Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

190 Chap.12. "in Expofiticnupon the Boo&ofjOB. Verf. s. narchy mùíí, both which have had as Pure footing asthe world with all its wit and ftrength, policy and power, were, or are Ric verficu!us able tomake, what then may the weaker andmore uncompa+`ted obfcurur eft. parts, of the world.expeet. There-isno firm ftanding upon that Mere. which is unfirm ; if our foundation beunfure, our footing can pri p' e- not be fure,moveable creatures will never put us into an ammo prig taíam vel , p facemfrgnrficar veable condition. The foul flandeth faít itt Chrift alone, when non illud afca- we once fixupon him, we are fixed, our feet may flip or Mete, I 1um in quo ignst confefs, thoughwe are in him, but they fliall not flip or flido oleo nutritur Aberr Exra in from him at all for ever. He that is ready to flip with his Lamed, female feet, Ir as a lamp defpifedLamed, Tacit ut fitealamitas i- The words of this text are fomewhat dark, and there are not dem pod TN infoetunium ut who make the a few hkhe lam p the darkeft word in it. One of the : hoc de fe.dicat Rabbins reads very differently. The word which fignifies a per rertramp:r- lamp, he divideth into two words. Lamed; prefixed is fervile fonam ; fum ur (as Grammarians fpeak) noting as much asfor, or becaufe of, ui tdo letú and pid,defti uaion,calamity,or forrow c So it is taken, chap, 31. homing ob afii- 29. If Ihave rejoicedat the deft rnf ion ofhim that hatedme, and tlionem 6 ca- then the fence is, as if yob in the third perfonhad fpoken thus, lamitatem. I am as aman def'jifed in the thoughts of him that is in profyerity, 7da deèfla beca'ufe ofmy affliction:But I Mtall not infifi: upon this tranflatiorf eli ræda fon- t of the word, which fields us this fence, though it ftand entire umpra quo under the notion of a torch or link, which are carried in the jam ujui fireets to give light, or (as we render) of a lamp, which is a eJfe non per Veffel, filled with oil, and fitted with , giving light in the ad præ:ucen- home. Every one knows what a lamp is, but what is a defpi-, dem. Dempry- fed lamp ? a defpifed lamp, is a Ian whole frame is old,worn, 'weber in pre. tie eras f dcon- batter'd and out of fafhion, or t=; ho : e it is confumed. A lamp fumpta footcm ora torch is very defirable in a dad <. _i'r . o, but when 'cis day, nitur. Merc, or when the torch is burnt down to the laft inch, and the lamps Lamps cm- oil is fpentto the laft drop, then both are defixfed, who cares prepea pr for either ? So that, for a man to be looked upon as a de i ed pro re mrl ((i,rá P % f rnuili ha- lamp, is a.proverbial fpeech, importing, that he is of no more bita proverbia- value than a thing ofnaught. tis di locurio A defpifed lamp is of the fame fignification with a fmoaking quo vrrum iiul- firebrand. When the people of I rael wes e in a great fear, at 1runprerüfig P P J g nifccantHebiai, the invafion of Rezin and Remaliab s fon, and the heart of Ahaz ,iolri, the King, moved as theirs, like the trees of the forreft Mtaken with