Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

QM AÑ "" Pt tA teil N,t Uri, tL1 tÑn A tt til Q,Qt 44f aIl 4,,, A N' !EXPOSITIONI WITH ern Pra&icall Obfervations ; kt- CONTINUED Upon the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth' and. Fourteenth Chapters of the Book of JOB. 4NBeing 'the flume of XXXV. Loures, deli- ry . S~y vered at Magnus near the Bridge, London l i By JOSEPH CARYL Preacher of the Word, and ;,:1` Pallor of the Congregation there. y 4sb e 'HEBREWS Chap. 12. Verf 7, r T. w- 4 Ifye endure chaflening, Cod dealeth with yon as with rolls, for 1 what fon is he whom thefather chaffeneth not ? _SNow no chaflening for the prefent Teenier/3 to bejoyous bat grievous : é,. i 2Tvhthelefs afterward teyieldèth the peaceableifruit of righte- r.4. oufeefs, to them which are exercifed therein.,, fer L O N D O , Printed for 7homas saivbridge, and are to be fold at the Golden Lyon in Duck-lane near Smithfield, r6; o.

.t, t, x u . 4 : * 44*a ftit4 Y ! . i$ ..tna oPF.á^0Áf os ÿ1 §On ei f+ tR, tA+ Te .. a. [ ? n EJ! 1 f ! 1ñ b° 4 40 y i° yu ` .Ya ve .ia S, y° V, TO T HE i CHRISTIANREADER To thole chiefly of this City, who have been the movers , and continue the promoters of this W ORK. Sirs, kst,,A, N this fourth part t prefent you with. OPP Jobs third difpnte : ]Elipház and Bil- dad having given their judgement up- P on his care, Zophar undertakes .him + 46git, how he manágedhis arguments , and what 161,4 anfwer he received, are (according to the :VVYTV meafure of received light) difcovered in this expofitory difcourfe ; Ifballhere only (by way ofpre- face) propofe a gaieffion and offer my apprehenfons.towards the refolation opt. Whether yohand his friends, who were the interlo- cutors at this conference , fpake (as theholy Prophets and other penmen ofthe Scriptures did) by infpiration of God I rim. ;. t 6. or , as they were moved by the holy Ghoft, z Pet. I.21.) That the bookofJob is apart (as the Apofle phrafeth it , tom. r 5. }. ) ofthofe things , which were written afore- line for our learning , that we through patience , and -omFort ofthe Scriptures , h migt have hope : is teflified im only by the divinegrandeur and majefyof theRile, toge- A '/--

-.,.:.------- To the Reader. , Cher with the intrinfecalexcellency andefficacy ofthe matter, '(in both Which it declares it Pelf a glorious beam of hiswif d®rne, who is light and the father of lights) but alto by the concurrent Yefiimony of, not few, other scriptures. for , as the Hiflory ofit (that fucha manwas) hath a fallProphetical teflimonyby Ezekiel (chap. 3-4. 14. ) and an Apo.Ftolical one by S. James (chap. 5. r r.) Ye have heard of the patience of Tab, and have feen the end of the Lord: So the Authentity and Authority, of it is clearly alerted by S. Paul, calling in and ofociating the 7eflimony ofthis Bookwith Davids Pfalms,to that great triith.,that,The: wifedome ofthis world is foolifhneffe withGod. For, Though it Both not argue a Bookpurelydivine, be- saufe force fentence of it is quoted in scripture (for fo the Books ofAratus, Menander and Epimenides Heat henPoets are) yet flitch a manner ofquotation as the Book oflob is ho- noured with , rs an undoubted argument of it. while Paul quotes thewritings ofthe Heathen, hefliegbts thofe Heathen writers , with As certain alto ofyour own Poets have faid , for we are alfo his offpring, Act. r7. z8. winda- gain ; One of themfelves, even a Prophet of their own , faid , The Cretians are always lyars , evil bea fs , flow bellies,Tit. I. it. Hemakes ufeofwhat another ofthemPaid, . without raying any thing at all of him, Evill communica- tions corrupt good manners (s Cor. 15. 33. ) but when he cites, this rook,hcsloth in the fame formwherein moll ofthe hooks ofthe old 7'oflament are cited in the new , givinghis citation the. viilue ofa reafon, in reference to the point he was upon, with anemphatical caufalparticle, For it is written, he taketh the wife in their own craftineffe, r Cor. 3.19. which are ,the words nr iiphaz indho5th. chapter f this Book,ver. '13. New, as when God took the fire-fruits, he confecrated and favelifed the whole kindof which thofefarofruitswere apart,fo where he takes anypart ofaBook asanauthoritative scripture proof he confirms that whole Book for Scripture. And

'To theReader. And as thisBeok is there authoritatively citedby the A poftle Paul , fodivers fentences and branchesofit are bran,- planted and,engrafted by the penmenofether Scriptures into the body o f thofe scriptures which God appointedand called them topen : The 5 verfe ofthe8. Pfanta, and the 3 verfe ofthe 144. Pfalm, Lord, what is manthat thou takeft knowledge of him , or the fonof man that thoumakefl account ofhim arefully the fame in fence and near the fame in the letter with that of job in his y chapter at the ay verfe : And the comparifon of a {hadow , (Pfal. a44..ß}.) Teems to be tranfcribed from the words ofBildad, chap.8. verf. 8. T/'at.alfoofthe 107Pfalm, 'r. 4. Ike powreth contempt upon Princes , and caufeth then to wander in a wilderneíte where there is no way>fellfirfl from the mouthofIob, chap. iz. verf.zz. 24. And.the veordo o f tke foartyfecond vcrfe in the fame Pfalm , The righteous !hall fee it and rejoice, and iniquity than flop her mouth, were ¡ oken byEliphaz. in Job 506. and z. r9. The like obfervations may be wade between Lev. z6: 5. and Iob. a r. 19, between Dent. 1o. 17. and Iob. 34. t9. between Pfal. 7. z 5. and Ifa. 59.15. comparedwith Iob. i 5. 3 5. Now,as the calling out offorce one fentence ofthis Bookfor a Scripture proof, fo thefrequent mixing ofthe language andphrafeofit in the Scripture , is a convincing argument that the whole Book is ofGod. Tut doth not Iòb charge hisfriends as forgers of lies chap. a 3.q..ifthey werefo indeed,hore can we meet their dif, " eurfes for divine truths? For no lie is of thetruth a Ioh. 2.z z . If theywere not, how can we alert the difcourfi.oflob for truth, who was thus mlaken ? Ianfiver. Firft, Cob fpakcrather pafonstely then pofitively. secondly , The lies he charged themwith,zere not eerone- ous afertions againft the truth, but unkind afperfions (flow- in m a zealfor God.) upon his perfon. iirdly, lob doth not charge bis friends with liesfirillly A z taken,

