Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. Ars Expòfttión upon the Book of j B. Verf. t, r,,4? .Tilt thou be grieved ? 1 The word fgnThcs to be extreamly Ff./flu rnere wearied,even unto rageor fainting. Here Elipbaz Teems to hinrar, vet awing, i lnivit, jobs former dillem cred f ches. If we f P eak, wilt thou promite us not to fall into fuch a fit of pawn, as even bow, thouwall in. And yet whatfoever comes of it oz howfoever thou take1 it,I mull difcharge my duty and my conlcience; therefore he adds, Who can with-hold Isiafelf from fJeaking? That is, no man can with -hold himfclf from (peaking in iheh a cafe as this : to hear thee (peak thus would even make a dumbman (peak; Chrill faith in the Golpel, If thefe fhouldhold their peace,the'tones wouldcry there is filch a fence in thefe words : If we thy friends lhiould hold our peace,when thou fpeakelt,thus, the very ftones would cryout a aioft thee for (peaking and againll us for holding our peace.The 1St? Hebrew wordtranllated with-hold,fignihas toPhut up a thing fo as Cloufg,roerc that it cannot come out: It is appiyed to the locking up of the Kings 8 35. Clouds that they rain not; to the holding in of tire that it cannot break forth;jer.2o.9.whrre the Prophet very elegantly fits it to the refiraining offpeech, which is the very point in hand.HS word was in mine bear: as a burning firefhut up in my bones; Iwas weary with forbearing, So it implyts that the friends of Job, had as it were a tire in their bofoms, which they could no longer reftrain, they were as Clouds full ofwater, full ofdew and rain, they were tot able to tufp,nd themlelves from diflolving and fhowring upon Job, both reproof and counfel, advifes and exhortations. We may obferve from this Preamble, That it is wifdom tofinee- ten reproof with friendly infinuations. Reproof is a bitter Pill ; it is a wholefome yet a bitter Pill, and there is need to wrap it up inGold and. Sugar, that pleating both eye and pallat it may be Qal, .F. r. taken down the better. It is theApoliles counfel to his Galatians, Sretloren, if a man be overtaken with afault, ye that are f piritusl refiere filch a one in the fpirit of meeknefs. The word refiere, is an allufion to the Art of Chirurgery, in Petting a bone out of joynt; loft words and a loft hand tit the Patients mind to endure that painful operation By falls into fin, the foul breaks or dii joynts a bone, he that will fct fuch a mind mull handle it gently. We may obferve the holy skill of fume of the Saints in prayer, prepáring God for receivingof Petitions, by prefaces andhum- ble infinuations (as it were) getting within him. Thus did Abra- bam,Gen. 18, when he prayed for Sodome, Let not my Lord be angry, if I who àm but duff and afhes (peak unto thee, There fuch