Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap, 4. Ax Expofitionupon the bookof JO B. Verf,7, blaft ofGod they'perifh,a;,d by the breath of his uofirilsare they con- fumed, &c. This in general for the furn and fubflance ofthe Ar- gument. We will now confider the words, and examine the flrcngthof itir. particulars, Remember. I pray the' e.]HH handle(h job' tenderly in virords,he (peaks gently and winningly to him, Remember [pray thee. To remember notcth often iu Scripture a ferious confrderation of things' prefent and before us, Leclef, 12_ r. Renumber now 'thy Creator in the dayes of thyy:,:eth; that is, ferioully bethink thy fclf at the prefent of God and his wayes, and how thououghteft to walk holily before him. But properly to remember, is the calling to mind of things which are pall: and fo Eliphaz in this place di- re. s job to fearch the Records;Go and inquire into all the Mo- numents. ofAntiduity ;lookthe Regiíkrs and Hyfkories of theAges pall, and fee ifthou caufl finde any fuch thing as this,A righteous ma n perifhing, Memory is thefoulsfore-boufe; there we lay up Obfervations, and from thencefetch them out, as occasions invite. Hence Chtift Mattb. a 2.57. comparcth everyScribe which is inftruáed for the kingdomofHeaven to a hettje = holder which briingeth forthout of his treafury thingsboth newandold. This trcafury is the memory, there holy truthsand profitable examples are ftored and referved. Remember 1 pray thee. In that Eliphaz fendeth job back to former experiences, we may note, That it is our,dxty to lay up and record the dealings ofGod whether pnblickor perJotall whether with the-godly or with the wicked. It is our duty to obforve what God doth, YJ,zl. r r r. ,f. Fie bath made his wonderful works to be remenibred ; as if the Pfaimift had raid, God bath not wrought filch great things in the world,. whether rcfpLaingPerfons or Nations, that we fhould write them upon the water, or in the fand, which the next puffe ofwinds defaces and blows out; but he hatabmade his wonderful works to be remembreel; he will have them written' in brats, with a penof Iran, and with the point of a Diam,xd, that all ages may hear the judgements and lovingkindneff's of the Lords he bath Made his wonderful wor!es to lie remeahbred, or he hash made them fo, as that tlieyare mutt worthy, to be remernbrcd. David was a great obrerverofexperienc4 Pfi 3'r 35.,hetel- ieth us, that he had (as it wcre)colledcd notes concerning Gods dealings 33