To the Reader. taken , as ifthey hadknowinglyfpoken any thing which wa, falfe,or as if theyhadfpokenat+any timepurpofely to enfnare him : hisfriendsfuppofed andwere confident that theyfpak truth not only in itPelf (as indeed theydid) . batal lo tohis pee , and their aim was to inflru5 or reclaimhim, not to enfnare or entangle him by what they hadfpoken. Laflly , Theyfpake no doFlrinaluntruths though force of their applications were (la to his cafe) untrue.. And tharseven the 4poflles themfelves didfailfometimes For as Jobsfriends applied their doctrine toa Saint , as ifhe had been anhypocrite,fo did they in their Rpiflolicalwritings apply their doctrines toforce hypocrites as iftheyhad been Saints. But loth not God himfelfin the conclufon and determ;na- tion ofthis difpute fay exprefytoEliphaz theTemarite,My wrath iskindled againfl: thee and against thy two friends, for yehave not fpoken ofmethe thing that is right as my fervantJobhath (chap.4z.7 )Iftheydidnotfpeak?right of God,how thenwere they taught ofGod what tof peak -Tani wen, Firfl, Some expoundthofe words(as the letter al 'ofeems to carryit) comparatively, not as iftheyhad notfpoken right of God, but notfo right asJobhad: Secondly, That which they fpake of God in his na.ture,pro_ perties and works wasall right,o, y thryihad root fpoken right ofGad,abkut the intendment ofhis works and di penfations to wards Job : They did not hit the meaningofGod in thatfo clearly as Job did; Though (I conceive) Job hiruf ell^ was much in the darkabout thatpoint too ; as Elihu laboured to convince him. It may be again objec1ed , That Jos andhis threefriends Opole leach other , and maintain d f rent opinions , how then can all be true? !Waft not one fidebe out, he or tby ? 1 Ianfwer. Fire, Job and his friends did agree inmany points(aswas (hewedin the Preface to thefecondpart .ixpofations)4ndall thofeprinciples wherein they agreedare the

To the Reader. the undoubted truths ofGod. I know it tobe fo ofa truth (faith hechap.9.z. ) Andagain, My eye hath feen all this, mine ear hath heard and uaderftood it,chap.a 3.I. In both there pafagesJob votes withhisfiends andfeels to the truth. ofmany things which theyhad ,poken;as ifhe hadfaidthough I cannot agreewith you in ail,yet I will agree as far as I can : In thefe points youand I ha-v e no quarrel. secondly, where they dijagreed,the difference was not this wide,thathisfriends maintain'd an errour andhe a truth,but only thus,he maintainedmore truth,or truthmere clearlythen' they did. They taught truth in all theyfpake, but not allthe trath.Áífor irzflance , That Godafitls for fin, or, that fin is the caufe of affiïttion, is a truth, butnot all the truth or not abfolutelyand univerjally true,for fame aff i& ions are not fent for chafteningand corretlion , but meerlyfor trial' and pr.:bation : clgain they teach, that God doth feverely punith wicked men in this life. This is true,but not waiver- fatly andabfolutely true,for,as force godly men are troubled , fo force wicked men vroper all theirdaies. Thirdly, Though the opinionwhich Jobs friends held in op= pofition to him, wasnot thr,u{houtfoundand Orthodox ,yet their way of expreffi,git ,gas. Remember, Ipray thee (faith Fliphaz cha.4.,7. Who ever perigied being innocent; or wherewere the righteou : cut off? MereJob oppofed him chap. 9. zz. This is one thing, therefore Ifaid it., he de- ftrQyeth the perfect and the wicked.Eliphaz guided by the experience of Gods ufuall adminifirations in thofe timesheld thatGod clothnot great?ly aJlicl(for that hemeans byperifhing and cuttingoff) anygodlyman in 'this life. This vow' hismi- flak,eyet the words withwhich this opinion is cliathed contain a clear truth:Andbeing an appeal to experience("R emember I pray thee) are verypara'el to that of' David, (Pfa. 37. - 5.) Ihave been young , and nowmold , yet haveTI not feen the righteous forfaken,nor his feed beggingbread. .Eourthly,Jobsfriends fpake truth in Thefa,or in thepofitid c..f 3 on'

To the Reader. onallalong, theyonly failed in Hypothefi, or in the applica- tionyeaall their applications and inferences might havefitted fosne men in fuehan outward condition as they fat, Job in , but theydid notfit lob, becaufe his inward conditionwas not fuch as they cenfuredit to be and God left them under thole aaaifapprehenfions of his inward cmdition , for the promo- ting of f his own holy deign in the full trial of Jobs patience while hisfriends wounded him deeper by thefe continual re- flec1ions uponhisfpiritual condition, than Satin or the Sabe- ans didby the breachesand irruptionsvokich they made upon his outward condition. But doth it not abatethe Divine L.futhority ofthis Book, i fany thing in it beunduly f atedandapplied? The Scripture reports many thisags,even ofthofe who wrote or fpake it Hïflorically which are againfl the Scripture Do- c`lrinally. c...íill that Mofes fpake was not right , for he once fpake unadvifedly withhis lips-(Pf. r o6.; 3.Andfo didDa- vid,when he faid in his haft all men are hers, Pf.io6. i r. c.ilndagain (Pf.7 3.1 3.)Verily I have cleanfed my heart in vain, and waffled rry hands in innocency. The Prophet Jeremy doth not onlywrite a curie upon bis birth-day, but he tunes the manwho brought tidings tohis father , laying , a man-child is born (Ier; .o. I41,5.) Jonah prayed, take my lift from me , when hefar, that Godfeared the livesof the Ninevites: He alfo was angryfor the death ofagourd, andfaid , I do well to be angry evenunto death (Ion. 4. 3, 9.) Theft things are written in scripture for our caution, not for our imitation: And they are difcoveries , not o f the wifdor and holinefe o fGod but ofthefolly and fnfulnefie ofman. soukfuehfaddifcoveries Jobmade in this Book,and Tomefueh hisfriends made. But if force pa/i'ages in this Book difcaver the weaknefe and mifakes ofthefpeakers , how can we raife doCrines and obfervationsfrom them? veryfpeech andpaffage a which the infinite,wifdom of God thath

