Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. an Expoftion upon the Book of Jos. Verf. 18. 161 There are three things, which make up the happinefs of our foul-hate in eternal life. Firfi , The due order of the Affecelions , when they{hall ever be fet upon right objeas, and upon them in a right meafure. Secondly, The due motion of the Will, when it (hall ever chufe that which is good, and nothingbut good. Thirdly , The clear and unerring light of the Underflanding The proper objeet of the Under (landing is truth. The chief or- * nament andtdelighc of the Underfianding is the knowledge of the truth. And the Underflanding is not more debated and dif- honourd by not endeavouring to know, than an undcrdanding min is vexed and troubled , when he cannot compafs the know- ledge of that which he defiresand endeavours to know. Indeed Solomon (themoll knowingman amongall the font cf men) hath concluded (Ecclef. t. I ç.) That in mach wifdome there is mach nrief , and that he that encreafethknowledge encreafeth furrow, Yet this grief and forrow ariïe not from knowledge attained, but from thegreat pains , fludy, and travel , which we take in this world for the attainment of it ; or from the doubts and uncer- tainties which remain in our minds about many things , when we have got the bet and clearer} knowledge of them attainable in this life e Whereas in our heavenly flare, we (hall neither have any trouble in getting knowledge, nor lhall any doubt or uncer- tainty remain in our minds about the things we know. For the beautiful face of truth , (hall in a moment be unvailed to us, and the curtain drawn away by the hand of God, which interpofed between us and the light ; fo that, there (hail not any miff or darknefs , not any doubt or fcruple hang in our minds about any truth. And Thus we may anfwer that of the Aponle (r Cor. 13. 8.) Paying, That in heaven, Knowledge !hall varifh away. What, nothing but ignorance in heaven ? Surely,nothing more unfutable ro, nor unbecoming the glory of that Rare. Ignorance maybet- terbe the Mother of Devotion here (as Papifis with ignorance enough have affirmed ) than in heaven the companion of our joy, The Apoflle thenmeans , that fuch knowledge as now we have, (hall vanilh , that is, knowledge fo gotten as now it is. In heaven there are no Schools, nor Univerfities, nor Tutors, nor Teachers. Again , 'Knowledge of fo imperfe& a degree as now it