Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

120 Chaps 5. AnExpofttionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf.24. Verf. 24. Trouble and anguifhPall make himafraid, they fhallprevail upon him, as a King ready to Battei. In this Verfe we have a double effect of thole troubles, which are the portion of a wicked man ; the full died is, Theyfhall make him afraid , the fecond effeft is, They (hall pre- vail uponhim; both which are illufirated by an elegant fim' litude, they (hall make him afraid , and they ¡ball prevail upon him, as a King ready to Battle. Trouble and angui(h fhall make him afraid. Trouble without, and anguifh within. (fo Come expound.) He (hall have ftraits in his (late, and a (trait upon his (pint both meeting, (hall not onely of liF,t him, but make him afraid. The wordmay be tranflated tofright, rather than tomake a- fraid : They fhall fcare him, not only out of his comforts but keel grimy out of his wits and fences. Therese is a threefold fear : "8ufla Ftrft, Natural. Secondly, Spiritual. Perrerruir. pr. Tobe fpiritually afraid , is good , and to be naturally a- rurbavit. fraid, is not evil: So Chrifi was not only afraid, but amazed (mark..14 33.) Thirdly, There is a difiraóing , vexing fear, which is both a paillo) and perturbation : This is at once the fin and pu- nifhmentof wicked men. Confider , with what weapons and inftruments God fights againti a wicked man : he doth not fay , Sword and fire fhall make him afraid , Armies of enemies (hall make him afraid, but trouble and anguifh (hall do it God can create and form weapons in our own hearts , to fight againfi us ; Inward an- gui(h is far more grievous than any outward firoak. (Rom.2. 9.) Tribulation andanguifh.fhall be upon every foul that fins, whether of yew or Gentile : Anguilla is the edge of tribulati- on, both joyned, wound Soul and body ; yea , firike thorough both at every blow. Hence note It i, worfe to be afraidof evil , than to feel it t Every thing is to us as we apprehend it , good is not pleating to us , nor evil aflíiáive tous , unlefs we think fo : They who are not afraid of death, welcome it when it comes ; others through fear