To the Reader. heath thoughtfit toputinto thisor any other Book o fScripture, bath in itfomewhat for our infiru lion. That blafphemy of thefool whichcontradicts not only the truth but the very bi- ing ofGod (Pfal,Y4.1.) The fool hath faid in his heart there is noGod, tearheth us this divine troth, That there are feven(that is, all manner of)abominations in the heart of man. we may draw ufeful infairuelionsfrom the words of judas the 7raitor,after Satan lead Qntred intohim and filled his heart ;. yeafrom the words ofSatan -in his temptations andpropofals unto Chrijt : much more may wefrom the fay- ings ofholymen, which are truefor the matter(as all the fay- ings o fIob andhisfriénds are)though there beafailing in the manner offpeaking,or in their references to a particular cafe. Nor is it unfafe to affirm, that even Poch favings are from the infpiration of God, which have an infallible truth in them though they whofaidfo did not randerfand themfo. when the chiefPrief andPhariseesfate in Councel , andde- bated the defiroílion cfchrifi theSáviour oftheworld,fear- ing the Romanes mooed defiroy them , and take awayboth. their name and nation caiphas whowas high-prieft that fame year faid unto them, ye know nothing at all , nor confider that it is expedient-that One man die for thepeo _pie, and that thewholenationperiíb not. ¡eh. 11.40, 5o. This was wickedand bloody counfel , according to his intend- event andmeaning.ingivingit,(for we muff not condemn the innocent though but oneman ,upon politick refpecls to pre- ferve the greateft multitude or a wholenation ofmen) yet therewas agreat trothofGodin it. , even the fumme and fubf rrce of -the whole Gofpel For it was not only ex- pedient but alto necefs'ary , that one man (lefue Chr'ifi the only Sonne of God) fbould be pot to death that the Whole nation ofthe Jews , and all the Gsvtile nations might not perifh eternally. Thais the EvangelJl explains t1 e crue ; advice of Caiphas in the next words, v. 5i. 5z. This he fpake not pfhirnfelf, but being high-prieft that year,: he-

Tothe Reader. he prophecied that Chrift thou!d die for thatnation, and not for that nation only,but that alto he (hould gather to- gether in one the children ofGod that werefcattered a- broad. Yhisfenfe was farfrom theheart ofCaipbas,though thewords which bear it wereuttered withhis tongue. And thus ifwe(inforceplaces)pafby the particular meaning ofthe fpeakers,and keep to thegeneral meaningofwhat isfpoken,we maymake afavoury.and anedifying conflrtsc`7ion of every paf. Page in this Took inwhit h as there are abundance ofholy truths and as it were a compendium both of Law and Gofpel, fo (upon thisaccount) there is no onefentence in op- poling any one truth contained and heldforth ineither. And thereforefromall therepremifes I conclude the queflion frrf propofedaffirmatively , That yob and his friends fpake by the infpiration of God, or as they were moved by the HolyGhoi}. 1fhall not entertain the Reader any longer at the door or in the entryofthe book : but commending this briefesercita- tionwith thefollowing expofitions to thebleiling ofGod, for a fruitful imprvement of there and all other helps , which hisgracious bounty continues or renews upon usfor thefur. theranceofourfaith and knowledge in , andofour obedience to the whole myflery o fhis will revealed in his word ,1fub. fcribemy fey March zo. 1648. Your affe&ionate Friend, to love and ferve 'you in the Lord, ofeph Caryl.

I A N EXPOSITION WITH Pra&icall Obfervations ; CONTINUED Upon the Eleventh , Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Chapters of the Book of JOB. JOB Chap. xi. Nerf. i, z, 3. Then anfwered Zophar the Naamathite, and,raid, Should not the multitude ofwords be anfwered? andfhould a manfull oftalk bejuflifted ? Should thy lies make men hold theirpeace ? andwhen thou mockeJ , (hall no manmake thee afhamed ? O B bath already flood two charges ; the lirfl Sophar flan fromEliphaz, the fecond from Tildad. Here a idem quod fpe- third begins, culatsr,îS 2G- amathitespul Then anfwered Zophar the aantathite and faid. chram 1u- cundu.Gregt Who Zophar was, bath been !hewed at the Phil. I Ith verte of the fecond Chapter. His name Zophar imports a B Watchman.

2 Chap. ti, efln Pxpoftion upon the Boob,of JOB. Ver£ Watchman., and his additional)title Naamathite,pleafant or beaks. tifull in the originali. The matter ofhis anfwer may be confdered Firft , Inthe Preface. Secondly In the body ofit. The exordium or preface is contained in the three firft verfe The body ofhis anfwer in the following parts of the Chapter a wherein three things are clear ; I.A generali propofition, containing the matter in debate; or the,potition which Zophar puts upon Yob, ás his, and takes up on himfelf to confute., as erroneous. This he layes down in the 4th verfe , Thouhart faid, t`Yly doïtrine is pure, andIam clean in thine eyes. 2. We have the confutation of this pofation,enlarged , from. the S. verfe to the 12. 3. Zophar having-(hewed Yob his errour , and , as he hoped, convinced him of it, proceeds to givehim counfell, and clofeth the Chapter with inflruétion. He tnfifteth in the fame method andtreads thefame path that Eliphaz and Rddad had done be- , fore 5 , chiding and reproving job., then counfelling and ad- viIng'brim Zophars preface prefents us with a three -foldneceffity, eng ging him to this reply. Quid verbolùs Firit, From that multitude ofwords which 7ób had alread, ad fiecasdam heaped together for the colouring (as he judged it) of a bad matam eau- caufe , verfe z. Shouldnot the multitude ofwords be anfwered ? aged o'' jhoulda manfulloftalkbejulliiéd ? Is it riot high time that I (hould (peak a little when thou haft had time to fpeakfo much ? .uòd mancdox- Secondly ,He argues this necefíity from the falfìty ofwhat Yob ad eb Mate had fpoken , in the firfl chufeof the third verfe , Should thy lies au`nc make men hold their peace ? It is thy fiinne , that thou haft fpo- dami rau:x}t, ken lies, and it would be mine, if I fhould not fpeak againft them. Putd irrifo} Thirdly , from the fcorn and levity offpirit, which Zophar std c,nternnan- fuppofed he faw frothing at the lips of Yob, When thou mockejt, etsr versa ad 9a10nit1Qfl?S ,all noman make thee ajhamed ?' It were the flame ofall men, if Zt- Jadendusnque none fhould. Thou ajt fitting in the fcornets chair, Shall I be a; . 3ee Z' homini- fraid to raife thee up , or pull theedown ? So then, The preface may be formed up into this Argu? .. _. ruent 5 i!lant

