Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

¡ii 5-4: Chap.B. fln Expofitionupon the $ook,of J OB. Verf.B. L7tìul 'Sign jßcat petr- we,pofulare 6*. quidem cum precibur.piam fcifcitori in du- bit', . perfona,frc ,eomfulere : de .rebusfie pete- 4ea IYtesc. 11 Enquire I pray thee. The word notes a very earneft,and a diligent fearch or enquiry To enquire with indiflry,yea,with importunity. Thegrave hath it's name in Hebrew from this word ,and fo bath Hell; becaufe the grave (as it were) calls for, or enquires after all flefh ; and Hell withmuch earneflnefs gapes for wicked men, Ecc1. 2.10. Whatfo. ever mine eyes defired. The eye is a firong asker. It is applied fometimes to perfons , and then it.fgnifies, to en, quire or confult what is to be done. Sometimes it is applied to things,and then it fignifies, to ask that a thing may be done.Pray- er is an enquiry after God, and the thingsofGod, iSam.1,i7,2o, 27. This word is ufedabout Hannah's prayer to Godfor a child, _Hannah conceived and barea Son, and called his name Samuel, lay- ing, Becaufe I have asked himof the Lord. .Further, The word is applied to God, when he enquires after, or asks fomewhat of us, as ifhe made his requeft and fute to us, (Dent.10.12.) Andnow,Ifrael, what doth the Lord thy Godrequire of thee ? Or, what doth he enquire after in thee ? It is this, To ,fear the Lord thy God, &c.. Here; to enquire, is to uCe all endeavours and means to find out the bcft informations and refolutions, which the fathers in thofe former ages were able to give Job in the eontrovcrfie then a foot between him and his friends, Enquire, Ipray thee, Of the former age. By the former, we are,not to underfland thofe that were imme- diately preceding only , or thofe that were ,preceding for fonte' yvkiv c few generations paff , but as the Septuagint well rendersit, bar former generations, we may underhand theftrßgeneration ; begin at the firft , and fo come down all along , begin as high as thou canft. Enquire not only of thofe who lived (Mee the floud, but of all who have been lince God created man upon the earth ; draw t11 ; á radice, the line of thy fearch thorow all ages , and thou shalt find the pe- i1i contiruè degree ofthis truth froni age toage, from generation to generati- & fucediv on. Enquire, Ipray thee, of theformer ttxit, duravm fenfu fono fige. idem quad lox This word Age, is taken three wayes. :rarina.Duso. a. For the whole (pace ofmans life; which, when it is doubled, lignifies