32 Chap. S. A,z E pofitiort upon the Bookof J O B. Verfe. gill's for thee. Children may teach their parents,parents are often whipt upon their ci ïldrens backs. The hand of God upon others points towards us, and while they are {-Mitten we are snag ruered. The Apofile films up the moíi remarkable judgements which-fell upon the Jews in their paffage from Egypt to Canaan, and clo- feth all with this application to Chriflians, Thefe things happened unto them as enfmaples, and theyare writtenfor our admonition, &c, to the intent that arefhouldnot lull, t Cor.ao. i a. As ifhe had laid, God let them fall into the hand oftheir fins, and their fall may help us to keep our feet. Their falls were types (fo the word is) _their things happened unto them tipically, in them we may fee what God will do with us, if we take their coma, and go their way. -, e &, proprié The Gieek is very elegant and exprefíive ofthis fenfe. For a jlgnfiat noti type is Inch a form or reprefentation of a thing, as is made by hard i"tk"117.r6 rellin or firikin ofit, fuch as we fee in fiamps and Peals. It is 1st once l apea r.f the leaving n ofa mark with a blow ; implying, that the Lord by Bczain John thole firoaks upon his ancient people,leftmarks upon their bodies so.z9. or printed letters there ( theGreek word for a Printer is a Type 71116.91 78 writer) which were legible to their pofterity, and are to this day. 7,htv, perm- Hence the fear which the nails made in the hands of our bleffed aere, Saviour upon the crois is called, The print of the nails ; or,. The ,jpggrolfiica. P , > p f , type of the nails,job. 20. 25. Such a type or print fufferings leave behind them. Howmany fuch types have we at thisday ? Where can we goe; but we may fee the print of the Sword, and thruft our hands into the wounded fides, Let us not be faithlefs but be- leiv in, ?,¡ The ApoLile Peter,(2 Epifi. 2.6.) brings the Apofiate Angels, the old world,filthy Sodome, as admonitory exampleslun to thofe that should live ungodly. They made themfelves evil ex- amples by committing fin, and God made them good enfamples by punifhing them for their fin. Secondly, From the connexion, obferve, That they who are equal in fin , may be unequal in Zuni ra- naent. yobwas (in the judgement of his friends ) as deep in fine as his childrembut though he had finn'd like them,or more then they, yet he might be unlike them in futfering, or fuller lefs then they. Go.f(laithBildad)hath,taken them quite away,.he bath but wound- ed you,and ifyou leek untoGod he is-ready to heal you.The fame i nn. rs formatter, are in heaven and in hell, that is, take ttvo who have