.----- Chap. r r. % Ex o rtion upon'. the Bad of O g, p f T Verf. 2, Manywords, and tholefullof lies and f orn mush be un- dertakenandanfwered; no Haan canor ought to hold hispeace, when he heareth fuch difcourfes ; But thyanfwer isfullof words , and as fullof lies andp,,r,; amaru- fcorne : brutal' agit Therefore lmull undertake thee , I mug anfwer. aeuleatius. Thus Zoploar prefléth uponhis friend withviolence, ifnot with ..ce virulence and fowerneffe of fpirit : handling himmore roughly, repre endt a'*' and pouring moregall and vineger into his wends then his for- cries quash mer Antagonifls had done. As his fpirit grew warmer , fo did his cætcri inca!ef; words ; and in hear of arguing he comes very near unto re- celteu: fit tie 'tiling. , certamene. ani.. Verfe z. Shouldnot 'the multitude of tii ut tr f words bean wired , eonvitiis nog The multitude ofwords.] Zophar taxeth rob , as over-có ious p,tneat.Rte,Io in- language , as a man given to talk , and affeaing to hear himfelf . ï e7 fpeak. Eloquence of fpeech or elocution, is an excellent gift ofr m,trc ve,. i. God ; but verbofity, and a love to flow out continually at the bolus. tongue , is the vanity of man r at once, a fin in the fpeaker, and a P o,IaBy burden to the hearers. Paul was taxed for this at Athens, Aet.r7. mel , w The Athenians were thegreat wits ofthe world, makers ofelo- PsrHgí,rcuc tú_ quence, and when Paul came amongff them , they encountred v,';, vetpmts.. him , and fome Paid What will this bubler, this fower ófwordsfay? n2 'r A. ' 'WV verf.I 8. So force give the notation of the Greek word, though o- Ptrtd,gj,,qua- thers,with better reafon,take it,as an allufion to little birds,which fi fèraini legal pick up the feed fown, and being ofnogreat ufe either for meat dicas quad fa-,' or mulick are yet troublefome enough with unceflánt immelo to i:s ágru de dious,chirpings. Such an one thole Philofophers cenfured Pau, pl;:. n,,patze This man fpeaks many words, but he makes no mufick, no ear is ctttis fumpta, f takenwith him, nor underftanding enrichedby him. Though all we qua negtee peak j s in words , yet we mu l l f peakme re thenwords, mnguepere J t I ¡hall lay down five particulars , whereby we may difcern, Í q 'Jai fugue when multitude of words are finfull or when there is a multi- tudeoffins in a multitude of words :.It is poflible to fpeak manypeene f1s ene¡_ words, and all few enough and no fin at all in them. They are kit liezao finfull, I. When wordsVare unprofitable, light, vain, frothy; words that have no nourífhment in them : for as meat is to the palate, fo are -words to the ear, to the underf}anding. Words are the breadoftheminde. Some words are nothing but winde, there's E a o

Chap. t i. An Bxpofitiòn on the Book, of JO B. Verf.z. no food no tack in them ; you cannot pick one good bit out of a whole difcourfe. He that hath fpoken one fuch word hath fpo- ken toomany : howmuch more when a multitude of them are fpoken together ? As it thews the nobleneffe ofaction to do what is worthy to be fpokenof , fo ofelocution to fpeak what is whothy to be done. 2. When words are betide the matter , befide the bufinee in hand ; when we (hoot our arrows not eying the mark , arrow af- ter arrow, and all f the mark, this isreprovable. If we fpeak not to the point , venfpeak to nopurpofe. Be clear to that , and the feweft words , will make the fulled anfwer. Be off from that, and many words makenot a word ofanfwer. 3. 'When there is but a little matter in a great many words, when plenty of words have a fcarcity, a dearth ofmatter in them., Some contrast (as it were) the fpirits of a point into a few. words, and can give you much in a little, a largematter in a nary row compaffe. This is an excellent skill, though not always fit : becaufe all are not able to apprehend what is couched and drawn up fo clofe together ; all are not able to drink fpirits, but muff have them infufed into , and incorporated with larger difcourfes, and particular demonstrations. They mutt have line upon line, and precept upon precept, that is a multitude of lines and pre- cepts. Yet matterles%words are reprovable , how many foever they be, and the more they be,the more reprovable they are, Shall notfach a multitudeof words be reproved? q. A inultitude ofwords are tinfull, when they are aft-eclat ; when a man delights to fpeak much ; A man may be that to himfelf, which ezekiel wasto his hearers , as avery lovely fong, of one thathhath a pleafant'voice , and can play well on an inftru- ment,(EzelZ,33.3a.) Such will fpeak often and long,not that they care to profit others, but for their own applaufe, or to pleafe themfelves. y. And lathy When we think to carry it by the multitude of words i. In reference untoman , to fpeak a man or his caufe gum iu cteto down, to over-bear him with a croud or throng of words, Deusfat, i. e. Or fecondly, in reference unto God (Ecclef 5.a.) $e not hall, áongifime a _ to utter a thing beforecod, or concerning God, Why ? Per Ged enab:s de divinis áf heaven andthou ul. earth , therefore let thy words be few. reebceuff"e s ignora ri There is an infinite data' between God and man. We ale not mw efl. Bier. in loe. able to comprehend , or what God is ; we cannot reach Pod,

Chap. s i. tflre Expofition upon the Book, of fOB. Vera 2. God , and therefore we fhould be verycareful and deliberate in fpeaking to and ofGod or about the things ofGad. The Apo. file (TRm.8, 3r.) having fet forth the great myftery ofthe love of God to us in Chirft , concludeth (as fome conceive) likeean Oratour, WhatPall we fay then to thefe things ? As ifhe had Paid, Here is a fubjeet about which much might befaid, but we had need be very careful how and what we fay about it, What fháll we fay to thefe things ? No man, no not the tongueofan Angel is fufficient CO deliver and unfold thefe fecrets : fuch love fuch goodneffe are beyond words. The Moralift hath a verygrave Señéc,1.7.2s a> and ferious paffage to this purpofe, while he was falling upou eta a difcourfe about the heavens, liars, and fuperiour motions. When we enter into our Temples , we campofeour [elves to reverence ; we lookeven to our garments, that they fit comely about us ; we (as it were) Pillion and Jhape every member into an argument of modfy, rn omne argi .How much more Jhould we doe this whenwe come to beak of the mentum mole- iarres andheavens, but mafi ofall , when we fpeak of the nature of%t' f"gmue'' the gods ( The bell Heathen Catechifmes fpeak no better) left we fpeakany thing rafhly or affirm any thing that is untrue. Ifan Heathen was thus taken up with the thought of heavenly bodies, and ftrucken with a reverential awe when he was to (peak about Idol -gods , how much more ought we to come to the Apoftles Stand, about the divine things of the great and onlywife God ? What (hall we fay to thefe things ? It is good for us to avoid a mul= titude of words in all things efpecially in things which are fo high , fo much above us. The Apoitleadmonitheth r Tim.6.zo, _Avoidprophane and vain bablings. Theremay be profane and vain bablings about holy and facred things. And that not only when We argue about them, but when we pray-about them. This eacetfe Chrifl repraveth in the prayer of the Pharifees, 1i?at.6 4. They think they 141l be heardfor their much"leaking, and that they mull prevail _ with God for the things they delire,. becaufe they utter many words to manifeil their delires. Thus to ufe many words in prayer is babling, not praying. And thus to ufe many words in preaching, is the uncomelines, if not the fm-_, fulnes ofpreaching. Paul, AEf zo. preached until midnight. Therewas a multitude ofwords, yet not too many words: his difcourfe had not one of thefe evil ingredients ; he did not fpeakunprofitable things, or thingsbetide the matter, or a little matter in many words; he did. not

