Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2 6 Chap. ,3 . 44,Expoftion P.pon the Eook f J o R, Verf. 2. Thedisrkening of cotanfel. Counsel, in the general nru:eof ir, is light defired and held out to give counfel is to give light in and about any macrer.And thereforefurely he that darkerethcounfel, commits a very great fault, yea, a folicifine or abfurdity in morals. Counfel is theelcEli- on or choice ofproper means to agood end ; or, Counfel is óa d advice given, and ( ought to be) received about things to be done. Hence the whole directive part of the Word of God is called Connie! (4l. 73,24. Prov, g, 25, 3o;) The doctrine of Reconciliati- on unno God by Chrifr is called, TheCounfel of Pence ( Zech. 6. 13. ) David, (peaking of wicked proud men faith (Pfal. 19.ór) Too havefhamed the Counfel of the poor, bccaufe the Lord ií his re- fuge: As if it were poor counfel,.and Euch as we may be afhamed of, to advice any to put their unit in God. They darken Coon- fe! indeed who are ashamed of ir, or who (hame ir. It is dueflioned, whole counfel, or what counfel 3'ob is char- ged by God with darkening ? There are two opinions about that. isejtll!ogat Firff, Some expound it of hob: own counfel, of that meet f tso unii- which he have, or held forth about the matter under difpute, that pnebr f ndi is, his fence and judgement in ir. dio:, divrno.. Secondly, The Counfel which he darkened, was ( fayothers ) Tygur. the Counfel of God,. or his purpofe and intendment in the fuffer- ingsof the righteous, and fuffering the wicked to profper fora feafon... There works of Godare a great fecrer,.and therefore atonfliumab may well be expreffed by the word Counfel. And ufually what ,òia epofitum the word Cóemfel is put abfolutely and alone , it is to be un- otttferma derflood of the Connie!of God. Yet I conceive we may very profermo well joyn thefe two opinions together, and fay,. fob darkened. his /Rig, ättntfà. own counfel and the counfel of God too ; he deliveredhis own mind and fentiments fo darkly ( the delivering of a runs mind is his c©unfel) about the counfel of God, that he rather obfcured both,,thancleared either.. And there are feveral things wherein. Jobmay becharged to have fpoken obicurely.. Did :;c not darken the counfel of God, when he complain-en fo very much and fo, often of his afñi&ions ? Did he not darken his own counfe1, and the counfel .o£. God, . when, as if the dirpenfationsof God we.e_e&er'y where alike mall,. he laid . ( Choir. 9.22. ) God da royeth: tña perfcC . thewicked,. ifthe fcotorgeflàyfitddolhbe d1ghst