Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

392 Chap, ç. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf.7. put out any light when I put them out; when I extinguifh thee I will (for a time ) extinguith the Sun alío. The conflellations of Heaven are often expreffed fympathizing with the difpenfations of God on earth, IJ .a. 13. r o. joèl z. 3I.Mat.24. 29.He command- sib or fpeaketh to the Sun. Obferve hence, Firtl, The bare wordofGod it a command. ufeth that Orin Script,- wordfaboueththetcreation and of tlighth2oCo The 6. The Lord who rapro volunta , ` tof.spc arc ipi- commanded light tofhine out of darknefs, bath fhined in our hearts tur,f:gnificat the Greek is, The Lordwhofpake light out of darknefs, which we enim iocutio- translate, The Lordwho commanded the light out of darknefs. The nee, locuti- nos quid words ofGod are Laws, and therefore the ten Commandements, one enim part of the word which carries the name ofcommands from trnnireflane all the reft, is yet called, The ten words of God. The Greeks call etnwt the tenCommandements, the Decalogue, or the ten words; fo ma- ny words, fo many commands. The devil feems to acknowledge this great power ofGod (only that he might abufe it)inChrift' that his word was a command, If thou be the Son ofGod (Mat 4.3.) command that thefefiones be madebread: The Greek is, If thoube the Son ofGodjpeak. to thefeffones that they become bread, or Jpeakthefefones into bread: He would take that as a proof of his Divinity, If thou be the Sonof God, do this; God can do this, his Word is a command toall creatures, for whatfoever he impofeth upon them, they mutt lubmit to it, therefore da thou fo like- wife,fpeak to thefe times, or command thefe bones to become bread. It fhould bematter ofcomfort to us, while we rememberthat every word ofGod is a command upon all creatures,He bath made a decree which(hallnot pafs(Pf. r48,6.)TheHebrew isonly,aword which [hall not pats, his word is a decree, which none fhall reverie. Secondly, As from the former claufe [He commandeth the Sun]. we learn, that every wordof God is a command fo from that which followeth Landis rifeth not] We may learn. That, every creature obeys the command, and fubmits to the will ifGod. Men often fpeàk,and fpeak in the higheft language ofcommand- ing, and yet the thing is not done ; but whatfoever the Lord (peaks is done. Every thing hath an ear to hear his voice, who made both voice and ear, Pfal. 1q.8.8. Fire andhail,fnow and va- pour,