6 Chap. I I . An Ex,poRion upon the Book of JO B. Verf.z not (peak , 'becaufe he affe&ted to fpeak, or becaufe he thought to carry it by fpeaking. Thus.; topray long , or to preach long is no fault. I ne greateti multitude of fuch words, is not one too nanny. Ni nquid, qui The Vulgar varieth front ourreading, Shall not he thatffleaketh anuita loyxitur much hear alfo? The original will bear it : As if he had fails Blon CY audio A Thou hall fpo'en a great while , wiltthou not have the patience to u hear thy friend? Wilt thou have all the talk,thy felf? Thou haft ut-; tered a multitude of words, be content to receive a few. Theywho have fpoken, fhouldbe willing to hear and receive ananfwer. Much (peaking is thenmolt offenlive, when we will not take our turns tohear. Some will haveall the difcourfe, all the argument them. (elves, and when theyhàve fpoken long, will hardly endure an other to reply a little. SeehowGod path difpofed the organs of the body : he hath given twoears , and but one tongue, which (peaks thus much, That a manfhould bemore ready to hear, then to fpeak ; and that's the Apoflle lames his rule, Chap.I. 19. Let every man befwift to hear, andflew to /peak,: not that he Both pofì', Livelycommend flowneffe of fpeech, that isnot his meaning ; hea- vineffe of fpeech is no verme , nor anymans commendation : but he (peaks comparatively Be fwife so hear, andflow to leak; that is, Be ye more nimble withyour ears, then withyour tongues; be rather willing to receive infiruaion , then forward to give ir, rather attend the mindeofothers, thenopen your own. There is a dime to keep filence, and atime to leak., Ecclef.3.7. Every thing is comely in its feafon. Obferve, From the whole reafon, That it is aduty to anfwer,when much bathbeen token: Efpecially, when we conceive any thing (pokes againft the truth. Solotnoits kerning contradiaion afferts this duty, Prov.z 6. 4;5. .Anfwernot a fool according to hirfolly, left thou alfo belike un- to him. Anfwer afool according to hisfolly, left he be wife in his own conceit. One rule faith, Aniler him not , and the other faith, Anfwer him. The meaning is plain to the point in hand ; fwernot a feel according to his folly left thou alfe be lieunto him, that is , if he (peak foolifhly and paflionately, Doe not thou an- fwer him pafíionately and foolifhly too, for thenthou ilia!: be as foolifh as he , thou fltalt be like orequal to. him ; as if thy fpi- rit and his Were raft in the fame mould. For theanfwer which 4 inangiveth another is the meáfure ofhimfelf, the imageofour minds is

Chap. rr. e./fn Expojition upon the Bookof J OB; Verf. 2. ins drawn with the tongue. -But anfwer afool according to his folly, left hebe wife in his owncoñceit,thatis, If he have fpoken foolilhly, doe thou anfwer him wifely and dafcreetly; let thine anfwer be according to his folly, but in thine own wifdom. Thus to an- fwer a fool according to his folly is indeed toanfwer him lion- ttary to his foly. Thus he mutt beanfwered, orelfe he is not an fwered : and if he have no anfwer he will think that he is unan; fweable ; that, all which he hath uttered, he will grow into proud and high conceits of himfelf , that furely he is a con= 9uerour and invincible, becaufe no man takes up the bucklers, or appears in the field againft him. Therefore anfwerhim, Left be (whom all that know him , know to be a fool) be wife in his own conceit. Shouldnot the multitudeofwords beanfwered And fhould a Man full oftalkbe jujiified ? This later branch is of the fame firain with the former; and what I have obferved there anfwers both, yet Iluallopen the letter of the Text, andThew the elegancy of the original. Shouldavianfull of talk? The Hebrew is, `Aman of lips: Mr. Broughton tranllates-it; p 'Shall the lips-Man bejuftified? He fpeaks ofJob,as ifhe were com U i. poled and made all of lips , When a man ufeth one member inordi- 'on o nately, he may be faid to have bat one member ; Denomination atom t, given from that which is moil , or aets moil. Thus as he that is a Jëdaetiam fa. great fighter, is called`, Aman ofhis hands : fa he that is a greatcundu9a.ivierc,- talker , is called, cALman ofthe tongue, or a manof lips : as ifhe laid by the ufe ofall the other parts ofhis body to imploy his lips, or were attive only with his tongue. The Apofhe fpeaking of the variety of Church-members; under the notion of a natural body, fubjoyns (r Co .rz. r7.) I, f the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? Ifthe whole werehearing, where were the fanelling? 1n like manner if the whole were lip and tongue, where were the eye , where the ear ? As we maybe faid not to have that which we ufe not;. fo to have only that, which we ufe too much. Or fecondly , The lips being a fpecial infirument of fpeech and a help to pronunciation are here put for fpeech it,fel£, and fo weexplain it in our tranflation , Shoaldla man fall of talk? A man of lips , is a t,n full of talk, And there is a natural reafon __. for-

g Chap. s a. An Expofition upon the Book, e J OB. Verf. 2: 'Si labium val- for it too. As Pbyficgnontifls _gather conjenures from the frame di deduEtutx of the whole body , fro t the lines and lineaments of the face a- fù,atque ctiam bout the habits and difpofftions of the minde. So they draw ar.:; tatis argue t loq a e- - g umen lips, tsfrom the whether a mar: bequick or flow of fpeech. rï loquentia fig- Some mens lips have a flamp of talkativenefl'e upon them , and o- num ejt, fcus thus of fiíence.Thus wé may underfland that of Mofes,Exo.6.i z. etiam eraPnorá WhenGod was about to fendhim to mharaoh, about the deliver- labia loquendi ante of Ifnut saut of Egypt, he made many excufes, and at Taft fats inepciam upon this Howfhall Pharaoh hear Inc that amofuncircumcifed lips? incicultatem P ixd:cant. But was Mofcs ofuncircumcfed lips? as to be ofanuncircumcifed heart , fo to beofuncircumcifed lips may intimate fpiritual pollu- tionand uncleannes. When the Prophet Ifaiah cried out at the vi fon of the glory ofGod,Woe is me, Iam a man ofunclean lips, Ifa 16.5. it is as if he had Paid, I am a man ofuncircurucifed lips. But though Mofes was humble enough in the acknowledgement of his own finfulnefl'e, yet his aim was to note the unfiledneffeof his fpeech, not the defiledneffe of his nature. For as among the Jews, uncircumcifion was a fign'of all the natural uncleannefles of the foul, fo of force imperfections upon, or belonging to the bo-, dy. Thus Mofes called himfeifa man of uncircumcifed lips, be.;, taufe hewas not eloquent , butflow of [perch , andflow oftongue, Exod.4. s o. He was (according to the letter of the Hebrew) heavy-mouthed or as we fay, meal- mouthed ; and this according to that idiom was tobe of uncircumcifed lips , as if e$1ofes had erafsiora hales pleaded thus , Ihave not a polite andcurious language winupon labia, gaam tit Pharaoh, My tonguehas notbeen paredand fmoothed for the Court- coram dialtEt, I that havekept peep fo long, kidhave converfedwith clowns p do è q ¡ and fheepherds, How jhall I fpeak to a King? Pharaoh ufeth to have potrim: circum- accurate Orators about him, men of lips , but I am none. Sb then, ufone,i. e. ex- according to this fecond fenfe, a man of lips is an eloquent man, a tenuatione fY man ready, very ready and apt to fpeak ; a town whofe tongue is axpoliatienelk- the pen, that is, like the pen ofa ready writer. biorum indi- p saet. Pissed. Further, When 2ophar salt Tob a man of lips, he implieth, That fob had carried himfelfin that difputation as if every member of his body had been a lip , or as if he had a lip in every member, that is, as if every member had fpoken. According to that of So- lomon (Prov.6. s 3.) He tbeaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers ; his carriage, his pofl;ure, his action, fpeak and proclaim what is in his heart , or what his minde is , He sfiealketh with his feet. When violent and pa(lionate perfons are speaking, you Pfaff

