Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. i.. An Expofrtionupon the Book of J OB. VerE 8; power,cannot infliel apunifhment,beyond that which infinitejuifice doth require; Infinite Juflice is offended, and mutt be fatisfìcd (if nof fatisfied by Chrift ) then by the perfon himfeif offending : therefore infinite power, cannot lay upon a man, more then his fin doo-h deferve,though it may eatìly lay more upon him then his nature can endure. So then. all that wicked men bear In this life, is lets and all they ;hall bear in hell, will not be more then the&- fens of fin or he demands of juftice. An obledionmay kern to lye againfi this, from that award of judgment a ,ainit Babylon : double to ber douale according to her warviit may teem that het harvest ofpuntthment mutt exceed in Rev. r t, í. double ploporrion,her teed-rime offinning; The Pfalmitt fpeakes yet hifher, Render untoour neighboursfevenfold into their hofonie, their reproach, wherewith they have rcproachedtbee O L' rd. Render Pial.79. 12. fcvt 4otc;,tbat is manifold :'That number in Scripture multiplies the eute Into any number; To render fevenfold, may be rendred the yrea-et1 number. Ia w<Ir. baby ons punifhment ihall be doublerefpcaing what Bay 94 111.; 1) 6a=r- : -,c}cd, but not double,refpcftng what Baby. let :h h iliac deterved ; Give to her doub;e it it be petiole, let her . , moth blooc! more to drink, as file hash tptlt, for the del iseth to drink.a hune:red times more. 'Che blood of Saints is precioe,K ole od , one drop of theblood of Sion, is more worth then a whole ocean oft,c blood of Babylon,' therefore give ber double ;I thougn it bemore in quantity,it is not fo much in value. Al ' fo, reward out neighbours that have reproached thee fe- rmi-old,. it is not cventold beyond their deserts, for une fcorn that a wicked man poureth upon a child of God (and fò upon God, tor that's the meaning of the Pfalm cannot be recornpcnfed with ten thoutand reproaches;, poured upon wicked men: Re- proäch is the due-of ungodly men here, and everlafiing reproach' "theirportion hereafter. But the lean reproach cati upon God, is an infinite wrong ; and the reproach of his people is fo much his, that he reckons it as his own r And will therefore take away all reproach from his people, and render to their unkind neighbours,their reproach fevenfold (and that's but ecjual) into their bt Tomes. Lately, Whenit is faid They;Jail reap thefame: We are taught, That thepurai;htnent offn, ¡bail be like thefin in kind ; It ;hall be the fame, not only in degree, but alfoin likettefs. Punish- H2 ment