Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 8. An Expofitiox upon tbeBoek ofj OB. Verf. iq.. 9r . fetches and frames it (as it were) out of his own bowels: that whereunto he trutteth is wrought out of himfelf.Thats the natu t e of the fpider, the hath no extrinfecal materialls to build her houfe with ; the Both not hew her ftones out ofany quarry,or fetch her timber from any forrelt (as we may allude;) the materials which the hath, fhe fetcheth out ofher own bowels. The Bee makes an houfe, and fetcheth the materials from this and that flower : fo tfie Bee makes a comb for a houfe : but the fpider fucks no flowers. Thus it is with hypocrites, their trutt and hope is as the fpiders web, made out of their own fubttance ; they evifcerate themfelves, they fetch all out ofthemfelves. The meaning is, all their trutt is in their own duties, in theirown ftrength, in their own ltock,in their own gifts, upon thfe theybuild,thefe are their houfe. we find the Pharifeesquit thus grounded, fuch was his houfe. (Luk. i 8.) Ifaff twice a week, I give alms, I pay all men their due. He was very exaa in righteoufnefs according to the ;Law; upon this,and out of this he makes his houfe; this is to make an houfe likea fpider. Thoughit be our graces we truff upon, our :ruff will be afpiders web. The believer is well comparedto a Bee ; the Beehath an houfe and honey, but the.Bee,fetcheth all from a- broad, from herbs and flowers : believers have their houfe to dwell in, and their honey to feed upon, but they fuck all from the promifesofCh rift, yea they fuck it fromChrift himfelf ; they ref: notin the letter, ofthe promifes, but they go to Chrift who is the matter promifed,and the accomplifher ofall the promifes. Here they build their houfe, and hew out the pillarsofit. 3. Their truff[ball be afpiders web, in the ifhue it Mall perifh like a fpiders web. How is that ? Afïbon as the houfe comes to be cleanfed, down go the fpiderswebs ; when the houfeis (wept, the cob-webs are firit fwept away. Thus it is with the troll ofall hy- pocrites ; wheu God [weeps his houfe, his Church, he quickly (weeps outthefe fpiders webs (Ifa. 14.33.)The Prophet fpeaks of the befome of God ; the judgments of Godare the befome of God, by which he fweepeth his houfe. God hath a double befome, or ,a double ufe ofhisbefome;; he hath a befome of dettruaion, and a befome ofpurgation. It is a befome of deftruótion to hypocrites, and it is a befomofpurgation to his Saints. When either the be- fome of deftruCtion, or the befome ofpurgation is in hand, the trait, of hypocrites isfwept away. When the Prophet defcribes the Lordinhis great and terrible judgements (IJ'.33.) rg, the Text