Chap. it . An Expofition upon the Bookof JOB. Verf. 2. 9 (hall fee, is it were, a lip in their feet, a lip upon their hands, a ?óti vetuti tin- lip in their eyes, a lip in their brows, a lip in their arms that is, gut font, ocrty they fpeak with all thefe, they move their hands at you and their its, nafo,fron. heads at you , and their eyes at you, as ifall fake. Thee are men to ore, bibs, p .% bus , cuvtrs, oflips, pedibus collo- Should it man oflips be juflified ? ] He fpeaks not of that great quunrecr.Bold.; work of grace the justification ofa fmner before God to be r4ncet caoefa, juftified' here is tobe approved , to carry the cause , or prevail in habeaY ', i- arguing. He that prevaileth in any controverfie fould be juftífied: dictaquiamut- Bnt(hall a man of lips be juflified? Muff he needs be thought to titoquus ? (peak truth , became he fpeaks much , or in greatest weight, be- Janfon. caufe in greatefl number Shall he bejuflified ? We have the word in that fenfe (Pfal.5t,.I..) 1 will confeffe, &c. that thou mightefl be juflifïed when thoufpeakef ; and be clear when thou judgefl That, when thou (halt judge and pronounce fentence upon me, thou mayell appear in'the opinion, and esteemofall the world to have done me right , or not to have wronged me at all I afore- hand confeffemy fin,and condemn my felf. So we may interpret that (Job r 3 i 8.) Beholdnow , Ihave ordered my caufe , I know that I(hallbejuflified, that is, I have laid my matters fo well , and put my butineffe ii tofuck a fair fiate , that I know I !hall come offwithcredit , Iknow Ifkall be juflified. And this is it which 2o. phar feems especially to charge fob with, That he hoped to get theGarland, andbear all down. before him with his lips, with the multitudeof his words ; as. if hehad said , Thou haft placed thy defence in windy words , andnotinfub(lantial truths , but this noise , this talle will Eland thein littleRead thou 'halt finde that the day will not be Wonne with words. Hence obferve, Goodwords cannot makeabadcaufe good. 'teretsnque pre diperentium viribus ele-' Words sometimes makes a good caufeappear bad , and a bad quentice pore- caufe appear good ; but when the rubbifh maliciouf{ or i no- fpate etiarrr per- , rantly cast upon the one, and thevarnifh cunningly laidupon the cnditioemuta- other , are taken off, both will appear as they are, the one as tar. Min. good as it is, and the other as bad as it is. O&avio. Again , Shalla man ofwords be juflified? He that fpeaks much may boner ensnare then clear himfelf. In many words there are for rnultiloquie ufually many errours. Silence feldome brings repentance ; and non dee, pec- it is but feldome thatmuch fpeaking cals not for much repentance. cat'tim. They that fpeak much, are In danger to offend much. Tobe Pure, Ç. He

r o Chap. i 1. An Expofition upon the Book, of J OB. Verf.3; semis He that bath nothing but.words to holdhim up, mull needs fall.. signifacat ali- You cannot blow away,either a mans affection or objection with quidfeorfmaf-your breath, but with your reafon and authority. fngere , mach:- narr, cogitate, Verfe 3. Should thy lies make nun hold their peace? andwhen thorn educere menda- hock fl (hall noman make, thee *anted ? (iron è cogita- tione ad Os. Zopbar rifeth higher in language f}i11,. reproving Sob, not only ®hRab. iti illi vi- ardoch' for the multitude , but for the faiinefs ofhis words. jic tiunr,quodGre- Should thy lies ? cí Aoyp7ra áxr, i.e. Famigera The Hebrew word is of a large extent; fignifying in the verb, tionem vocant toframe, faftion,and forrn -a thing out of a mans own mimic; and quod ejt }u fa foZophar would fatten this upon lob, That the words which he ftngere Ci al:ss had fpoken were only Il7ap t and wrought in his own fpirit, he warrase. Plautus vocat had receivedno filch thing from God, no filch.thing was never ap- bos Geruli f- proved by God ; the birth of all was but his own fleeting fancy, gnuos) Ammia- and fickly imagination. So the word is ufed (Nehem.6 8.) There saes, Marcel. are nofuck things done, as thoufaye bìcé thou feianefl themout of Ranigerh" thine Own heart ; Thou wouldeft put ine in fear ;sand bear me in L4'e call Each Tale-bearers. hand (faith that worthy of lfrael to his enemy fuborning falle reffnumge- fears againfi him) that there are firange plots laid, and many ad- ""s hominum verfaries combined againft me : but I perceive it is thy plot to tell /uivertagefta- epif, i z3. me of a plot. Thy information is but to make me afraid of that rent. Senec. Which is not , not to f cure me from that which is. We reade of Tetanus red- the moneth which jeroboam had devifedof his own heart, i King r z. dit tladdim , v.33. It is the word of the Text. Lies are framed and fafhioned, 1\Yugatorest out of our own hearts, there is the (hop wherein they are Galli tappellant hr; The heart is deceitful) above all things ; Adeceirfall dins s -a-, heart is aft (hop toframe lies in , which aredeceitfnll ware. Such dins Aa- cieaux. Zophar fuppofed yobs to be. V. Secondly, Some reade, Should thy toyes, thy trifling difcourfces .l,t ads ac make men hold-their peace ? Should thy tatling , thy idle tales generale women impale silence upon thy hearers ? opnd Hebr eos, Thirdly, The word lignifies the members of the body, and the rowans , mem- brum,cognatio- boughs of i tree , and by a trope the thoughtsand abilities of teemfsgnificans the mmde, which are to the minde,as limbs to the body and as quod cogitotio- boughs (hooting from a tree. I will not conceal his parts, faith aces in anima God of Leviathan Job 41.12. that is , What mighty members funs eanquerm he is n,a e up of.Some reade the word fo here,Should thy -parts be ramiinarbore, buc iliac pto- conceal' d, or, Should men hold their peace at thyparts ? As if had tenii. Merc..

