Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

chap. 38. an Expaftion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. p. 7 who are the called according to his purpofe ( Rom. 8. 23. ) And toconvince jab from the Works of Creation, that he ought not only to acquiesce or refs quietly under the Works of Providence, whatfoever they were, but to rejoyce in them ; the Lord tells him in the next verfe that there was great rej -)ycing , yea, fhouring for joy , when the foundations of the earth were fafiencd , and the corner-fione thereof laid. J 0 B. Chap. 38. Verf. 7. 7. when the morningBars fang together, and all thefons of Godfhottted for joy. Here are two opinions among learned Interpreters con-. cerning the general flare of this verfe Firfi , Some here realhuming thefirfl words of there queflions propofed at the fourth verfe by God to lob , where waft thou , when Ilaid the foundations of the earth ? &c. make this the fecond inflance Of Gods mighty power in the works of Creation ; where wall then, when the morningfurs fang together, andall thefoes of God poutedfor joy ? As if the Lord had lard, I have as yet queflioned thee only where thou waft when Imade the earth, which is the moll inferiour pare of the world : But now I purpofe to rife higher in my difcourfe , and therefore I put there queflions to thee ; Where waft thou, whenI fet up the morn- ingliars , thofe fparkling lights, which (lsine to theearth, through the firmament of heaven ; as alfa the fors of God , thofe /defied fpirits I all whichfang together andpoutedfor joy, at the appear- anceof naypower and wifdom. Secondly, Others conne& there words in a continued fenfe and fentence with the verfe goingbefore Wherewaft thou,wben Ilaid the foundations of the earth ? &e. at which fight,the morn- ingftars fang together,and all thefans of God ¡booted for joy. Tak- ing the words thus, they carry an allufion to, or are a fimili- rude taken from noble buildings or flrutlures , whore foundati- ons ufe to be laid with folemnity , and their corner -Hones to be let up with bootingand acclamation. That it was anciently cu- L flomary,