Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

47`8 'Chap.'8. InExpofitión upon the Bookof J O'B. Verf. 13. ¿lions : That whichwe ulually do, is our path. Thus theadións and works of God are called the pathsof God, Job 40. 19. Behe- moth is the chiefof the wayes of God. Prov. 8. 22. The Lordpoffef ed mein the beginningofhis may, before his works ofold. Pfal. 77. 13. Thy my, 0 God, is in thefanbivary ; that is,thyadings and doings are Peen there. Our adions are compared to á path in two refpeds. r. Beeaule weare frequent in then; that which is a mans courfe he treads eve- ry day. 2. They are called or paths, becaufe they lead usto fome end ; every path leadsus to forne place or other. Some actions lead to life, and fume to death, fome lead to heaven, Come tohell, fome to (.;hrifl, and forne to Satan,toone of thefe ends, weare travelling and journeying all the dayes ofour lives. Of thofe thatforget God. To forget God imports thefe four things. . Not to think of God,we forget that whichwe mind not. The fiat at ofremcmbring is thinking. The thiefon the cross prayed,. Lord, remember me when thou comeft into thy Kingdome; that is, think ofme for good. God is not in all the thoughts ofawick- ed man to obey or honour him, and a wicked man is not in all the thoughts of 'God , (in this fènfe) to biers or pardon him. 2. To forget God, is to difobey God, or not to do the will of God, Deut. 8. r r. Bewarethat thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his Commandments. As to remember God, is to do the will of God, Ecclefr2.r. Remember thy Creatour in the dayes of thy youth that is, do the will of thy Creatour in the dayes of thy youth fo to, forget God, is to difobey God, not to do his will. God israid to forget us when he dothnot our will, that is, when we in prayer propale our delires to God to do them for us; the not doingof thofè things forus, is to forget us. David expoflulates, Pfal. 77. 9. Hat!) the Lordforgotten to begracious ? He had prayed much at the beginning of the Pfalmwith fuccefs, I cryedunto God with mymouth, even unto God with my voice, and hegave ear'unto me. He puts upother-requefls,which findingno prefent anfwer, or fenfbieacceptance, he °ryes out, Rath the Lordforgotten to begra- Cious ? Now, as when the Lord doth not our will, he is Paid in Scripture to forget us, fo whenwe do not the will ofGod, we in- decd forget him., ..