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TChap.9, A Expofitionupon the Bookof J p B. VcrC7. 191 Fourthly, Some refer this fpeech of jobs to that particular plague of darknefs, for three dayes in Egypt ( lafl mentioned) which they conceive was then freth in memory, and fo jobhad reference efpecially unto that,when he faith, He commandeth the Sun, and it rifeth not. For though God at that time didnot give a command to flop the Sun from riling upon all parts of the earth, yet he commandeth the Sun not to rife upon that part ; when his own people had light in Gofhei , the Lord charged the Sun not to rife upon the Egyptians ; this is a more diflind afh of the power of God. For, as he fpeaks, Amos 4. 7. (tonote the ac.curatenefs as well as the power of God in his judgments) concerning the rain, I commanded the clouds (faith he) and I cauf fed it to rainupon oneCity,and caufedit notto rainupon another City : So the Lord can caufe the Sun, if he pleafe, to rife upon oneCountry, andnot upon another ; upon one Nation,and not Upon another upon one City, and not uponanother. Thus we may underhand it, He commandeth the Sun, and it rifeth not up- on one people, though it fhineth upon others, according to the manner of that Egyptian plague. Lafily, We mayinterpret it of any extraordinary tempefluous tithe, He commandeth the Sun, and it rifeth not ; that is, he makes fuch`ftorms and tempefis, and caufeth filch vapoursand clouds in the air, that the Sun is muffled up, and is as if it did not rife. Sucha day (he means it ofany troubles and afflictions) we have defcribed in the Prophet Joel (Chap. 2. a.) A day of darknefs, and ofgloominefs, a day ofclouds and tbickdarknefs, as the morn- ingupon the mountains. But how is aday ofdarknefs as the morn- ing? &c. The fpeech intends thus much, that'this darknefs fhall fpread it Pelf as fuddenly as the morning light ípreads it felf upon the mountains, which being highefl, are bleft and gilded with the' firft ifiuing rayes ofthe riftngSun. God is laid to command the Sun not to rife, when he vails and masks the face of the Sun with fuddain clouds, as ifthere were no Sun at all but clouds. Pani inhis voyage to Reme, was under fuch a tempefl, and the Text faith, that neither Sun nor Star for many dayes appeared' ("Ads a,7.2íß.) they were as if the Sun had not rifen for many dayes. Such flormy gloomy weather God can make, (Ezek.3 a.7.) When Ifhàüput -.thee out, Iwill cover the heaven, andmake the ftara thereofdark, 1 will cover the Sun with a cloud; that is, I will» ;;put a black vail or cloak upon the heavens; that the Sun thail nore lath-