Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

174 Chap.q.,. 1tnF.¡xpoftti¢n tipon;the BooJ¿, of J OB: Verf,3 t. it will leave off to . do wickedly,_ feeing it isof counfel againft its own peace. ' And ,furely, man is not onely under apofii. bility to be deceived, in regard of the impotence and blind - nefs of his heart, but alto uudcr an impoliìbility, not to be deceived, in regard of the skill and unwearied at ;vity of his heart to deceive himfelf. Secoridlÿ, Man hath another deceiver continually about him, The World, and all that is in the World, The tuft of the flejh, the lufi- of the eye , and the pride of life ; all thefe are but as fo many fnares and juggels to cozen and deceive poor man. Thirdly, The Devil, who is, The Deceiver; of whole de- vices we are not ignorant (faith the Apolllc) he is full of tricks and plots; he hath his methods, his arts to deceive, Ever lince the Devil deceived himfelf, he hath been ltudying how to deceive man ; he loth not onely go about like a roaring Lyon, but like a fubtle Serpent, and a.cuuning Fox,'feèking whom he may devour ; or he is a Lyon to devour thofe whom he hath firft deceived as a Fox, or as a Serpent : Man ís a perfwadeable creature Gen.9.27.) God (hall perfwade japhet t9 dwell in the Tents of Shem a The Original word there ufed to perfwade, lignifies alto to deceive, becaufe perfwafions,are of- ten made as Engines of baits to deceive. There is alto a kind of holy fraud in the Gofpel , and man is, as it were, deceived into the obedience ofit. Beingcraf- ty, Icaughtyou with guile, (1 fetchyou over, did I not ?) faith Paul (2 Cor. 12 6.) Now as man is fometimes deceived for his good, fo he is,often and eafily deceived for hishurt, by thefe three Deceivers. Satan, the World, and his ownHeart, perfwade him by an unholydeceit to dwell in the Tents of fin. 1,,r pßfì fc,i Again, Some whoby vanity underhand fin, read the word tUni Vanity twice, "Let not him that is deceiver/by vanity,,truf{ inva- .2C81 pity ; that is, Let not him that is deceived by fin, truflin fin creaetne cre. which Interpretation yields us this truth. $in is deceitful `or dot intatnta, y f a a ten, & rum thus, Sin dotb nothing but deceive.' yro The`Apofile (Heb, 3. 13.)"chargeth 'fin with deceit to its' deco tus dee very face, Exhort one the other, rphille it' is called to day,`:ieff any ceptus,inquam pervonaratm, ofyour,hearts t?P hardned thrói'igh'th ecettfulnefsof se'There ne incanfiret. are three eminent evils in fin, " , 3. ,e... Firf ,