Chap. I I. arinExportion «ponthe Too& J O B. Vere 3. I r had faid,Thou thinkefl that thou haft mighty parts, that,thouputtefi forthfinch Leviathan-like, members filch Goliah-like limbs of wit andknowledge, ofjudgement andeloquence , that all thehaft of lear- nedmen needs muff be afraid and tremble to deal with thee , or ac- cept thychallenge. The weapons of the minde are more powerfulI, and fometimes more terrible then the members of the body. And ignorant or flow-witted man , is no more able to argue with one that is quick and judicious , then a childe is able to wreftle with a Giant. But the word is mod ufually taken in the fenfe we render it,for lies or falfhoods ; So (Ifa.g.q. 25.) Hefruftrateth the tokens of the - liars, namely, of thole that tell lies of the (tars, and fay The conftellations have reported events to them, of which indeed there is not a letter written , nor a word to be fpelled out of thole heavenly chary ters. Should thy lies make men hold their peace ? /Sake men. The word may be limited to great and wife men Should thy L't7D lies make wife men hold their peace? So force refirain it here; As if Aliquando de- Zophar had laid Indeed thy lies maycaufe ignorant men to hold notar virus no- their peace they May deceive thePimple, and catch the weak; but fgne,. Cocon (hoteld thy lies mall men ofparts andabilities ,menofexperience and underflanding hold their peace? Thus the word is uied'Deut.2.34 fal.i7.14.. lfa.3.24. to note illuftrious and wife men, men of more then an ordinary pitch and eneafure in dignity, or in wifdome. Others take the word indifferently for any rank or fort ofinen, tvrIn one or other : or as we commonly [peak , for any mortal( man. Ef generate For it cometh from a root which 1ignifes death, which is the lad comprehendens debt of all mankinde as the Greeks have a word for man in ge- viro, , mulieres neral noting his mortality , fo have the Hebrews : becaule allparvuloshæc men carry about them the enfigns or fymptomes ofdeath conti- VOX (d r19i nually therefore they are called Mortals. So here , Should thy ravideruro z+ d liesmakeany mortal(man , or any man aliveboldhispeace ? Be he omnes frogs high or low,knowing or ignorant, I tell thee the molt Pmple man o +ti f i iaîfi, that goes upon the ground çannot hold his peace when thou fpeak era á Gratis eft, and may well enough anfiver all that thou haft fpoken. Thus 41ó72'3 tS'd you fee the fenfe is heightned by the lowneffe of the perfons,who ¡arms mortalis are fuppofed Match enough for lob in this controvertie, What, ufarpatnrw,, 2 thou far.

i2 Chap. t *. .AnExpofsion upon the Book of JO.B. Verf.3. thou,haft argued, a woman, even the weakeft among women a childe, even a little childe , may confute and anfwer. We need not fend for the great Rabbies and Doetours of the law to deal with thee. Who can be filent , or fpeak without fucceffe ? Should thy lies snake men hold their peace ? Hold theirpeaty ? vim, No s They fhould not : Should what thouhaft f p oken falfly be Obenutefere, Solet Scriprura received like anoracle of truth, agait.,ft which noman may open per verbum fi- his mouth or mutter ? Should it be rf;ceived as fome divine reve- bendi &taendi lation which ail mull admire, none qucílion ? Mull all the world reverenti.e ple- ofreafonable men 'landmute at thefe thy reafonings ? Hall thou "um umorem any hope that thy lies faall finde fuch entertainment and go off exprimere. at fuchá rate of beliefor admiration ? ? Holding the peace imporrethgreaten reverence both to fpeak- ers and a ìours , as altogreaten worth or weight in what is fpo- ken or done. When the Lord flew the twofops of eXaron by fire from Heaven , Aaron held his peace, in token offubmiffion, Levit, i o. 3. CM And when providential aílings fpake aloud the deliverance ua,n yoe,r; of the Jews our of Babylon , the Prophet like a crier in a court, Hieronymus commands or proclaims filence (Zech. 2.13. Re filent , O all interjetlionem fiepi, before the Lord, for he is railedup out ofhis holyhabitation. effe doter impe- The Hebrew word Has (faith one of the Anciens) is an inter- raxris Pent- jeflion, or rather a verbof the imperative mood,enjoyning filence ivl e or inhibiting f eech we in our language ufe a word near that in imperativum g p a per apocopen ab found , when we would have any , or all , hold their peace , we non tarait fay, Hufho : So faith the Prophet, Hu(ht, not a word, For the reverentia can- Lordis railedup out ofhis holy habitation ; his meaning is, Yeeld Ja. Buxt. all reverence , refpeEt and fear , Stand in awe, Budgenot, let the wicked thence their vain boans , and the godly their vain fears. Let neither the one or the other utter a word before the Lord. Job defcribing himfelf in his former flourifltingenate, faith, 'Intome men gaveear and waited , andkept Hence at my coon f l ; after my words they fake not again (Chap.z9. 2I.) that is, l was a man offo muchauthority and veneration , that when I fpake no man would offer to fpeak after me , much leffe contradict what I had fpokeri ; Thus it wasonce with Job : Now Zophar puts it as a matter of reproof. What ? dolt thou think thy words , yea thy lies

