Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

t o Chap.'rt . .An E'xpofrtion upon the Bookof. J O B Verf, t 3. flreets , they gavealms with found of trumpet , and Chrift tells them to their teeth That all they didwas to befeen of men ; they kept their evil hearts c.lofe, and durft not let them be feen , but for their good works they cared not'who raw them , or rather their care was that all (hould fee them ; thus they fpread out their hands. Chrift advifeth in the matter of alms , to keep the hand clofe, Let not thy left handknow what thyright hand doth (Mat.6. v.31.) The right hand is the working and giving hand our good works , efpecially our gifts.(liould be done in fuch fecrecy, that the left hand which is fo near a neighbour, mutt not know what is done by the right. But the Pharifees madenot only their left hand, that is their next neighbours , but town and countrey know what their right hands had done. He that defires allfhonldbe known, which his right handdoth , dothnothing at all witha right heart. It is dangerous to hide the talents which God lends us , but it is as much our duty to hide the talents ( fuch are gifts to the poor) which we lend to God, as it is to lend them. Thefe ta- lents are belt traded , when wrapt in anapkin , or buried in the earth. Some conceive Zophar in there words taxing 761, with vain oftentation of his good deeds , Thon haft firetched ont thine .hands, that is, Thou haft told God flories of thycharity, of thine alms, &c. Preinunna ex- Others interpret thus , Thouhaft firetched, &c. that is , thou Paff©,Ptrtimet haft carried thy Pelfinfultingly , furioufly , madly toward God ; ad h bnurn fa retching forth of the hands , is a pofture offury ; An uncompo- renirs.Phil. fed minde is often vifible in the uncompofednefl'e of an outward member. But thirdly , waving thofe two,firetchingforthofthe hands, as it is heregiven in counfell, path a three-fold oie in Scripture. I. It is a gefture of forrow , mourners ftretch out their hands (7er.4.,3 r.) 1have hearda voice as ofa woman in travel , and the anguifh, as of her that bringerhforth herfro childe. The voice of the daughter of Zion that bewaileth herfelf,that fpreadeth her hands, flying , Woe is one now, for myfoul is wearied, becatífe of the mur- derers. 2. It is ageflwreofbounty orpity Stretching out thehands, im- plieth a readineffe and willingnefï'e to receive to favour, or to thew favour (Ifa.6.2.) I (faith the Lord) have fpreadout my hands all the dayunto a rebellions people , that, is, I have exprefíey m