Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. t i. 44 Expofîtion upon the 'Book of J O B. Verf.iz. do ? Co cut of the retnerynrañce of themfrom the earth, The an- ger of God is (harp (harper then a two - edged ívvurd, it doll) not only cut but cut ;.W, it cuts offbranch and root wicked men, and their remembrance from the earth. Chen god remeanbersfin indeed, when he dethnot leave a remembrance of theinner. There was never any fì.ß committed in the world out God confidered it to punifh it. The fins of beleevers aie :iráidered andpunilhed upon Je(ùs Chrift ; Jutlice went forth againfi Chrift, lie wag ar- relied for our debt , and difcharged it with the full confideration. Believers may tell God, That Quiff bath given him confideration _ for all theirlins. And God tels unbelievers that they mini pay the confideration themfelves. The holy God cannot fee the unholi- neffe of man and not confider it. Man makes no great matter offin but God loth. Man thinks himfelf good enough , though he be flarknaught, and wife enough though he be a very fool. The next verfe leads us into that meditation. Verfe r z. For vain man wouldbe wife , though man is barn like a wildeafes colt. For vain man. r] The Hebrew word fignifieth, hollow or empty, any thing which Signi, car con- bath nothing in ir, and fo a perfon who bath (as we fay) no- c(Mum , va- tnum nullam thing in him. The French call filch perlons Fols, which comes babees f'olidita- near in found to our Englifh word Fools, but their language takes tem: hint notat it up from the latine word Folles, fignifying a pair of bellows, be- flohdot, vanos, carafe the men theymean to decipher by it, are like a pair ofbel- vaut$sadrtnuor lows, fending out nothing but a blaff of winde or air. Theword quo ins, of the text is of the fame intendment with Racha, of Which we dicuntur,fc.ce- reade Matth. s. z2. He thatPall call his brother Racha , &c. that rebro C`fapien- is, an empty man, a man empty ofworth and wifdom, a man that tia. bath no brains in him (as we fay) or no goodneffe fuch a Galli vacant tales fols, quaf man as this is Racha, and he is 2\abub too, an empty, hollow falles inftru- fellow. enentum tuns Hence obferve, quad nihil, con- wain man is anempty man. tinrr;nifrac- He hath nothing in him , but that which is good for nothing. rein. Bold. Racha eandern There is no natural vacuum (asPhilofophers !peak) in any part habet fignifrea.. ofnature. Neither is there a moral vacuum in any man. But a tionem a p,-) thingor perfon is then Paid to be empty; when void of that with evacuate. which it thould be fil'd ; that whichhath not the filling which of