Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

168 Chap. t z. An Expof:tion upors the Taos, of .J Q B. Ve'rf. a thren or would be rekoned formore than anordinary man when I fay Ihave underfianding'as well asyou , for truly who knows not filch things as theft? yours is hut the common Jdpbah, andYour Inca- , pure but the a?neafmere ofa man. Ihave renderffanding ets well as you. Non furl; The Hebrew is I have a heart as well as you The heart in co snegxeCOY scripture is put -as for,the affcl ions, fo likewife for the.under- rerdidi. {landing : a man without underflanding is aman without an heart : the heart is the treafury wherein' precepts and maximes ofholy_knowledge are laid up ; A goodvvaian out of the food trer+fure of his heart bringeth forthgood things. Hear now this. Ofoolifhpeople, and without undeiftanding, the Hebrew is, andwithout heart, Jer. s.2i. And in the of this book of lob vert. 3 e. Let mets ofunderflanding tell me , the Original! is, Let men of heart tell me : And tfn.. Latines tail a wife man (cor. datura!) a hearty piece, a man of heart. Thename of one of the twelve Apoftles was Lebbcus (from lob the heart) fignifying as much as wife or underftanding. Some, for , Ihave underftand- ong, ready, I have courage and height offfirit, as- well asyoga; The heart in Scripture is often put for courage , z Sam. r 7. a o. He that 'is a valiant Haan, whofi heart is as the heart' of a lion, fhatl utterl-9nelt,' that is, his courage Ihall fail. So the Prophet threatens that the mighty mens hearts in Moab in that day(hall be as the heart ofawoman inher pangs , Jer. 48. 41. The failing of the heart is the failing of courage : that's a good fente here, 7 have courage as well asyou , or I have fpirit to fund to my caufe and maintain what I have aft'erted,- notwithllanding all the con- tempt and contradicîions which you have poured upon me ; you have not yet made coy heart fall though my body , though my eftate be cafte. down. You have loaded me with reproaches and heavy tentures, but my 1pirit bears your infirmity in do- 1..., ing fo. Fion cade a vobis, velpr e volis Hebraif- onus eft, quo caderefgniej -cat alietuan elf fl inferio- seraa Z arr't nát inferiour toyou. I have the fame, for kinde, and-1 have a; much of it as you. The Hebrew is very elegant, I doe not fall bsforeyou., a man th: fails before another-,is fined :rl and overcome. He that fa . under towraftling , is prevaiiea. wer : I doe not fall as the weak- er , l et keep my ground and tiaud uponmy legs. So the word is