Chap. s I. eAn Expofition upon theBooh,of J O B. Vert. 3 . lies filch , as noman may examine, much leffe gain-fay ? Should thy lies ana4 men hold theirpeace ? Again, As holding the peace, notes reverence, fo favour and connivence. When we are willing to let an ill word fpoken, or a thing ill done paffe, as if we taw or heard it not, we hold our peaceat it. When the childrenofBelialfaidofSaul , How Jhall this man fave us ? and they defpifed him, and brought him no prefents, The Text , But he held his peace He was as if hehad been- deaf, s Sam. so. 27. It is wifdome not to fee or hear , what we are not in a condition to redrefi'e. Connivence is better then complaint, when we cannot mend our felves, nor reduce others. In thís fenfe we may alto take, Holding the peace here. Should any man favour orwink at thee ? Should any man be afraid to fpeak truth, when thou fpeakeft lies? Hence obferve, Firft thus , It is aduty to vindicate, or tobe an advocatefor op- pre'fed truth. Zophar fpake true in thegenerall, Lies mull not make us hold our pcace. It is a duty to plead the caufe of truth, yea to be va- liant for the truth. We mull know no relations in truths cafe. Socrates is my friend , Plato is my friend , but truth is a better friend then both. Whofoever dares fpeak againft truth we mull dare to fpeak for it. 'Tis noble to (hew our felves friends to truth, though we lofe friends by it, and enemies to errour, though we get enemies by ir. There is a three-fold lie which we mull not hold our peace at. Z. There is a verbali lie, when a man tels a falfe tale , or bring- eth up a falfe report , which is the lie of theninth Command- ment Thou'halt not bear falfe witne. Hold not thy peace at uch a lie. 2. There is a doetrinal lie , when a falfe pofition is averred to be the truth of God, and flampt with divine authority. Any er- roneous Doctrine is comprehended tinder, and branded with this title,: .?lie For this caufe (faith Paul) namely, becaufe they received not the love of the truth, God ''hallfend them,ftrong de- lufions, that theypall beleevea lie. (z Thef .z.i s.) He means a doctrinal lie , all thedoctrine ofthat man offinne, with which he hath deceived the world under the notion of truth , is but one great lie. We mull contendearneflly, even wreftle for the faith oncecommitted to the Saints againft all thofe lies. 0 3 3. There

14 Ghap.'I ./i/ri Expofition upon the Book, of JO B. Verf.3o 3. There is a praéticall lie , of which the Apoftle (peaks (r7oh. 2,4,5.) He thatfaith, I knowhim , andkeepeth not his Command- ments is a liar,and the truth is not in him. That is a lie, not fpoken but done, when a mans actions contradi& his profeflìon, or when his works urrteach what he hath taught by word. Thewhole life of an hypocrite is but one continued lie. The firft of thefe is a lie told, the fecond is a lie taught , the third is a lie acted, and all of themare not only to be abhorred in our (elves , but oppofed in others. All lying is hateful! to God , being moft oppofite unto God , who is the true God , and the Godottruth. Lying makes us like the devil , who was a liar aswell as a murtherer from the beginning ; the devil told the firft falfe tale , and preached the firft falle Do&rine ; He is therefore juftly called , A liarfrom the beginning. We may fometimes forbear to fpeak the truth, but we mutt never forbear to fpeak againft a lie, whether verbal, 41'7 doarinal or practical. Should thy dies matte men hold their peace ? irrt se, ub fzn- a , ib:ti- eflnd when thou enockefffhatl noman mare thee afbamed ? vit,narn f quos cum fauna ex- This is the third charge, and it is higher then the former two cipere volt axaes Multitude ofwords is ill enough ; and lies are farre work, but btæf:iatent ef- to mock is worll ofall. And which is yet more, Theword which f ngere folenr:,t is here ufed fi nifieth .te wor hft kinde of mocking even that ad eat ridendos, g g' Mere. which is joyned with fcorn andextream derifìon : It notes Sanna of Jeri-ingnot only with the tongue by uncomely fpeeches, but mockirrg f o qux non ft by the eye or hand with uncivil geftures,or by theaffeEted mimi- f:naplicebusver -cal oftures of the whole body The enemies of Chrift are fo fedgete defcribed,in that noble prophecy, h c ( :l 22.6. Iam a wormand Pifc. in p p f ) Car. c. i 4. 2I, no man, a reproachofmen, anddcípifedofthepeople, all they that fee uid poteft effe me laugh me to (corn they 'hoot out the top , they (hake the head ; Cornrid:eulu,n, The event fulfilled this at the death of Chrift, cAlat. 27. Such. quam ff:nnio mocking Zophar chargeth Job with ; Thou doll not only fpeak oft, qut or` lies but thou ferteft them off with fcornfull geftures. vulsu fmitan- die rnaribus,de- Again , This word fàgnifieth not only a light jeaft , or a merri- nique corpora ment , but that which hath virulency , and wears a fling ; not ridesur,? C!c only that which .hath ridiculoufneffe in it , but that which path z. de Orae. cruelty in it, That's the Apostles Epithete (Heb.II.36.) They hadtrial ofcruel nwc ngs. Thus he reproves 3o(ß, as ifwhile he lays in the dull and was groveling on the ground , he had like a mad man egfffire-brands, arrows

Chap. i I. !fir Expofition upon the Book of JOB. Verf. 3. arrows and death, or had behaved himfelf more like a fool in a play then a rnirrour of patience , Deceivinghis neighbour and Paying, ofin not Linfiort ? Prov. 26 t: 8,19. There is much labour among interpreters , to finde out what gave Zophar creation to break out in fo much bitterneßè upon. yob. I (hall touch that in the clofe, When thou mockeß Shall no man make thee afhamed? Some render, Shalt'confute thee ? We may "put both to gether. Shall no titan byconfuting thee put thee ro fhame? When a confident man is thorowly anfwered, he is afharned. The word which we tranilate , eifake a(harned, lignifies the greatell f]iame,.as that before did the greate4 mocking. H,ghell fhame is but a fit reward for bigheft (corn. Some Criticks in that L language have obfervcl that the word is never taken , but in an t=2 ill knfe, for the moil Ihamefull fhame, when a perfon is fo afha- med that he is confounded, and dares not'hft up his head; or loòk don g,, tss another in the face. The Lord faith to Majes in the cafe of Nli figs cxtgt<am: riann, Ifherfather hadbut fpit in her face,fhou1dj.hc not be afhamed rv,z quad efi..' feven days ? Numb. 12, 14. The face is the table ofbeauty and in bonn nith honour, but when it is fpit upon, it is made a fink of fhame. God quando toc did more then fpit in the face of his undatifull daughter Miriam;fenaperit' ' -- lrtm, when he filled her facewith the filthy fpots of leprol>e : Irian' , D. Ri,nchd mull be greatly afhamed , when that out of the Camp and fociety Bustorf. of dfrael feven..dayes. When David, over pailionately lamenting Signilcat the death of Abfa.lom blemilbed the vietory of that day , and qui confcietend foiled the beauty of that great deliverance the Texth faith tarp:eudtntshrá.. z Sam. 19. 3. that the fouldiery went home, as menafhamed: mein trsLro Sauldiers after a battei wonne are wont to come home gallantly, igati mil tes, and in a triumph, but thefe viftors gat them by ftealth that day quifine Ova into the City, as people being afhamedmeal away, when they tiare, taciti f? flee in batte'i; they went fneaking,.as we fay, home to their dwel- clanculo re Digs fcarce aman durst ;ill uphis head. Such a fenfe is here in- deuntDotnum 9. tended Shouldft not thou be made to hold down thy head and í.om. cover thy face for fhame , who haft opened thy mouth in (corn, and in.difcovering thy own fhame ? Note from it, Pith , Scornfitll geflares and anack ngs are the height offn wings. Zophar puts this in the third place, as the higheft flee in, the gradation . ,