Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 9. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 5. 18 t blond about the heart, or the boiling of the heart in blood ; The fumes whereof rife fo fall into the brain, that anger fomtimes dif- erafurorbreto lodges reafon,and is therefore called by others afhort madnefs. The word in the text fignifies the NoJtrils ; and the Scripture gg frequently applies that to ang4, becaute anger is feen and nude trv, hide, tran! vifible in the noftrils. Quick breathing isa fignof anger. God is ,femur ad without parts and paflwns,he is not angry as man;but is laid to be nafum, qui angry when he doth like man in his anger. The Lord is not moved iß`n ortlirred byanger,but he is,angry,when he makes motions & ftir- in quo in pre= rings in the creature; he lets out the effects ofanger, but hirtifelf cipud apparel, hath not theaffetion,much lets the perturbation of anger. Hence Fames 'M mo- obferve, rabilée, din na-- furn (mum.. That the trofblesand confufions which are in the creature,are to Phut. lens and ereîls of the anger ofGod. As the fetling and eflablifhment of the creature, is an effea or fign ofhis goodnefs,or as thefe tell us,thatGod is pleafed:So when the Lord hurles the creature this way and that way, when he toffesit up and down, as ifhe cared not how,this is anargument of his anger. When Moles carne down from themount, and fan, what the people of Ifrael had done, how they made a golden calfand polluted themfelves with idols, fuch a paffion of anger came upon him, that.he threw the Tablesof the Law out of hú= hand, andbreak them. So, when the Lord would t gnifie his di, fpleafure, he throws the creature out ofhis hand, and breaks man. againft man, Nation againft Nation (as a. potters veffel ) cne a gainft another. The comfort and well -beingof the creature, con- . lift in this, that God holds it in his hand ; ifhe do but let it goc out of his hand it perifhes, much more when he calls it with vio- Ience.out,of his hand. The Prophet (Hab. 3. 8. )defcribing the great confufions which God made in the world, queflious thus, Was thine anger againft the rivers? Was thy wrath againft thefeu, that thou didg ride upon thine hoefes, and thy chariots offalv.;ttion ? God being angry with the enemies of his people, made,llra,ige work amiongfl them;Kather then his people fhall not he delivered, the worldfhallbe confounded : Was the Lord angry with thefea ? when he compelled the rivers to change their"courtes, and difcover the bottome oftheir channels,as in the paffage ofhis Ifra l therow the red fea ? No, God was not angry withthe lea, but with Pharaoh tnd his boll, with the uppreffours"and troublers of his Ifrael ; and When hewas thus angry,he check'd the coerce ofnature.,and turn- ed'things up-fide-down. When David was in -a dillrefs, and his enemies