Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.'5. An'Expofition'upon the BookofJ O B. Verf.24. fear of death , are held in bondage all the days of' their life. Secondly, Obferve, Difraelingfear is the portion ofa wicked man: The troubles of the righteous are many, but their fears are few, (Pfalm 3 1 z.) His heart is fixed, hefhall not beafraid : 'Tis not Paid, he fhall not hear evil tidings (j know no man whole ears are priviledg'd frcm fuch reports) but hé (hall not be afraid, I will not be afraidof ten thoufands ofpeople, that have fet themfelves againff me roundabout (Pfal.3.6,) Though I walkin the valley of the fhadon of death, I willfear no evil,(Pfal.z3. 4.) are the re- folves of faith : Whofoever hath much fear, hath but little faith, Wherefore areye afraid, 0yeof littlefaith ? Mat. 8. z6. and how can they. but be afraid (when ftorms arife) who are of no faith; when faith encreafeth,fear decreafcth,and when faith is come to the height, fear is gone ; where there is no faith, there can be nothing but fear, trouble and anguifh fhall maize him afraid, that's the firfi effea. But that's not all, anguifh doth not onely fear the wicked man, but prevails againft him.: Some render, -Trouble and an-11 `;; a rarre l guifh intrench about him ; the fenfeis the fame, it is fuch an in- eircumivù. trenchment as concludes in a conqueft; the befieger prevails. Anguilla vain A fecond reads it thus, Troublefhall make him afraid, andan- labit. Vuig. gulf')fhall intreneh about him. The Original joyns the two Sub- rerrebit euro ftantives together, and the Verb is plural, Trouble and angreif, rributaria fhall male him'afraid, they fl all`prevail againff' him, angußia From this fecond effect,! Obferve, labit cum- Evil(hall gent the upper hand of evil men : A good man, pof- fibly may be afraid, and afraid finfully, excefs of fear' may take hold of him, but he fhall not be prevailed againtl (Prov. 24. t 6.) The :JOmanfallsfeven times a day (into afflifion and trouble) and rifeth. up again ; trouble may thro , 4 n down, but it cannot keep, him down (Mie. 7. S.) Rejoyee ñor againff me, 0mine enemy, when Ifall,- I(hall rife ; the Church riles in her falls, and the fornetirnes forefees her riling, when is fallen : The wicked fall, and rife no more And =whereas the Saints are more than conquerdrsthrough him thatlbveth them, wickedmen are more than conquered, they areutterty'ruineä, loft,and vanquifhed, becaule not beloved. ThPiefeare two bat- tels wherein wecanno'ftad without the iftengthof 'Chrif? R Firfr, I21