not fpoken laf,but Elihu, I anfwer (as upon a like occafion it hash been elfewhere Chewed in this book cb.3. 2.) that fometimes ip Scripture,a Speech begun is called an Anfvver, where nothing had been fpoken before, to which that speech could be applied in way of anfwer Matth. Ii,

Chap. 38, e/1n Expofationupon the BookofJ o s, Verf. E. 9 , 2 5. Matth. t7. q.. The reafon of this Hebraifine, is because fuch as begin to fpeak, do either anfwer the neceTity of the matter , or the define of the hearers ; and fo they give a real and vermal , though not a format Anfwer. Yet there are two confi- derations, in which we may apply the word Anfwer,formallyand firi&ly taken, to fob. Firt+, If we confider Pod's wifhes and requefls. Secondly , if we confider Job's complaints , and (though the word be fomewhat hard) his murmurings : The Lord may be Paid to anfwer Job , as to his with, define, or requetf ; becaufe Job had earneftly defired and requefted more than once , that God would take his Caufe in hand , or that he would have the hearing of it. Thus he fpake at the third verfe of the three and twentieth Chapter : 0 that I knew where Imight f idhim , that I might come even to his Seat : I wouldorder my Caufe before him, and fill my mouth with arguments. Zophar allo, one of Jobs friends , made the fame requetf concerning Job (Chap. r E. 2.) 0 that God would fpeak, and open his lips againfi thee : As if he had faid , Eliphaz hath been fpeakìng , and Bildad hath been fpeaking , and I am now about to fpeak, but O that God would fpeak. It was the with of fob that God would fpeak , and it was the wifh of this his friend, andnow behold Godappears , poflìbly beyond their expeóation, though not betide their with; for'ris like they had not faith enough to beleeve that God would anfwer thofe wifhes. So then,God may be Paid here to anfwer, becaufe (as it was prayed) he now took the matter into his own hand , and in pertón (as I may fay) argued the Cafe with Job, and finally determined his Caufe. Hence Note ; The wiflies, requefls , and prayers of goad menhave fometimes beenheard , though they were over-bold in making them , or had no clear ground to make them. fob hadno rule for fuch a Petition , that he might prefently havea trial at the Tribunal of God ; yet God was fo gracious as to anfwer him in it , not only to his reproof, but to his com- fort. The Name of God is , 0 thou that hearefl prayer , (Pfal. 65.2.) If carnal men have their extravagantprayers and willi- es granted,'tis in wrath;but if the Lord grant the paflionate pray- ers

to Chap. 38. 'n Expofition upon the Book of J o Vert. I. ers and whiles of a godly man , it prove-, though fometime- a. prefect afl3id`Iion, yet alwayes,upon one account or other,a mer- cy in the iflue. When the lufling lfraelites wi(ht for flelh , the Lord heard their wi(hes ; rake Qzailsyour bellies full , till they come out at your nothils ; butwhile the meat was in their months, the wrath ofGodfell upon them.lf the Lord grants what luPe ask_th, fuch paydear for what they have for theasking. It bath been an Ts1 iii irato deo ciently Paid , many have their prayers heard in meer anger ; foare exaudiuntur. all theirs who pray for what they have nor , in meer, discontent with what they have. The Lord heardfob , and not in anger , but in favour and condefcention to him. Now if force not well grounded nor warranted requefis of good men may be granted and anfwered (the Lordpitying their weaknefs, and eyeing their uprightnefs) in favour how much more may they be confi- dent , that their gracious and humble requefls, inch requefis as are every way futable to the Wordand Will of God, fhall be gra- cioufly anfwered Secondly, The Lord anfwered,as the Prayer and Wilh,fo the Complaints of Job ; He had complained fometimes ( though hewere a mirror of patience) impatiently. Thefe complaints the Lord anfwered , but it was with leyere and (harp reproofs, as we find in the next verle. To conclude this query , we mayfay, God had two great ends or defigns in anfwering both the wi(hes and complaints of Job. Firfi , That he might humble and convince him , that he might flop his mouth and filence his complainings for ever , as he 4lid moll effe6lually. Secondly , That after hishumiliation , and repentance , he might juflife and acquit him , and . alto reflore him to his former comforts and enjoyments , as he did moll mercifully. This being the defign of the Lord in fpeakivg to fob , what he; laid, may well be called anAnfwer. But how or in what manner did the Lord anfwer him ? Surely, in fuch a manner, asnever man was anfwered. The Lordanfwer- Fa Job Oat of the Whirlwind. Heanfwered him (aswe fay) tofoin Tune. A Whirlwind makes

Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. i. t makes firange kind of Mufick. A Whirlwind, is a fudden mighty loud-blufiringWind , taking away, or bearing down all before ir. A Whirlwind is a Wind which moves whirling , and gyring about all the points of the Compafs, no man knowswhere to have it , nor how to ihelter hirnfelf from ir. I have had oc- cation CO fpeak of the Wind , and of the natural ordin'ary Whirl- wind in the former Chapter. But here's a Whirlwindextraor- dinary, if not fupernatural. There's much queflioning among fume Interpreters how we are to conceiveof this Whirlwind. f would anfwer that point a little , and then give fume account, Why the Lord fpake to Job out of fuch a Whirlwind. Firíl, Some affirm that it was onely a Vifional Whirlwind : As if the Lord appeared (as it were) in a Tempefl or Whirlwind to fob in a deep fleep , fuch as was upon e Adaree (Gen. 2,, 21.) when the Lord took oneof his ribs, and made the Woman. In fuch a deep fleep, fay they, fob taw a Whirlwind, and heard the Lord (peaking to him out of it : As Bz.ekjel,whoin a Vifion looked, andbehold a whirlwind came out of the North ; as we read in the firfl Chapter of that Prophetie, (verfe4..) Secondly , Others conceive that it was not a Vifional , but a Metaphorical Whirlwind , or a Whirlwind in a figure ; and we may give you a threefold , or three things, to which this palfage of Providence may allude to a fpeaking out of a Whirlwind. Firth, God anfwered J'ob out of the Whirlwind ; that is, when there was agreat busfle or florm among the Difpùtants, con- fli6 ing about Jobs cafe ; one moving this way , another that, all being tofhed about (as it were) with the wind of their feveral opinions in ventitalatinghis condition. Out of this Whirlwind it was ( fayfome) or while all were thus difcompofed in their fpirits, and could not compote the matter indifference between them and feb , during this hurry or'troublefome fiate of things and minds; the Lord arofe and anfwered Job. Secondly , The Lord may be Paid to anfwer Job out of the Whirlwind, becaufe he fpake to him angrily, difpleafedly, and reprovingly. Anger, efpecially the Lords Anger or Difpleafure, is often in Scripture compared to a Storm or Tempefl : As if this Whirlwind were nothing elfe but a (harp angry chiding. When a man chides, we fay, The man's in a /harm ; and wemay C a fay

I2 Chap. 38. AnEaepofition upon the Booko fJ o B. Vert. F. fay with reverence,when the Lord fpeaks chidingly (as he did to) job) re is in a iform , or (according to the Text) fpeakes out of a Stormy Whirlwind : 1bus alto, when the Lord fpeaks plea_ tingly , and genrly,then he may bePaid to fpeak in a calna.Theré's a truth in that. Thirdly,, The Lord anCwered in a Whirlwind ; that is while yob, both as to his outward condition and inward difpofition, or the frame of his fpiric, was -evidently in a great íform or tot's.. For doubtlefs , his fpirit was very fformy and coifed up and down at that time , that is, much troubled and difquieted, upon the with- drawings of God, and the unkindnefs of his friends. Nowwhen Job had this Storm , this Whirlwind in his fpirk., the Lord appeared and anfwered him. Thus fome conceive it , though.not a Vifìonal. Whirlwind, yet a Metaphorical Whirl- wind in thofe three fences opened. But Thirdly, (with others) I take the Whirlwind here in proper fenfe, that is, for fuch a Whirlwind as is often heard and felt , founding, bluflering, and making great dií+urbance in the gyre, blowing up Trees by the roots, and overthrowing Houfes to- sx rube obfcu- the very foundation. Oneof the Rabbins calla it a darkcloud ra.Ikab. Levi. fevers' of the Moderns exprefs it by a rainy or wacry cloud , out ExNinibo.Bez. of which iffued that dreadful Storm , called a Whirlwind, venti turbine Ioubtlefs , fome fodder extraordinary Wind , exceeding the borrifico. confiant order and common courfe of Nature,, gathered the E turbine, i.e. clouds at that time. Thus God at once hid the glory of his Ma- e nube equa e- jetiy, and teftified it ( much after the fame manner as he did at oupit turbofeu the romulgation of the Law upon Mount Sinai) when he a fwered lentos curb; P a reos. Pife. job out of the Whirlwind. ht nubealiqua But it may be gneffioned, why did God anfwer jobout of a. ¡,raternature Whirlwind orrcnem falla. Firfi , Such a way of anfwering was moil proper to the difpen. Ve ipfacaligi- fation of thole Old Teflament Times, when the Covenant of ne, in quafc. Grace lay covered with Legal Shadows, and was ufually admi. videtur nobs niffred in a clothing or thewof terror ; efpecially (as was faid Vetodelitefce- before) at the giving of the Lawon Mount Sinai (Exod. t 9,Deut., re. yatabl, 4 I2) when,fo terrible wets thefight,that Mofes laid, I exceedingly fearandquake (Heb.r2.2 c.) And furely the Lord appeared and fpake very dreadfully to fome of the Prophets in thole Elder Times efpecially co the Prophet Habakkuk, who thus reports the

