Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Jiro Chap.r5. AnExpafition upon the Book of J O B; Verfa3, JOB, CHA P. 15. Verf. 23,24. He wandreth abroad for bread, faying, Where ie it ? He knoweth that the day of darknefs is ready at hand, Trouble and anguijh Jhall make him afraid, they fhall prevail againfl him, as a King ready tobattei. Hefe two Verfes are a further defcription of the perplex- ed condition ofa wicked man, a dreadfulfound itin his ear, &c. He is waitedfor of thefmord. And what more ? Verf. 23, He wandereth abroad for bread; faying, Where is it ? toliebaaotots! We put in thole words, Saying, and, Le it the Hebrew tum efi,move' being onely this, He wandreth abroad for bread, where ; as if tur propsne, he had faid, No man knows where, andhe knows not whither himfelf. There is a twofold Interpretation of this Wandring; forne underhand it of a powerful roaving abroad for bread ; he frt"u opi takes what he can from thofe whoarenext, or he takes what ryas hic defcri comes next to hand : He mull have it, it matters riot much bietar. with him, how or fromwhom. Such are called Rovers, they Caaetanus, rove abroad for bread , they fpoil and plunder others for the fupply of their wants, (hall I fay, or of their lulls. But i conceive this -Expottion unfuitable ; and the reafon is, be- caule Eliphaz is not here defcribing the fin of a wicked man, but his punifhment ; to fpoil and plunder for bread is his lin; to wander for bread is his punifhment, and implies the evil andmifery that comes upon the wicked, not the evil and mifchief that is done by the wicked. Secondly, To wander, is the condition of a man whohath no fetleddwelling. Paul was once in tuch a: hate, Even to this prefint hour we both hunger, &c andhave nocertaindwellingplace C i Car. ç. t i.) This alfo was the lot of the Jewith Martyrs, They wandred about infheep .thins, &c: (lieb. i 1. 37.) Thefe were holy rvanderers : They wandered in the world, that they might not wanderfrom God,Here we have anunholy wanderer,. whohaving gone aiiray from God,, foundno real among men, a down-right Vagabond ; for fo the word is applied. to Cain