Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

d Chap:S. An Expofition upon the Bookof J,OB. VerC9. ofafftit ion. Sohere,We are but o fyejterday and know nothing; that is, We are but ofyefterday, therefore we know nothing. Know nothing. The negation is not abfolute,but comparative. We knownothing, that is, we neotericks knowbut little in comparifon ofthole who lived Iong ago, and lived fo long, even many centuries, gathering knowledge, and making,up their obfervations : for (Chap. i 2.1 z.) With the ancient iswifdome, and in length of dayes underftanding. :Hence obferve, The Jhort life of man it notfuffcient togain much knowledge. We are but of yefterday,andwe known©thing,wecannot knowmuch Sra tonga,vïta who live but little. The great Phyfitiancomplained long ago,Life bevù. Hipp. itfhort,and art is long ,natural life is not long enough for the jour- ney of natural knowledge. Howmuch lefs is it for divine -know- ledge, in the myfieryofChri& : which is the art ofall arts and fci- .ence of fciences. Thofe myfleries are very long, and our lives are .very Ihort, therefore at our bell, we come (fort in-the knowledge of them. Hence the Apofile (.a Car. 13.) (peaking of the molt per- fed.knowledge we have in this life,concludes, weknow but in part; there is a uafi oceanbf truths in the Gofpel , but we are ftraight- necked veflèls, we take in trùth but by drops;we are long a taking it in, and we have not long to take it in ; hence the emptinefs of thofe who are fuliefl. He that hathmuch to learn, and but a little "(Ion panna to live, cannot learn much. And as our time-is little, fo we lofea temporis babe reat deal of our time. Our loffes of the time we have, hinder enur, dmut um more then our having but little time. Our daycs are few, but ifwe terdirnur. Sen. could number them,we ínould applyour (elves to, and gain tom (elves a fufficient flock of holy wifdome: Thegreateft reafon why we profit no more in knowledge, is, becaufe we improve our'time no More, though that be a reafon alfo, becaufe we have no more time. Secondly, obferve, how modally Bildad fpeaks of himfelf, and ofhis friends, We are but ofyejterday, andwe knownothing. It becometh us to have humble thoughts ofour own knowledge, how muchfoever we know. - ThefeWere-neither children nor fools, who had to do with fob, .they were the cvitè(i of that age , Oracles ofwifdom, yet we know nothing, faith Bildad. The belt ofour knowledge here, is to know ,our imperfections; it isas much knowledge as wecan reach, to know