C1i p 38. An ExpofÉiUtn up" the Boo&J O B. Verf. a, 13 the confternation of his mind ( chap. 3. 16. ,) when Iheard,my belly trembled, my lips quivered at thevoice, rottennefr entred into my bones , and I trembled in my felf , that I might refl in the day of trouble. Now,Gofpel Times being more clear and calm, Chrif' fpeaks more clearly and calmly; as it was phophefied Ufa. 42. 2,3.) Heßrall not cry nor lift up his voice in the flreet (Chritt didnot fpeakout of a Whirlwind) A brteifed reed he (hail not break , and the fmoakingflax ¡hall he not quench ; he (hall bring forth Judgement untoVitory : That is, he £hall with all tender- nefs condefcend to the weak.efi fouls, and deal with themmoth fweetly, gently, and compaffionately. Secondly , The Lord fpake in a Whirlwind , that he might Phew the greater State and Majefiy, to awaken job yet more, or cò make him more attentive ; as alto to affe61 him yet more deeply with the apprehenfionof his Power and Glory ; and ro leave a greater impreffion upon his fpirit of his ownvilenefs, weakneis, and nochingnefs. jobwas yet too big inhis own eyes, the Lord would annihilateor make him nothing ; the Lord would beat him out ofall conceit with himfelf , out of an opinion of his own integrity and righteoufnefs, that he might fee and confefs there was no waybut to lieat his foot , abhorring himfelf , and repenting in duff and a(hes. Such to this day is the pride and flupidnefs of mans Refit , that he hardly attends the Word or Works of God , unlefs awed by force extraordinary Mini- firation. Thirdly , We may conceive the Lord appeared and fpake in this Whirlwind ,. that he might therein fuit his appearance to the iErumnofnl'o (late and condition ofJob at that time , or that he might (as is mini confi)'m?'' were) fymbolize with fobs troubled eflare. Job, as I toucht be- 'aú , mulA fore, was in a Srorm,and nowGod declares himfeif in a flormrand that is the reafon,which Come give,why the Lord appeared to,416. fer (Excd.3.2.) in a burning bulb; it was (fay they) t hat his appa- ritionmight anfwer their prefent condition.TheChildren of Ifrael were then inthe fire of affli&ion,andentangled in the bush of cruel bondage, they were fcratcht and tornwith briars and thorns ; and the Lord fipake out of a burning bulb to Mofes,.as here to Job out of the Whirlwind. Fourthly, and laffly ; T conceive therealonwhy the Lord fpake o hkn in a Storm, or Whirlwind , was to let him know that he was

14- Chap. 38. an Expofition upu:.r goak,of J o B. Vert e was not well pleafed with him, but purpofed to reprove and De turbine in chide him. Though fob was aprecious fervart of God,yet God dignorionn in- was not well pleafedwith manypaíiàges under his aflflióion, and dire. therefore he would not flatter but laumble'him r For though job fpake from an honefl heart , and what he faid was truth, yet God did not like his manner of defence and pleading for him- felf : He was not pleafed to fee him hold up the Bucklers to long, when he fhould have hid them down rather, and fubmitted, David to thew how greatly the Lord was difpleafed with his e- nemies , tellsus what dreadful effedls followed the hearing and granting of his prayer againft them , (pfäl. t 8. 7, 8, 9, &c.) f/sen the earth fhook,and trembled , the foundations atfoof theh's moved andwere Jha,ben , becaufe he was wroth ; there went a fmike out of his noflrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured, coals alfo mére lZndled by it : he bowed the Heavens al fo and came down , and darinefr was under his feet, e. Thus the Lord appeared in an Earthquake, in fmoke, in fire, and darkneffe, ro make the proud oppofers of his faithful Servant David, know how much his anger was kindled againfi them. Thus alto when the Lora revealed himfeif to Elijah (a Kings r9. r a.) its laid, agreat andftrong wised rent the mountains and brake the rocks ; and after the wind , an Earthquake ; andafter the Earthquake, afire, before the fí'itl voicewas heard: And why all this, but to Phew that the Lord was highly difpleafed with the doings of the Kings of Ifrael at that time , and with that idolatrous generation ; therefore he appeared in fuck a dreadful manner, while he purpofed to con- clude all in aflill voice. Though the Lord was not in the Wind, in the Earthquake, nor in i heFire, yet there were fore-runners of hisappearance, and fignified that the Lord would fpake that peo- ple with a mighty Wind andEarthqùake of Judgement , yea e- ven confume them with the fire of his wrathful jealoufie,for their fúperflitious following after Baal, and deferring his appointed Worfhip. Whenthe lufls of wicked men grow fiery and flor= my , God will convince them with fire and flormes ; and if his own fervants grow too boldwith him , he will make them fentible ofit, as herehe did lob, by (peaking to them out of a Whirl- wind ; though he be intended to fpeak to them at Taft as he did to Elijah, in a (till voices and to rob, with favour and appro -,, bation. Thus

