Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Cha n Expofition.upon the boot of J Q B. Vert xy. icy, - p' 4' quence or inference is plain and clear, for God himfelf fhould either be unjuft, or he Mould be lets juft, thenman is, ifhe thojld . do that, which a juii man upon true grounds would refute to do. , Therefore in Gen 18 Abraham pleads with God, under that title ola juil Judge, Shill not the.jiodge of all world do right ? As if he fhould lay, faithful Judges upon the earth will do right, there- fore furely he that is the Judge of all the earth will do right ; lo Eliphaz here to job, never complain as if God had done thee wrong, for certainly, the jutt God will not do that which a jutt Eloha denrrrr man would not do : The word,whereby God is expreft (Eloha) Jodteam; r.. dorh well comply with, and anfwcr this fenfe, it being properly qutrauta re attributed to God as a Judge, the great atbritrator and determi rumarbttrum. ner, of all the catafts and cafes ofall men itt the world. Shall mor- tal man be more jnJt then God ? Thirdly, The fence may be taken thus, Ifany man íbould come to implead God, or toplead with Gad, if any should dare to tax. the Juflice of God, or be fo hardly to put in a bill of complaint againft him ; fhall this man, this weak man be found more juii in his complaining, then God hath been in fentencing? shall his bill of complaint be better grounded, then the Lords award of Judg ment ? It is an allufion to thofe,who fuppoing they have wrong, complain againft the Judge, and fay,t hat he hath erred in or per- verted Judgment. That word( juftifted)here ufed,fhall man bejet- `` Rifted before God? is a judiciary word, a Court orJLary term; Var umforenJè The fame word, which the Holy GlroJt ufes, in that great work of fpe ans ad in- Ma adfq= Free Grace, the ju]tificationofa firmer before God ; And that itn- centsm ports the declaring and Petting forth of a man, tobe righteous, and his caule good in,jefus Chrift,wheteupon he is cleared and ac- quitted. When Satan accules or pleads again(i us,laying fuchand Inch fins to our charge; thus and thus this man bath offended, then God is laid to jultifie a man,that is, to declare him to be juii, his fins being covered, and himfelf accepted in Jefus Cbrift: Hence that divine challenge to all accufers,Wo (hall lay any thing to the eharge of Gods Eleît, it is God thatjuftifieth, Korn. 8.33. Sonow,if man should accule and complain againft God,hc luth done thusand thus in theworld,afJii&ted a lob, troubled a righte- ous perfon ; Shall mortal . man be morejug then God? Shall this man inhis complaint be juftified?Shall not God rather be juftified againft whom he complains? Certainly he (hall. God thall be de- clared juft,yea,he (hall be declared ju(i by man.A maneaningaged and