Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap. r 5. An Expofttion upon the Book ofJ pB. VerfG 3 a. J O B, C H AP. 15. Verf. 31,32,33,34 35- Let not him that is deceived truft in vanity ; for vanity Jhall be his recompence. It fball be accomplifbed before his time, and his branch (hall not be green. Fde(ball jhake off his unripe Grape as the Vine, andfball raft off bit flower as the Olive. For the Congregation of the Hypocritesfball be defolate, andfire fhsll confume the tabernacle s ofbribery. May conceive mifehief,and bring forth vanity,and.their bellypre, pareth deceit. ELipbaz laid down his Doctrine, at the 20 Verfe of this Chapter, That a wickedmans life is a miferable life, he tra- vels inpain all his days ; and having infifted long upon the proof , henow gives us the Application of it, in a life of Dehortation, Verf. 3a. Let not him that is deceived truff invanity. He inforceththisDehortation by a fummary repetition of the Dotrine before delivered. Which he doth : Full, Plainly, inthe clofe of the 3 t. and in the beginningof the 32 Verfes, For vanity (ball be his recompence s itfhall be ac- complifbed before its time.. Secondly, He doth it Allegorically in the dole of the 32 Vérfe, and the 33. His branch (ball not begreen : Ne fball(bake off Us unripe Grapes as the Vine, analfhall raft' off his flower as the Olive. Having thus preffed his'Doarineby this powerful Motive, he concludes his whole Sermon, with a fresh Affertion of his Dot rin e, againfi twoforts'of wicked men in particular, which ,yet may comprehend all wicked men. Fzrft, Hypocrites,` who corrupt the worfhip of God, orare corrupt while theypretend toworfhip God, Ver.`34. For the Congregation of HypocritesJhall bedefolate. Secondly,