Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

oq. Chap. '8 An Expofition upon the Bool<of J O B. Veii r 6, p.21.1 a root which fignifies a little fuckingchild, or an infant ; and the sgn :ot la- reafon is, becaufe branches which come from the tree,drawmoi- tiantem feu flure and lap from the tree, as an infant doth milk from the mo- infanten lac fugentec± ; pct thers breati : therefore we elegantly in our language, anfwering /Eetaphorant the Hebrew, call fuch branchesfuckers,and wecut them offwhere fucliturprofur- we fee many fprouting from one fruit- bearing tree, becaufe they eul.iaut Centro draw too much from the tree, and hinder the fruit, that's the ramp qui fe meaning of the Hebrew word, His fucker! : So M. Broughton arboreaz. Iene. rims rani/Ifni. tranilares, Hisfuckersfprout out over his orchard. By there branch - ïitattanribuf es we may underfland either his children, or his honour, his re- ,ueri fiunt fi- lotions, or his reputation, there (hoot forth and thew them- n ies. felves as branches from a tree, His branches fhootforth in his garden. In hisgarden. H°''' 141 ri ra. That is,in that place which he bath fenced or taken in for him- dire Ganan veavit meta' felf a garden is a plot feparated and enclofed from thofe places phonicè-protex- which lie openand in common. So much the Hebrew word im- it,quod fepto ports , 'coming from a root which fignifies to prote6or to fence protegi folet. a thing abóut,becaufe gardens are places fenced, hedged, or wal- led in, Cant. 4.'2. Agarden enclofëdis my beloved. Ecclef.a.g, 6. Imade me gardens and Orchards,and1planted trees in them of all ( kindof) fruits, Imade mepools ofhater towater therewith the wood that briatgethforth trees. His branches(hoot forth in his garden.] That is, he appears very beautifull and glorious, very green and flourithing in his !late or condition,in his dignity and honour.He lives as in a gardenor pa- Perhortum iu. radife : So the word is tranflated (Gen.2.8.) And the LordGod rcIlige omner planted paradife, or agarden ofdelight. The hypocrites garden is rationes,quibus all that by which he preferves and keeps his worldly comforts, as átgettuetur we do plants and flowers of profit or delight in gardens. Thus dinemmc. the hypocrite grows as a goodly tree , and fhooteth forth his branches. This is the firfl part ofthe defcriptionof his flourifbing eflate. Hence note a point or two. Finn, In generall ( which hath heretofore been obferved,there fore I (hall but touch it. ) Ibat a wicked man,an hypocrite, may abound exceedingly in out- wardprofperity. He is a tree,green before the Sun,and Mootingforth his branch- es in a garden. Second--