Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

s t o i:hap. 38. an Expoftion upon the Boei of J o II. Verf, t r. proof enough of Chrifis Divinity , that rebteking the winds and the fea , there was agreat calm. This made the men marvel, fay. ing, what mannerofman is this (furely he is more dimman) that even the minds and thefedobey him(Matth,G.26,27.)WhenCome Courtiers would have flattered our Danifh King Canuta, into a belief that his power was more than humane, he commanded his_ . chair to be let on the Sea- fhore at the time of flood; and fitting down, thus befpake that Element ; I charge thee not to enter my land , nor wet theft robes : but the fea keeping on its courfe , he role up , and fpake in the hearing of all about him ; Let all the inhabitants of the world know , that vain and weak is the power ofKings ; and that none is indeed worthy of that Name, but he that keeps both heaves,and earth,and fee inobedience, Thirdly, Then tremble at the power of God, who can let the fea Toole upon us in a moment. We tremble at the fea if it break loofe ; then tremble at the power of God , who can let lòofe the fea. It is he that calleth for the waters of the fea , and poureth themoat upon theface of the earth : the Lord it his Name. (Amos9.6.) Fourthly , when the fea breaks bounds in any degree , either when we feeaflorm at fea , or a deluge at land , let usgo only to the Lord, who onely can Hill the raging of the fea , and put Iwad ling- bands about it , even as if it were achild. God alone is tobe invocated , when the windsare cempe(luous, and threat- en either a deluge at land, or a wrack at fea. Heathens invo- ked Neptune and c.Eolus. Popilh votaries call upon St. Nicholas and Sr. Chrifophcr. Let us learn of the Difciples, who fearing tobe (wallowed up of a tempeft, went to Chriff, and Paid , Ma. Fier,fave tes, weperifh (Match. 8. 27.) The poor Mariners in Jo- nab called every one upon his God (Tonah í. y.) but none of them called upon the true God. It is Jehovah the Lord, the true God onely, that raifeth thefpormy wind , which lifteth up the waves of thefea ; and it is he that maketh the Jfarm a calm (Pfal. aó7.24,25) 29.) Fifthly, If the fea, fova& and violent a creature receive the bridle from God , and is bound up by him , even asan infant in fwadling-bands; how much more fhould man receive the bridle from him ! The Lord faith to the Ions of men, hitherto (hall ye come, andno further ; hitherto your works and a&ions [hall go, and