Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

ß1 Chap; 38. erin Expofitionupon the Boo,(,of J o B. Ver 4 and there is none like to him (lia. 40, 26. Ifa. 46, 8,) To whom will ye liken me?to whom will you compare me ? Iamhe thatflxetch. ed out the heavens , and laid the foundation of the earth. There's none like to him in Wifdome, none in Power, who laid the foun- dation of the Earth. Ti ere was never fuch a vifible piece of work done in the World , as the making of the World ; therefore there is none fuch as the Maker of the World. The hypocrite is brought in dreaming chat God was altogether fetch as himfelf (Pfal. so, z t .) And 'tis,as it bath been,the common guile of Idolaters, to think that God is no better than their Idol. But what the Lord by his Prophet (fer. to. it, to ) taught the captive Jews . to fay to their great Lords the Babylonians , the fame bath he taught us to fay to all Hlpocrices and Idolaters : The gods that havenot made the heavens and the earth,(hall peri fh from the earth, and from under thole heavens : Then prefenrly followeth (as in gob) Hebath made the earth by his power, he bath effabl;lhed the world by his taxi fdom , and pathfiretched ont the heavens byhis di f. cretion. As if it had been Paid, Will ye imagine that the Idols which you have made , are like him, who made you and all thig: ? And 'ciscon(ìderable , that whereas the whole Prophe- fie of Jeremy is written in the Hebrew Tongue , this eleventh verfe , which holdsout at once a teflimony and a threatning a_ gain(} chofe Idolaters , is written in the Chaldean Language, with which the Jews by their long Captivity in Babyloawere well acquainted ; that fo the Babyloniansmight hear of ir, and know that the God of Ifrael, who made heaven and earth, was alto- gether unlike their gods, who did never fo much as arrogate to themselves any hand in, much lefs, the foie power of making heavenand earth. Secondly , Take this Scripture inference. Seeing the Lord bath laid the foundations of the earth, by his own Power and W'ifdome , then , He is the Proprietorof the whole earth , or the ,'bole earth is the Lords proper pofefon (Pfal. 24. I.) The earth is the Lords , and thefednefs thereof ; the Lord made ir, and it is his. He was not called, nor fer a work ro build this great Houle for another ; but he made ir, as by his own power, fo for his own ple;lure ; all the inhabitants of the earth are his tenants : and not only the earth, but the whole (lock and furniture of it is his : For as the Lord made the earth , fo all that the earth is (bored with