Chap. 38. an Expo/ition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. Thus much for the openingof there words, Then theLordan- fwered Jobout of the whirlwind, and laid, Hence Obferve ; Firfl, Thegreatgoodcefs ofGod, who ,,,ndefeends orlets himfe f down to fpeakand treat with dull and *es! ! What a wonder is it,that the Lordof Heaven and Earth, fhould, admit , and enter into a party withman , who is but a well-fha- ped clod of Earth! Solomon was in a kind of amazement at the mercy, when he raid at the Dedication of the Temple (t Dings 8.zz.) But will God indeed dwell onEarth ! And may not we, that God fhould come down to confer with an afflitaed bed rid man on Earth ! I know force axe-of opinion , that the Lord . fpake b an Angel to fob ; however,herewas the Lords prefer.ce, it was Jehovah, who manifefted himfelf to Job, what Minifiry foever he ufed : Thus the Lord is pleafed often to interpole in the cafe and caufe of his affli&ed fervants, though we fee him not , nor have fuch formal apparitions , as here in the, Text. The Lord, the high and lofty One, who dwelleth in the high and holy Place , dwelleth alfo with him that is of a contrite and humblefpz- rit; and he dwelleth with him to revive him, 57. a5.) Therefore furely he manifefls himfelf to him in his loving kind- nefs, which is better than life , and the very life of our lives. The Lord whopath Heaven for his Throne, and the Earth hisfoot- fool , faith by the fame prophet (4a.66. I,z.) To this manwill I look, (and left any fhould take this man to be one of the mighty ones of this world , he giveth us both a f gnat fpecification , and clear chara&er of this man to whom helooketh) even tohim that ie poor,and of a contrite fpirit, andthat tremblethat my l-Yord, And if the Lord look to fuch a man , if he vouchfafe himhis gracious eye , doubtlefs he allo reveals himfelf gracioufly and freely to him. Secondly, The Lord came here to inftruéè and teach Job. Se- veral perlons had dealt with him before , and they very worthy, good, and learned perlons, and they came with a purpofe to do him good ; yet all would not do : All that his three friends faid, who undertook him firfi, in their turns, was to little purpofe ira appearance. And though Elihu, a fpritely young man, difcours'd himwith much lifeand heat , yet neither could he do the bufi- nefs IS

Chap. 38. Án Expofitionupon the Book, of Jo a. Verf. 1 nets fobs fpiric began indeed to yeeld upon the lafl engagement of Elrhte with him ; _ yet he did not convince him fully. God came at Taft, and he prevailed , he did the deed ; Then the Lord 71.13v ered fob. Nonce Note , We need the teachings of God , derdes all the teachings of men , that we may rightly know him, and ourfelves , together with the intendment of his dealings with ws , and oar own duty, ari. der them. fis the mercy of theNew Covenant, that we fhall be taught of God, and not by man onely nor alone. As here fobhad th:ee or four, fo we may have thrice three men toyling with us a long time w vain. The work is never well done, till God comes ; and though we have not fuch appearancesof Godnow,yet he doch the fame thing in effea to this day. This and that man , a thou rand men, yea a man who is an Interpreter,one of a thoufand (ase/ihu fpake)may be labouring upon the conrcience of a finner,andnever bring things homeeither to convince or comfort him , till God is pleafed tocome in by the power of his bleffed Spirit , and then who can but be convinced and comforted ! Hence our Lord Chrifl had no fooner reported the Covenant Promife out of the Prophet , They fhall be all taught of God ( John 6. d5.) but prefently he makes this inference from it, Every man therefore that bath heard and loath learned of the Fa- ther , cometh unto me. We may fay to all who are favingly wrought upon, as Chrifl to Peter, upon that ConfefTion which he made (Matto. 16. 16. Thou art Chrifl, the Son of the Living God) Flefh and blood bath not revealed this to you, but par Father which is in Heaven. ëmjofbileefl It was laid by one of the Ancients, it is impoffible to know god deumdifrere fi- without God. And fo laid another , We weft learn all thatfrom ne des. Tram God which we underftandof God. Unlefs Godbe our Tutor , we Hæret. c. lo. Fall never be goodScholars, We know neither God nor our rideidifcendum felves , any further than God teachethus. Chriff faith, Be not qurcguid dedes called Matters , for owls your t_Mafter, even Chri fi (Matth.a3, intelligendum. 8. ) There are two forts of Matters. i. Ruling or Command - Hilar, i. 5. de ina Maffers. 2. Teaching Mailers. To the former we are Ser- rín. wants, to the latter we are Scholars. In the eighth verfe rifl fpeaChks