Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

r Chap. 38. 1112 Expofitionupon the Bookof ] o n, Verf. ', 65 bales, hills and high mountains appear like embol1ements of the earth to the eye of the beholder. What can be added , whe- ther we confider the compleatnefs of the whole,or the fymetry cf the parrs ? Hive we not reafon to fay ad;oniringly,or to cry out (as Zal, 104. 24.) 0Lord, how manifold are thy works, in wifdem hall thou made them all ; the earth. is full of thy riches : fo is the greatard wide fea, &c. Our hearts fhould be drawn up by all the works of God to admire his workman(hip. That thy name is near thy wondrous works declare (laid David, Dial. 65. i.) fpeaking of the Works of Providence; and that the name of God is near his Works of Creation declare allo, his name is writ- tenupon them , that it, his power, wifdome and goodnefs. And therefore when we behold this Wo:k of God in fpecial , his lay- ing the meafures of the earth , we should admire both his good- nefs, wifdorn and power. There are five things in this part of the Creation , the earth,as expreffed to be done by line and mea- fure , which may raife up our admiration of God. Pirf} , The greatnefs of the work : It is avail peece, or pile, a huge fabrick, though but a point to the Heavens. We admire great buildings; but what are the greateflbuildings upon earth, to the earth it felf , which the Lord bath built! Secondly , The harmony or uniformity of the building , and fo the beautyof ir. Thirdly , The compaetnefs of the building , as knit dole to- gether, and fo the firmnefs ofit. Fourthly, That all was done in fo fhort a time. We fay, Rome was not built in aday. Solomon was fevcn years in building the Temple (i Kings 6, 38.) And he was thirteen years in building his own houle (i Kings 7. 1.) And doubtleffe , Solo- mon laid out all the power and skill he had for the felting up of thole buildings : But behold a greater building than ehher the Temple which Solomon built for God , or the houle which he built for hirnfelf , fet up (as we fay) in a trice, The Lord fini- fhed all his work in fix dayes, and that part of ir,the earth,in one : Nor did the Lord takeeither fix dayes to finifh the whole work, or one to finifh any one part of it , becaufe he needed fo much time to do it in; but becaufe he would not do it in lofs. Fifthly, The Lord didall this without the ufe of any intlru- menr, rule or compafs , axe or hammer ; ohough here is mention x made