Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

1 Chapa5. Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf.27. JOB, CHAP. i5.. Vert27,28, 29,3o. Becaufe be covereth bis face with his fatnefr, andmaketh collops of fat on his flanks. Andhe dwetleth:indefolate Cities , andinRolfes which no man inhabiteth, which are ready to become heaps. He (hall not be rich, neither(hall bia Tubjfance continue , neither fhall he prolong theperfetien thereof upon the earth. He fhall not depart cut of darknefs , the flame (hall dry up his branches, andby the breath of bis mouth(hall be go away. S the two former Verfes (hewed fin in the caufe of thofe . evils which befal a wicked man, fo here Eliphaz (hews us two caufes of their fin: Fir(i, Their riches. Secondly, Their power. The firfl is here defcribed tropically by c. Verf 27. Fie covereth his face with fatnefs , andmaketh collops,äf : fle(h on his flanks. Both parts of the Verfè mean the fame thing, (hewing the wicked mens worldly profperity by the ufual vifible effeGsof it; .a fat face, and flefhyflanks. He covereth hisfacewith fatnefs. E2tii sra agi. That is, he is exceeding fat , a phrafe like that ( Ffalm.73. peocca m eo 7. Their eyes /land out with. fatnefs : TheHebrew is, ( Their vum, i. e. ex- eyes are gone out of theirheads through fatnefs : that is , They . iffe videmur Teem as gone or going out of their heads. 'Tis, ufual in the I; g:03'p;,,_ language ofthe Holy defcribe wickedmen by fatnefs, guedine,Bold. ( Pfal.7S.. 31. } Heflew the fatteft of them,; that is, the.worft of them, thofe who were molt Rebellious, longing af. Singulari quo. ter dainties, whenGod had given them bread fromHeaven. dam inJarai.e David Pets forth his Enemies ( and fo the Enemies of Chrift, :nub impü of whom that Pfalm is a Prophefie )under this notion ( Pfal. inïqui (anrur turavocantur, 22. i z. ). Strongtbullr, or fat bulls, cameabout me : By the fat Bulls he means the Scribes and P.harifees, the High Pxieft, and- Rulers, who ( as it were) befet Chrift with continual con (piracies. More plainly (Pfalm. r7.9, io.) Keep me from