Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

168 an'Expofition upon the Book of J O B. VerC30, The breath of mangoes-continually, and fo loth thelife of man ; while man Beeps, his breathgoes, and fo doth his life ; ,while man Rands hill, his breath goes , and fo doth his life : the breath, indeed, is fometimes in a hurry, and goes fatter than it doth at times but though the Iife of man loth not go fatter at one time than at another, yet it always goes. Or if at any time our life may be Paid to go falter than at another, it is when our breath is ( by Come Bop in its pafTage) at a stand ; and when ever our breath comes to a full hop , our life is not only going, but quite gone. The life ofman hath Co much dependance upon his breath, that it is called Breath, and the breath of life : When Clodfor- medman ont of the duff of the ground , he breathed into hir no- firilr the breath oflife,andman became a living Soul.(Gen 2:7.) And as loon as God calls back this breath of life, man be- comes a deadbody or a carkafs : the lifeof man mutt needs go as his breath, for it goes with his breath; and when the life of a wickedman is gone, all ( that he called his)his worldly glo- ry, goes with him : in that day all his thoughts perifh : For, As the breathof his mouth he(hallgo away. Eliphaz having laid down the wicked mans fadcondition, andthe caufes ofit, concludes with a Life or applicationof the whole Uoéfrine, at the 31 Verfe, Let not him, that is deceived irufi in vanity, &c. J B,