Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. Q.. An Expofitìon upon the Bookof J O B. Vere 6. 2.1 But the word is often taken in a contrary fenfe,as we tranflate, for conftancy or confidence, and fometimcs for hope ; and thus job 3 r. 24. IfI havefaid togold,thouart myhope,or my confidence; and Chap. 8. iq.. fpeakingof the Hypocrite,whofe hopeThal be cut of, the fame word is ufed; and Prov. 3 a6. The Lord Thall be thy confidence, and he (hall keep thy foot from being taken ; and(not to heap many places) l'fal 78. 7. That they may Jet their hope in God. In this fence it is generally underftood here, Is not this thy fear and thy confidence, fc. all the truft than haft placedin thy God. Fear and confidence are asof natural worfhip. Confidence or Trutt is the refting of the foul upon another, here the ceiling of the Soul upon the Word, or promitès of God, upon the power, faithfulinefs,and truth ofGod : an at thus put forth by the foul, is confidence. Now, faith Eliphaz, is not this thy confidence? thou haft fpoken much of ceiling and fruitingupon Godand his Word, upon his power and faithfulnefs ; is not this that which thou haft all this while talked of?See what a goodly confidence it is ! Doth it not look like a proper piece of grace ? Confidence is an ad beyond Faith; a foul confiding walkes in a higher Region of grace and comfort than a foul only believing these may be believing,where there is not this confiding. As pati- ence is hope lengthened, to confidence is hope ftrengthned. AilTu- rance is the higheft degree of faith ; and confidence is the higheft degree of affurance. It carries with it, first cheerfulnefs oppofite to forrow; fecondly courage, oppofite to fear and defpondency of fpirir ; thirdly, boldnefs and adventuroufnefs oppofite to cow- ardice. Confidence having a good caute and agood call,will take a Beare by the tooth, or a Lyon by the beard. Fourthly, it notes boatling, or a kindof fpiritual wife bragging, oppofite to finful modeflyor concealment ofwhat God hath done for us. Or take it thus. Confidence is the nobleft exercife offaith, which looking fteadily upon God inhimfelf, and in Chrift, through the proms- fes, raifes the foul above all fears and difceuragements, above all doubts and difquietments, either about the removing of evil, or the obtaining of good Hence confidence is well called the reti of the foul, therefore Ira fuck as attain toconfidence are faid to be in peace, in perfeel peace. Himwilt thou eftablifh inperfeft peace, whole bears cloth truft up- on ¡bee. And this adof confidenceor truft is proper and peculiar to