Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4.. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. VerC.i8: 141 Fifthly, ForaCmuch as God beholding his Angels, fees folly in them, learn, That God loath no needof any creature, no not ofAn- gels.The reafon is clearly this,becauCC Angels themfelves,in them- felves are unfaithful,Augels themfelVes in Chet i(elves are foolith, therefore what need hath God offuch as thele ? As King Achifh laid (r King. a L. 15. ) when David changed his behaviour before him (ttudioully ailing the fool and mad man) fcrabling on the doors of the gate,and letting his fpittle fall down upon his beards What,Caith Achifh, unto hisfervants, have I need ofmad men, that you have brought thi; fellow toplay the mad man in my prefence ? So,God may Cay,when he looks upon the belt of creatures,Angels or men,have I any need of mad men, any need offools or of their folly? ForaCmuch then, as there is nothing in any creature, barely as a creature, but what may be reduced to folly and unfaithful- nefs, and would certainly end there, therefore God bath no need at all of any creature.Men will fay, we need not the help of dif- loyal or untrully men, we need not the help of fools, to couistèl us, or of unfaithful ones, toat for us. Belìdes,creatures are no help to God:For the truth is,God and the creature are no more then God alone ; Ifay, Gòd and the ut- termoft perfefion ofall creatures put together, are no more then God alone: The reafon of it is, becaufe if there beany perfection increatures,it is but what God himself bath put into them. What aman gives to another,is no addition to himfelf,mach leffe is that which God gives manor Angel,any addition to God: God is ink- nite, and no addition can be made to infinite : When the creature doth moli for us,the creature; of it felf,dothnothing for us, God doth all in all and by all. The creaturedoth you no more good at one time then at another,all the good which is done at any time, God Both it:So then, every way God bath no need of creatures. And it is'our comfort, I am lure it ought to be, that he (lath not. He faith to wife men I have no need of your counfels to rich menI have no need of yourpurfes ; and togreat men, I have no need of yoùrpower ; he fees all is vanity. Lardy, If God tru[ì not Angels,letnot us truft in man ; if hè charges his Angels with folly, let not us adore the wifdam of man: This difcovery ofirnperfefion in Angels, should' lay all creatures low beforeus, and take us offfrom confidence or boaft= ing in any arm of flefh, To this feüfe Eliphoz profeçutes the argument in the following words to the end Of the Chapter. If