Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. AnExpofition upon the Book of J ®B. 5...11. Verf, r 8. 139` Chriti a fupernatural blefï'ednefs, fromwhich they cannot fall; and fo by grace are become immutable, which by creation they were not. though Quid be not a redeemer (as was fore)yet he is a confirmer, a fupporter ofthe holy Angels.l n refe- rence whereunto,Chrilt is called the beadofall things( Ep.1.22.) And ofhim the whalefamily in heaven, and in earth is named, Ephef. 3 15. And by him (Col. r. 2o.) Gadbath reconciledall things unto himfelf, by him Ifay, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. Some underftand that place in the Go- loffian: ofmen only, becaufe of the word reconciling ,yet wemay well take in Angels alfo,becaufe,thatplace takes in all things,both in Heaven and earth.And howfoeverAngels needed not fuch a re- conciliation,as fuppofes a breach ofpeace,or a fallingout,before yet t hey needed fuch a reconciliation, as conlfts in the continu- ation and ftrengthning of that peace which was before. Further,We learn by way of Corollary from the former paint, That there it nofiability in any eftate out of Chrift ; the Angels themfelves could not be trufted out ofChrift;folly is in them not confidered in Chrift, how muchmore in man ? whenAdam fell, ifGod fhould have repaired him again, and fet himup (in fiatu quo) inthe fame condition wherein he was, yea in a better (if a better could behad)without a Mediator ; and fo have tryed his obedience once more ;. or fhould every particular man have flood for himfelf,and notone for all ; certainly, as we fell at firft in a lump all together,fowe fhould have all fallen fingle (as it were) by retail, one after another : There is no affurance in anygateon this fide Chrift : Norman, nor Angel can hold out without a Surety : Chrift is called the Surety ofthe Covenant, Heb.7. 22. be- caufe he undertakes for us that we (hall do our parts, that we (hall be faithful and beleiving, that we (hall b: holy and humble, that we (hall do what God expelis from thole, whom free grace (hall favo : Chrift undertakes for all the grace, and holincfs, and faithfulnefswhich is required in beleivers ; he gives no sommand, but what himfelfhelps us to fulfill,nor calls he for any duty, but what himfelf works in us and for us. Fourthl y obferve, That God fees imperfe6fion in creatures whofe natures are moff perfeci. Man looking upon the Angelical nature,or upon mansnature in innocency,could fee no fault or fol- ly in either,but God lawboth poffibly faulty,though not actually faulty. And, as it is with the nature of men and Angels, Co with T 2 their