Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

hap. 4. An Expofition upen the Book of J O B. Vert, 17. A time will come, it will come fhortly, when every Saint ¡hall fay, in all their hearts and in all their fouls, that not one thing nor ought of any one good thing, which- the Lord hath faid con- cerning them, hath failed. I Phut up this, in the words of Christ to his Difciples, when they were amufed about that aEt ofhis, the wafhingof their feet, ( John t 3. 7.) What I doye knownot now, but ye fhall knew hereafter. Stay but a while, and all thofe myfieries andriddles ofprovidence shall be unfolded. Though clouds and darkne(s are round about him, yet Judgment and Mice are the habitation of his Throne, Pfal. 9 ; . Mortal man never had, and at lajt¡hall fee he had no reafon, to complain of God; mortal man ¡hall not be more uli eben God; nor ¡hall man be more pure then his Maker. And fo much for the fifth Conclufion, That God neither doth nor can do any injuftice to the creature,he is jufi in his nature, jut and holy in all his wayes. The fixth or laft Conclufion is this, That to complain of Gods iufliorfrtopor- dealing with us, is to make our felves more jufi and pure then Gods; tat qui ime+erá- or, when any perfon or people complain of Gods difpenfations tdojjiigitur,qup .toward them they, (though not formally, yet by way of inter- qui ieeieriti pretation) make themfelves more jufi and pure then God. This `fflrgie. was the point wherein Elipbaz labours much, to convince Job, fuppofing that he had thus exalted himfelfagaínit God, by thefe grievous complainings of his prefent ftate,in the fore-going Chap- ter ; There is a truth in the Propofition,though not in the Appli- cation, as hath oftenbeen hinted. Jobs complaints were bitter, from the fenle of his pains, not from any prejudice in his under - fianding. He ever preferved high andholy thoughts of God. The kifquit de leafs fufpition of whole righteous dealings, is to make our felves, porfecurione by fo much the more righteous, then he. The reafon is clear,for, aliud quo'mju he that complains thus, thinks tome wrong is done him ; Now he diciunrferientir that complains ofwrong,would be thought morejuft,then he ofwhole accufat, purio. wronging him, he complains : vt hofoever murmurs or repines at rem ergofe via what God doth,fecretly faith(this voice is in it)that he could do f°ae ¡uoeai- better,or that God ought : He that (peaksagainft the rod, fpeaksZernuwcoque. againft him that finites with the rod, He that fwears by Heaven, relam porn, fwears by the Throne of God, and by him that fitteth thereon, faith calque fibs Christ ;And fo,he that aced-es the rod of God,accufes the work of proculdubio God,and God that wrought it : He thinks himfelf more pare then jßjodicíur Cu. o hisMaker,who is difpleafed withGod,as a corrc ter:Todifapprove j eiAice any thing which God doth, is to approve our felves More God. dorguit. R 2 It Gtcg. tai