Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

- Chap. 4. AH Expofitionupon-the bool(rf JOI, Véi9'; bit noftrilr ; thé whole verle runtieth thus, 7bechannels ofthefia atppeared, the foundations of the earth were difcovered, at the rebu- kingof the Lord, at the blast of the breath of hit tilt-rile, that is, at the great difpleafure of the Lord. So, we fcc,what w e are here tounderftand,by the breathand by the blast of the Lord. And in this patfage,Eliphaz teems to hint at the manner of the death of Job- children who were detìroyed by the ftrength of a mighty wind, fmiting the four corners of the honk: fc, that it tell upon them: that wind may well be called the breath and the blast of God, both in regard of the wonder and lirangenefs ofit,as allo becaufe( though Satan was the inftru- ment) he had theordering and difpofingof it. Satans breath,all the wind he can eau e, cannot blow away a feather, unlcfs the Lord give and continue leave and ftrength, todo it. Obterve tìrti, God can eafily dejfroy vvickedmen, He doth it by a blatt,or by a breath. Though,to then-itelves and others,theyap- pear as great Mountains, yet before God they arc but as dull, or chaffe of the Mountains by a blab or by a breath he fcattersand confumes them : So David compares them (Pfal, t. 4.) The un- godly are not f, (not fo, how ? they are not as a tree planted by the waters tide, that is the portion of the righteous ; how are the ungodly thew?) They are as the chafe, that the wind fcatterrtlo or driveth away, the bell of them,the molt follid of themare no bet- ter. And (!fa, 17. 13.) 7be Nations ¡hall be chafed, as the chaffe of° the Mountains before the wind,and as a rolling chingbefore the whirl- wind. Though Nations, mighty ftrong powerful Nations, come our again God, and his people, Fear them Hot : For if God let himfelfagainit them, they arc no more before him, then a little chaffe, he fcatters them by the breath of hisdifpleafure. You know it is no trouble for a man tobreath,or tomake a blaft with his month ; and this phrate is ufed, to thew with what cafe and facility God deilroys all the plots and counfels of wicked men ; it putteth him tono pain, no fweating,no travel or labour to do it ; men arc put to much expence of pains, and run many hazards, to oppofe the wickednels ofmen ; but God doth it with a breath (2King 19,7. )When God tent toHezeliah,toafire hirn that he would deliver him fromSenacherib,he not only promiCeth todo it, but (hews him how he will do it, even as in this Text, Bebotd I waif-ends bluff uponhint : that's all I will do, I will nut trouble my Elfmach about the bufinefs ; you mull gather armies I and 57