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Ji 3 Chap. 4.. .ass Expofition upon the Book of J O f,. VerC 7. trouble and afHiF,fion uponmy felf, let it be fo, I will venture it A Syrian ready toperifh was my father, Dçut. z6. It is meant of Jacob a man much verft in trouble, as he himfelf acknowledgeth, Few and evil have been the gayer of my pilgrimage. Fourthly to perifü,noteseternal milery as it is put for the mi- fcries of this life, fo for the life of tnilery, for that life which is an ítmpiGtOdJfll everlafting deatio. John 3. 16. Godfo loved tbe world, that he gave reiperdicienest his only begotten Son, that r hofoever believeth on him, fhould not fen ticat,opp9. perifh,but have everlafting life ; periling is oppofed to everlafling sitar en;m ee- life , and therefore implies everlalïing death. ocrationi. Fifthly, toperifh,.notes utter defolation, and total ruine.Acut- ting off, or a defiroying the very name and remembrance ofa per- fon,or ofa people. Hethatfpeakr Iyes hall perifh, PCaJ. 59.9. that is, hefhail be utterly de,iiroyed. In this fenfe the word is ufed for the devil, becaufe he is adestroyer to the utmoft, as Chritt is a Savi- our to the utmolf. He is called Abaddon from .A!ad trho word here ufed) Rev. 9. a z. andApollyon, his bulinefs is to deflroy to- tally and eternally. Thus alfo Antichrill, Thefirff-born ofthe De- vil ( 2 Thef. 2.3.) is called thefon of perdition : take it actively, he is a deftroying fon, one that deliroyeth bodies and fouls, as in. Scripture a bloody man is called Ifb dammim, a maa of blond and pallively, he is a tonäfperdition, that is, áman to be deltroyed both body and foul. Thefe two latter feules, namely,eternal deflruEiion in Hell and utter deflruaion in this life, are joyned together, Prov, t y.r i.Hell and deftrultion (or Hell and periling) are before tbe .Lord ; and Chap. 27. zo. we have the fame wordsfagain;Hell andperdition,or lieN and de¡fr cäion are very full; So that to perifh (in a firia fenfe'notes even in this life an utter extirpation ; fo Come render Atbfrondíy no ovum Judi, it here, Who everfasv the righteousplucked up by the roots, fo as ter vet ,,dea- there fho iid be no remembrance, no remainder of them. The iur)permatonf- other word which is joyned in the Text, cut off, carries the fame mom jublatur, fenfeithough it fgnifies properly to hide a thing,yet it is Co to hide delstusficcifus su4lata enim it as it appeareth no more, or fo to hide it, that it can neither be medianonap. heard of, nor fecn any more. Hence by a Metonymie it fignifies to parenten+pliur take away or tocut off,becaufc things that arc takenaway and cut fed abfconduo- off,ate as things hidden and teen no more Here thcn is the height eu. of the fenfe,either to take it for perifhing in Hell,or for fuch a pe- riling in this life,as isjoyned with, total defolation anddcCertian. Then for the termes, innocent and righteous. The word we tranflatc